iROCK Sports & Dance Parties
iROCk Events
iROCK Sports & Dance Parties are open to 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
iROCK events run from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. iROCK is only responsible for participants only after they have entered the event building.
iROCK Times
The doors open at 7:00pm. The doors close at 9:30pm so please be prompt in picking up your child. For every ten minutes late you are after 9:30pm, you will be charge a $10 fee.
If your child needs to leave before 9:30pm, you must come into the event, show proper ID, then sign your child out. If your child needs to leave prior to 9:30pm with you or another adult, a note and proper ID will be required at sign-out.
iROCK behavioral rules
Please enjoy yourself. The following behaviors are not acceptable at iROCK parties:
Kissing, suggestive or aggressive dancing, inappropriate display of affection and any sexual acts are allowed. Foul or abusive language is not permitted. Please stay in the party areas, all other areas and equipment are off limits. Please use all equipment for its intended use. Please be respectful to all other party goers and staff. Bullying, fighting and/or picking on other party goes will be not tolerated. All iROCK party goers must remain in the facility until check-out be their parent. In general, rowdiness or disrespect for the staff, chaperones or facilities is not permitted.
Inappropriate use of cell phones will not be tolerated.
iROCK rule violations
Any infractions of the rules will have consequences. The iROCK staff will determine the severity of the infraction and assess appropriate disciplinary actions. The disciplinary actions are the at the discretion of the iROCK staff. Some general guidelines are as follows:
Parents will be called immediately for the following infractions (but not limited to only these infractions): kissing, suggestive/aggressive dancing, inappropriate display of affection, any sexual acts, bullying, repeat offenses and/or leaving the facility other than being check-out by his/her parent.
Other rule infractions will be addressed and one (1) verbal warning will be given. These infractions include, but are not limited to: aggressive play in the sports arena, not following the game rules, being in the non-designated iROCK party areas, mis-using any equipment, being/making a mess, leaving trash. If the infraction happens a second time, the parent of the child making the infraction will be called to pick up the child.
iROCK lost and found
Lost or stolen items are the responsibility of the member.
Strictly prohibited at iROCK events
Smoking is prohibited at all times.
No possession, use, or transfer of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia is permitted.
No weapons of any kind are permitted.
iROCK reserves the right
iROCK reserves the right to dismiss anyone for any reason. iROCK reserves the right to not allow admittance to anyone for any reason. All judgements by iROCK and its staff, officers and agents is final.
Kickball Rules
Teams will be decided by iROCK staff. All teams will be coed. The kicking order will balance male and female batters and will be assigned by iROCK staff.
The Game: 7 innings, 8-12 players per team. Bunting is allowed. All fielders must remain behind the pitchers mound until the ball is kicked. Play is dead once the ball is returned to the pitcher. Base runners more than half way to the next base advance, runners less than half way go back. Play fair and play within the rules of the game. This is just for fun, please do not take it too seriously. If there is a less skilled player, please treat them with respect. You may throw the ball at a base runner to 'get them out'. You should not be aiming for the head or throwing harder than needed to get them out.
Dodgeball Rules
Teams will be decided by iROCK staff. All teams will be coed. Each game must have at least 1 female player on the court for each team.
The Game: Up to 6 players on the court at one time for each team. 6 balls will be placed at center court. Your team is retrieving the 3 balls on the right side only. Balls must be brought behind the attack line on the initial throw only. You must stay in bounds and on your half of the court. If you a ball is throw and caught, the thrower is out. If the throw hits a member of the opposite team and then hits the ground or wall, the player hit is out. You should not be aiming for the head. You can block with a ball in your hand. We will not play that if a throw is caught a player returns to the court of play.
For all sports played at iROCK parties
Have good sportsmanship and have fun. No arguing, no profanity, no yelling at other players. Use all equipment for its intended use.
Dance Floor Rules
Dance and have a great time. No wild dancing, jumping into each other, provocative or suggestive dancing will be permitted. Please do not touch the speakers or any other equipment.
Socializing & Eating Area Rules
Please clean up after your self. If you spill something, clean it up. If you have plates, cups, candy wrappers, etc… please put them in the trash when done. Please recycle when possible. Please be respectful of others around you.