Monday, July 21, 2014
A regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Vauxhall was held in council chambers on Monday, July 21, 2014, @ 6:00 p.m.
MAYOR Margaret Plumtree
DEPUTY MAYOR:Russell Norris
COUNCILLORS: Linda English
Marilyn Forchuk
Martin Kondor
Christie Sorensen
Also Present:
Acting Chief Administrative Officer: Cris Burns
Administrative Assistant:Tanya Strydom
Vauxhall AdvanceBill Schnarr
R.C.M.PConst. Kevin Lambert
NC AquaticsRyan Jones
Jennifer CrowsonVauxhall Minor Hockey
Friends of the PoolTammy Turner
Debbie Brummelhuis
CouncillorRichard Phillips
Mayor Plumtree called the meeting to order at 6.05 p.m.
Adoption of
RES: 14:232MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to adopt the agenda as presented.
Delegation: Jennifer Crowson, secretary for the Vauxhall minor hockey informed council of the association’s decision to offer monetary assistance for the upgrades of the arena, including vanities and painting, and the development of change rooms 1, 3 and 4. She commended public works for the work already done.
Deputy Mayor Norris left chambers at 6:56 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Norris returned to chambers at 6:58 p.m.
Councillor Sorensen left chambers at 7:25 p.m.
Councillor Sorensen returned to chambers at 7:26 p.m.
RES: 14:233MOVED by Councillor Forchuk to accept the following as information.
- R.C.M.P Report – May and June 2014
- Vauxhall Minor Hockey – Jennifer Crowson
- NC Aquatics – Ryan Jones
RES: 14:234MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to adopt the minutes of the regular meeting of council of June 16th, 2014, as presented.
RES: 14:235MOVED by Councillor Forchuk to adopt the minutes of the special meeting of council of June 23rd, 2014, as presented.
RES: 14:236MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to adopt the minutes of the Bylaw and Policies committee meeting of council of July 10th, 2014, as presented.
Policy – Policy
No 019-2014
RES: 14:237MOVED by Councillor English to table the Whistleblowing Policy for further review.
RES: 14:238MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to accept the following minutes as information.
- Subdivision & Development meeting of June 9th, 2014
- Personnel Committee meeting of July 14th, 2014
- Taber & District Housing Foundation meeting of May 28th, 2014
- Barons-Eureka-Warner FCSS meeting of May 7th, 2014
Accounts Payable Cheque Listing -May 1st to May 31st, 2014Cheque# / Date / Recipient / Amount
7502 / 02/05/2014 / AB ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL DIST & C / 1208.99
7503 / 02/05/2014 / AMSC INSURANCE SERVICES LTD / 3730.11
7504 / 02/05/2014 / ATCO GAS / 25.90
7505 / 02/05/2014 / BERGEN, WENDY / 61.85
7506 / 02/05/2014 / CIBC / 300.00
7507 / 02/05/2014 / CUPE LOCAL 2038 / 452.72
7508 / 02/05/2014 / JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL / 375.23
7509 / 02/05/2014 / JOHNSON ESTHER / 20888.28
7510 / 02/05/2014 / JOHNSON LES / 200.00
7511 / 02/05/2014 / LOCAL AUTHORITIES PENSION PLAN / 6820.99
