Assessment formsLiteratureStudy of theVUmc School of Medical Sciences
Literature Study portfolio
Student name / Student numberProgramme* / Oncology / Cardiovascular Research
Institute* / Internal/external
*please tick where appropriate
- (A2) Survey Outlinepage 3
- (B2) Evaluation Literature Studypage 4
- Hardcopy Report x2
- Digital Copy Report
This portfolio contains all the forms required for the completion of a literature study as part of the training program at the VUmc School of Medical Sciences. The student must print the entire portfolio and use it as a guideline during the course of a literature study.
During the literature study, copies of the different forms must be sent to either (Master Oncology) or (Master Cardiovascular Research). At the end of the literature study, the student must check all boxes on the first page of the portfolio and hand in the complete portfolio at the Student Service Desk together with two hard copies of the report. A digital version of the report must be sent to the email-addresses mentioned above.
Time line
The student is responsible for contacting a department and requesting an literature study placement. If the student is planning to perform a literature study outside the VUmc, he/she is also responsible for contacting an internal VUmc supervisor.
When a department accepts the student for a literature study, the following steps need to be taken:
- Before starting theliterature study, the Student needs to ask for approval from the Examination Board via the digital Approval Form:
Note: The student needs to have passed the minor internship before aliterature study can be approved or started.
- The Student must also register the literature study on VUnet.
- The Literature Study Assessor needs to confirm the placement.
- The Examination Board decides whether the literature study will be approved.
- When approval has been granted, the student is permitted to start the literature study.
- Within 2 weeksafter the start of the internship, the Student hands in a copy of the Survey Outline (A) to either or .
- At the end of the literature study, the Student gives a Final Presentation, hands in the Report, and has the Supervisor and Assessor complete the digital Assessment Form: In addition, the Student fills out the Literature Study Evaluation (B2).
- When all the assessment forms have been completed, the Student must hand in the entire literature study portfolio at the Student Service Desk, includingtwo hardcopy versions of the Report and a digital copy of the Report to either or .
- The Literature StudyExaminer will appoint an Independent Assessor to separately assess the report.
- When the portfolio is complete and the grades are sufficient, the Examination Board will approve the literature study and the student will be granted the assigned credits.
Assessor = Principal Investigator/Head of the department/Professor
Internal VUmc supervisor = VUmc-employed expert in case of external literature study (outside VUmc)
Literature Study examiner = VU-appointed official responsible for internship/literature study examination
(A2) SurveyOutline concept
Your Survey Outlineshould have the following form:
- Student information
Name Assessor:
University: Department:
- Title of the project
- Summary (1 paragraph)
- Description of the subject
4.1 Introduction(ca. 1 page)
4.2 Approach(ca. 2 pages)
4.3 Planning(short)
- Literature
(List of important papers)
- Start, finish and time schedule
Time Schedule
- Signature
Name student:
Please return the form, completed and signed, to postal address: Master Oncology/Cardiovascular Research
p/a SSC, MF-A114 or via e-mail (submit the form in PDF format)/.
Survey Outline Assessment form (Assessor)
Placeholder for the digital assessment form
Please use this to assess the survey outline and use it to fill out the digital assessment form after completion of the literature study.
Name studentStudent number / Year of introd.
Survey outline / Please use numerical values / <5.5 (Insufficient)
5.5 - 6.5 (Sufficient)
7.0 - 8.0 (Good)
8.5 - 10 (Excellent)
Writing process
Process of writing / The student independently gathers and interprets the results and literature
Processing of literature / The students interprets the literature well
Processing of results / The student interprets the obtained results well
Overall concept / The report is balanced and clearly presented
Contents / The contents adequately covers the field of interest
Written feedbackAssessor
(B2) Literature Study Evaluation
Placement informationName and student number
(not compulsory)
Placement / Internal/ External
In case of external placement
Internal Supervisor
Start date / End date
Please give your opinion about the following subjects
-- = strongly disagree/very poor - = disagree/poor +/- = neutral + = agree/good ++ = strongly agree/very good NA: Not Applicable
-- / - / +/- / + / ++ / NA
Aspects concerning content and organization
1. It was relatively easy to find a placement.
2. The subject was interesting.
3. Knowledge obtained during the compulsory courses was applicable to my placement.
4. There was a clear project written for me.
5. The project was feasible and realistic.
6. The material supplies were sufficient (e.g. equipment, availability of patient material, computer facilities).
7. I obtained adequate knowledge and skills with regard to
Phrasing of a hypothesis/question or formulation of a problem
Determination of method of investigation
Collection of reliable results
Summarizing the research into a report or an article
8. I have increased my understanding of scientific research
Aspects concerning supervision
9. Clear agreements had been made when I started my placement.
10. Everyone complied to the agreements made.
11. Right from the start I was aware of the intensity and the way of supervision.
12. There was good communication with the supervisor(s).
13. In the case of questions or problems there were sufficient opportunities to consult the supervisor(s) .
14. I was encouraged to show initiative.
15. I was trained well and I had the possibility to learn new techniques when applicable.
16. I was encouraged to work independently.
17. During my placement I received feedback about what I did correct or points I should improve.
18. In general my questions/ problems were answered/ resolved satisfactory.
19. In the case of an external placement: The supervision by the instruction from the VU was sufficient and adequate.
20. Overall, the evaluation of the supervision during the placement was:
Aspects concerning credits assessment
21. The guidelines for the credits assessment were clear.
22. The guidelines for the credits assessment were applied appropriately .
23. I agree with the credit assessment of
My practical work
My report/ article
My presentation
Aspects concerning study load
24. I finished my placement within the planned time period (including report and presentation).
25. In case you did not finish within the planned time: It was worth it.
26. Do you recommend doing a placement at this department to other student?
Additional feedback