St. Stephen Parish
27519 Monroe Rd. 533
Monroe City, MO 63456
Holy Rosary Rectory
St. Stephen Rectory
Rev. Michael W. Penn, Pastor
Rev. William Flanagan,
Pastor Emeritus
Deacon Mike Long
St. Stephen's website:
Scripture Readings for May 12, 2013
The Ascension of the Lord
Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11: When He had said this, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him from their sight. "This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen Him going into heaven."
Psalm 47:2-3,6-7,8-9: "God mounts His throne to shouts of joy: A blare of trumpets for the Lord."
Ephesians 1:17-23: And He put all things beneath His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the Church, which is His body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.
Luke 24:46-53: As He blessed them He parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did Him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
1) The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these priests in our daily prayer intentions:
Date Priest Assignment
05/05 Rev. Anthony Vivano St. Peter, Jeff City
05/06 Rev. Dennis Schaab, C.PP.S. Retired, Sedalia
05/07 Rev. Matthew Flatley Boonville, Fayette
05/08 Rev. Robert Berry, O.P. Newman Center, Columbia
05/09 Rev. David Means Chamois, Morrison
05/10 Rev Sylvester Bauer Retired, Freeburg
05/11 Rev. Msgr. Louis McCorkle Retired, Conception Abbey
· Fr. Bill's sister and sister in law, Vera O'Neill and Pat Flanagan, are arriving this Tuesday, May 7th, for a two week visit. They will be staying at the rectory and visiting Fr. Bill in Shelbina during the day. If you would like to visit with Vera and Pat, please call at the rectory, 735-4033 or Pat Kendrick, 734-2541.
· The next KC meeting will be held Wednesday, June 5th.
· Friday's Student Liturgy will be led by the kindergarten students. Eucharistic ministers are Betty Fulton, Rose Ellen Mudd, Nick Hays and Denise Saunders.
· Eighth Grade Graduation Wednesday, May 15th, beginning at 7:00 PM at Holy Rosary Church.
· Track Banquet will be held on Thursday, May 9th, beginning at 6:00 in the Knights of Columbus Hall. Meat drinks, and tableware will be provided. Each family is asked to bring two “carry-in” dishes to share. Donations will be accepted to pay for the expense of the meat.
· Mrs. Courtney Bensonwill fill the open teaching position as the second grade teacher next school year. We look forward to her being a part of the Holy Rosary School family.
· Plans continue to evolve for the building of a new school for Holy Rosary students. Please continue to pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit as the ministry of Catholic education is provided to the young people of the Monroe City Community.
There will be a CRHP Potluck Dinner Reunion this evening, May 5th, beginning at 5:30 PM at Holy Rosary's KC Hall. Pulled pork sandwiches will be provided. All CRHP participants and their spouses are encouraged to attend. (See flyer attached to this week's bulletin.)
May 5, 2013
Day Time Intention
Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM Leader-Ruth Ann Lorenson
Tues. 7:30 AM Adolph Utterback
Wed. 7:30 AM Johnny Hays
Thurs. 7:30 AM Liv.+Dec'd Miller Family
Fri. Student Liturgy 8:20 AM Bertha Williams
Sat. Holy Rosary 5:30 PM Alice Berry
Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Families of St. Stephen &
Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Madilynn St.Clair
Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:
Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary
Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen
(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)
April 28th Offertory ~ $1,048.29
Catholic Home Mission Appeal Collection ~ $202.00
Sixth Sunday of Easter
The peace Jesus speaks of is not the peace the world speaks of. The peace Jesus bestows upon His peace is recognized and experienced by submitting to the Will of the Father and bringing it to completion in our daily living. By being faithful to all the Father calls us to, especially in times of trial and persecution that Jesus prepares His disciples for, we will be welcomed in His Presence for all eternity. May we always be faithful to all the Father calls us to, seeking to fulfill His Will so as to live with Him for all eternity.
Mass will be celebrated this afternoon at historic St. Peter Church in Brush Creek at 1:00 o’clock. A reception will be held following the Mass. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to this Mass and gathering.
Congratulations to the high school graduates of Holy Rosary and St. Stephen parishes: Leah Danielle Albus, Tyler William Betancourt, Mason Anthony Browning, Roberta Llewellyn Burns, Olivia Addison Crager, Jennifer Elaine Durbin, Blake Ryan Grice, Luke Peter Gerard Long, Abbie Marie Power, Brandon Kern Underwood, Kelly Renee Winking. As they begin this new chapter of their lives may they welcome and accept the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit each and every day.