7512 / 02/05/2014 / LETHBRIDGE MOBILE SHREDDING IN / 23.10
7513 / 02/05/2014 / MPE ENGINEERING LTD / 62.50
7514 / 02/05/2014 / NATURAL GREEN GROCERY / 12.35
7515 / 02/05/2014 / NORRIS RUSSELL / 489.78
7516 / 02/05/2014 / PEACE VALLEY CHURCH / 150.00
7517 / 02/05/2014 / RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA / 10617.11
7518 / 02/05/2014 / SOUTHERN ALBERTA NEWSPAPERS / 204.12
7519 / 02/05/2014 / STARTEC REFRIGERATION COMPRESSION / 1008.53
7520 / 02/05/2014 / STOESZ WILLY / 150.00
7521 / 02/05/2014 / TOWN OF BOW ISLAND / 2562.85
7522 / 02/05/2014 / TOWN OF VAUXHALL / 80.00
7523 / 02/05/2014 / UNIFIRST CANADA LTD / 199.43
7524 / 02/05/2014 / UNRUH, TERI / 790.00
7525 / 02/05/2014 / WORKER'S COMPENSATION BOARD / 342.70
7526 / 16/05/2014 / KRESS, MIKE / 1658.10
7527 / 14/05/2014 / ACCU-FLO METER SERVICE LTD / 80.64
7528 / 14/05/2014 / ALBERTA ONE-CALL CORPORATION / 107.10
7529 / 14/05/2014 / BOOT TRUCKING LTD / 2940.00
7530 / 14/05/2014 / CAMPBELL, SHAYNE AND KARI / 2967.20
7531 / 14/05/2014 / D & R AUTO PARTS / 371.92
7533 / 14/05/2014 / EVANGELICAL MENNONITE MISSION / 150.00
7534 / 14/05/2014 / F. MILLER EXCAVATING LTD / 3549.00
7536 / 14/05/2014 / MACPHERSON LESLIE & TYERMAN LLP / 924.00
7537 / 14/05/2014 / MILLER, MATT / 24.03
7538 / 14/05/2014 / PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL CREDIT SERVICE / 410.89
7539 / 14/05/2014 / PLUMTREE, MARGARET / 145.80
7540 / 14/05/2014 / PRIME RENTALS LTD / 236.25
7541 / 14/05/2014 / REYNO'S CONTRACTING / 75.00
7542 / 14/05/2014 / RIVERS ELECTRIC (TABER) CO / 627.90
7543 / 14/05/2014 / SENNEKER CONSTRUCTION LTD / 257.25
7544 / 14/05/2014 / SOUTH COUNTRY CO OP / 2955.74
7545 / 14/05/2014 / SOUTHERN ALBERTA NEWSPAPERS / 273.00
7546 / 14/05/2014 / STRYDOM, TANYA / 141.37
7547 / 14/05/2014 / SYLOGIST LTD. / 2415.00
7548 / 14/05/2014 / THE CYPRESS GROUP / 442.48
7549 / 14/05/2014 / THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COM / 1333.81
7550 / 14/05/2014 / TOWN OF REDCLIFF / 1822.80
7551 / 14/05/2014 / UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA / 278.25
7552 / 14/05/2014 / VAUXHALL & DISTRICT REGIONAL / 23962.67
7553 / 14/05/2014 / VAUXHALL HIGH SCHOOL / 150.00
7554 / 14/05/2014 / WOLF, KATHRINA & JACOB / 29.00
7566 / 28/05/2014 / PLUMTREE, MARGARET / 108.00
7567 / 28/05/2014 / RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA / 9902.10
7572 / 28/05/2014 / TOWN OF VAUXHALL / 118.32
91753-91756 / 15/05/2014 / PAYROLL - Mid month advance / 3300.00
91757-91763 / 31/05/2014 / PAYROLL - Month end / 14946.54
91764-91770 / 31/05/2014 / PAYROLL - Honorariums / 3386.23
EFT / 12/05/2014 / VISA / 2651.78
EFT / 30/05/2014 / TRANS ALTA / 216.53
Total in CAN Fund: / 141,813.39
May 2014
Cheque Listing
Financial Information
RES: 14:239MOVED by CouncillorKondor to accept the May 1st – May 31st, 2014 cheque listing in the amount of one hundred and forty one thousand, eight hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty nine cents ($141,813.39), as information.
