Albany State University
College of Education
Employment Verification Form
Candidates who are employed with an accredited school system in the state of Georgia may present this form as proof of employment and as verification that they have completed and cleared a criminal background check and have permission from the employer to complete required field experiences in the named school.
Name RAM ID Number:
Phone Number: Email:
This is to certify that (Name of employee/ASU Candidate) is employed as (Position). He/She has completed and cleared a criminal background check and is approved to complete his/her Field Experience
at (Name of School Employed in).
Name of Employing School System:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
_______________________________________________________ ______________________________
Name of the institution official Title
__________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of the institution official Date
Albany State University · Albany, Georgia 31705 · Telephone 229-430-4715
University System of Georgia · An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution – m/f/v/h