RES: 14:240MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to accept the following as information:
- Bank reconciliation as of May 31st, 2014
- Visa statement – April 22nd– May 21st, 2014
Accounts Payable Cheque Listing -June 1st to June 30th, 2014Cheque# / Date / Recipient / Amount
7574 / 05/06/2014 / PLUMTREE, MARGARET / 1323.20
7575 / 05/06/2014 / YAROSLAWKY, CASSIDY / 499.99
7576 / 13/06/2014 / TASHIRO, SHAE LYNN / 500.00
7577 / 12/06/2014 / AB ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL DIST & C / 258.99
7578 / 12/06/2014 / ALBERTA ONE-CALL CORPORATION / 63.00
7579 / 12/06/2014 / BERGEN, WENDY / 351.90
7580 / 12/06/2014 / BEXTE CLEM / 220.00
7581 / 12/06/2014 / BROOKS BULLETIN / 84.00
7582 / 12/06/2014 / CHINOOK ARCH REGIONAL LIBRARY / 318.62
7583 / 12/06/2014 / HOMETOWN HARDWARE / 172.18
7584 / 12/06/2014 / KOST FIRE EQUIPMENT LTD / 347.39
7585 / 12/06/2014 / P.R.K. BROS. LTD / 3475.50
7586 / 12/06/2014 / PITNEY WORKS / 1600.00
7587 / 12/06/2014 / PLANETCLEAN / 189.35
7588 / 12/06/2014 / PLUMTREE, MARGARET / 216.00
7589 / 12/06/2014 / SOUTHGROW REGIONAL INITIATIVE / 450.80
7590 / 12/06/2014 / UNIFIRST CANADA LTD / 281.65
7591 / 12/06/2014 / UNRUH, TERI / 330.00
7592 / 25/06/2014 / AIR STREAM KITCHEN EXHAUST & DUCT / 918.75
7593 / 25/06/2014 / BALDRY SUGDEN / 202.92
7594 / 25/06/2014 / BERGEN, WENDY / 70.20
7595 / 25/06/2014 / BOOT TRUCKING LTD / 3675.00
7596 / 25/06/2014 / BOW RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICT / 150.00
7597 / 25/06/2014 / CIBC / 300.00
7598 / 25/06/2014 / CUPE LOCAL 2038 / 362.04
7599 / 25/06/2014 / D & R AUTO PARTS / 143.56
7600 / 25/06/2014 / DUNPHY MELINDA / 47.40
7601 / 25/06/2014 / ENGLISH LINDA / 75.60
7602 / 25/06/2014 / FARNSWORTH, JOE-ANNE / 89.25
7603 / 25/06/2014 / GERTY'S GRAVEL / 678.70
7604 / 25/06/2014 / GRAPHCOM PRINTERS (2001) LTD / 232.44
7605 / 25/06/2014 / GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS / 22.80
7606 / 25/06/2014 / HAGEN A BRIAN / 166.82
7607 / 25/06/2014 / HI-WAY 9 EXPRESS LTD / 112.99
7608 / 25/06/2014 / JETS STADIUM SOCIETY / 10000.00
7609 / 25/06/2014 / LOCAL AUTHORITIES PENSION PLAN / 4971.86
7610 / 25/06/2014 / MPE ENGINEERING LTD / 3458.03
7611 / 25/06/2014 / MUNICIPAL WORLD INC / 51.97
7612 / 25/06/2014 / NATURAL GREEN GROCERY / 43.62
7613 / 25/06/2014 / OLDMAN RIVER REGIONAL / 1682.00
7614 / 25/06/2014 / PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL CREDIT SERVIC / 387.76
7615 / 25/06/2014 / PRIME RENTALS LTD / 425.25
7616 / 25/06/2014 / PRIORITY FIRST AID & SAFETY / 770.00
7617 / 25/06/2014 / RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA / 9962.26
7618 / 25/06/2014 / REINLAND CHURCH / 150.00
7619 / 25/06/2014 / ROTO-ROOTER SEWER & DRAIN / 1517.78
7620 / 25/06/2014 / SOUTH COUNTRY CO OP / 2245.49
7621 / 25/06/2014 / SOUTHERN ALBERTA NEWSPAPERS / 1387.53
7622 / 25/06/2014 / THE CYPRESS GROUP / 116.01
7623 / 25/06/2014 / THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COM / 1690.77
7624 / 25/06/2014 / TOWN OF BOW ISLAND / 2781.36
7625 / 25/06/2014 / TOWN OF REDCLIFF / 2263.10
7626 / 25/06/2014 / TOWN OF VAUXHALL / 102.61
7627 / 25/06/2014 / UNIFIRST CANADA LTD / 281.65
7628 / 25/06/2014 / UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA / 181.09
7629 / 25/06/2014 / VAUXHALL & DISTRICT REGIONAL / 30762.19
7630 / 25/06/2014 / VAUXHALL BUSINESS SOCIETY / 1000.00
7631 / 25/06/2014 / W.R. MEADOWS OF WESTERN CAN / 518.60
7632 / 25/06/2014 / WORKER'S COMPENSATION BOARD / 313.28
91771-91774 / 15/06/2014 / PAYROLL - Mid month advance / 3300.00
91775-91782 / 30/06/2014 / PAYROLL - Month end / 17333.18
91773-91789 / 30/06/2014 / PAYROLL - Honorariums / 3509.05
EFT / 11/06/2014 / VISA / 430.89
EFT / 11/06/2014 / TELUS / 488.71
EFT / 16/06/2014 / TELUS / 981.77
EFT / 30/06/2014 / SCHOOL TAX / 55661.67
Total in CAN Fund: / 183,851.32
June 2014
Cheque Listing
Financial Information
RES: 14:241MOVED by Councillor Forchuk to accept the June 1st – June 31st, 2014 cheque listing in the amount of one hundred and eighty three thousand, eight hundred and fifty one dollars and thirty two cents ($183,851.32), as information.
RES: 14:242MOVED by CouncillorKondor to accept the following as information:
- Bank reconciliation as of June 30th, 2014
Mayor Plumtree left chambers at 7:56 p.m.
Mayor Plumtree returned to chambers at 7:58 p.m.
Request for Decision
RES: 14:243MOVED by Councillor English to accept request for Honorarium for Mayor Plumtree and to authorize payment of $290.00.
Request for Decision
Asphalt and Concrete
Vauxhall Landfill
RES: 14:244MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to accept the request and allow the MD of Taber to crush the stockpiled asphalt and concrete at the Vauxhall landfill, for their own use and at their own cost. The stockpiled material will remain at the site until it is utilized to repair various roads in the Vauxhall and Hays area
Request for Decision
Vauxhall Cemetery
RES: 14:245MOVED by Councillor Forchuk to direct the Town Foreman and staff to assist the Vauxhall cemetery Committee with their project of cutting and excavation of sod and dirt, as well as the removal and discarding of cement covers at the cemetery.
Request for Decision
Extension Subdivision
File 2005-0-075
RES: 14:246MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to grant the extension on file 2005-0-075 to allow adequate time for finalization of the subdivision.
RES: 14:247MOVED by Councillor English to accept the following reports as information:
- Bylaw reports – May and June 2014
- Action List
- Public Works
- Councillors Report
Information items
RES: 14:248MOVED by Councillor Sorensen to accept the following as information:
- Alberta Transportation
- Picture Butte & Districts Agricultural Society
Amendment of
RES: 14:249MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to amend the agenda as presented.
- (9) Discussion Item -
Discussion Item
Lions Park/Skuban
RES: 14:250MOVED by Deputy Mayor Norris to follow through with the recommendation from the Regional Water Service Commission Res: V-2014-202,that the Town of Vauxhallto direct Public Works that work be initiated to move the ‘Lions Park/Land owner’ waterline and vault.
Committee of the Whole
RES: 14:251MOVED by CouncillorKondor to go in to committee of the whole council to discuss legal matters at 8:32 p.m.
Committee of the Whole
RES: 14:252MOVED by Councillor Sorensen to close committee of the whole council at 9:34 p.m.
RES: 14:253Movedby Councillor Sorensen to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:35 p.m.