There will be a Blood Drive held Monday, May 6th, at Holy Rosary's KC Hall from 1:00-6:00 PM. Please bring your ID.
The next meeting is May 9th at 6:00 PM beginning with a carry-in meal. The State Vice-Regent will be at the May meeting. The social committee will take care of the desserts.The social committee for the May meeting is Diane Kunce, Ann Gander, Donna Long, Carol Orscheln, Annette Carmean, and Debra Luetkemeyer.
Holy Rosary and St. Stephen youth are sponsoring a Mother's Day Breakfast Buffet next Sunday, May 12th, at Holy Rosary's KC Hall from 9:00-11:00 AM. Scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, fruit and cinnamon rolls will be served at the cost of $7.00/adults, $3.00/children with children under 3 years free. This fundraiser is being held to support the 15 high school students and 4 adults who will be attending Catholic Heart Work Camp in Denver, CO from June 15th through the 23rd. Your help in supporting our student's efforts in assisting those less fortunate would be greatly appreciated.
High School Graduation 2013
High School Graduation Mass is May 5th It will be followed by breakfast for the graduates, families and grandparents. If you are unable to attend, please call Sr. Eileen at 735-4718 or 735-2685.
Roger Dennison, Jan Spalding, Harold Spalding,
Tina Begley, Jim Hunt, Leslie Long, Lloyd Shuck,
Joe & Patti Kendrick, Jim Chitwood, Troy Ritter,
Jennifer Smith, Tina Begley, Don Gander
For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers, we pray to the Lord.
If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for 2 weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing.
Today’s reading from Revelation offers a vision of the City of God, the New Jerusalem. “But,” the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “that ‘life to come’ is in continuity with this present life through the human goods, the worthy human purposes, which people foster now.”(SeeStewardship: A Disciple’s Response,page 21)
Please all Sen. Brian Munzlinger at 573-751-7985 and ask him to vote for HB 400. This willban WebCam abortions in Missouri. WebCam abortion allows a doctor to dispense chemical abortifacients without being physically present (video conference).
~ Natural Family Planning-Couple to Couple League News ~
· Free Intro Session:The first class of a main class series beginning Sunday, May 5th, 1:00 PM, at Immaculate Conception Cafeteria in Macon, is open and free to all. Whether single, engaged, married, or simply interested in what NFP is all about, all are welcome to come and learn more. RSVP requested but not required. Contact Jeremy & Maria Henson at(573) .
· New CycleProGo:CCL has just launched a new online charting tool that can be accessed via web or mobile device! It can be used to record daily fertility observations, up to 20 other user-defined custom events, automatically calculate phase divisions using CCL's rules, and easily share charts with teachers or other users. All current CCL members and new enrollees are eligible for a free trial.
NFP-CCL Blog:For a list of upcoming classes, teaching couples, articles and more, go to
The Hannibal chapter of MO Right to Life 33rd annual Yard Sale will take place this year at Hannibal-LaGrange University, Mabee Sports Complex, on Thursday, May 16 (sneak preview 4-7 PM/$1.00 fee), Friday, 5/17 8:00 AM-7:00 PM, Saturday, 5/18, 8:00 AM-noon (50% off). Donations of clothing and household items may be dropped off at the sports center (back entrance) on Monday, 5/13; Tuesday, 5/14; Wednesday 5/15 from 8:00 AM-4:20 PM. (No mattresses, televisions or computers.) Pies and desserts needed for our Bake Sale. To volunteer, call Pat Murphy, 221-9920.
The Food Bank will be holding their monthly distribution on Friday, May 17th and Saturday, May 18th. Please remember those in need.
Meet, pray, visit and dine with our diocesan seminarians when they visit Holy Rosary Parish in Monroe City on Friday, May 24th beginning with dinner at 6:00 PM. A seminarian will share his story with us at 6:45 and the seminarians will leave the parish at 7:35 PM. Since they are coming to see us, it would be great if we have a good showing at this dinner to support them and let them know we are praying for them. A free will offering basket will be at the dinner to help cover the costs of this retreat.
St Mary’s Knights of Columbus in Shelbina would like to thank our neighboring parishes for their help and support last Sunday for our 4th annual Catholic Education Fundraiser. It was a great success and fun was had by all.
The Diocese of Jefferson City will hold a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children session on Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 PM at Holy Family Church, Hannibal (session will be held in St. Michael Hall-church basement). The VIRTUS program is one component of the overall effort to protect God’s children and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers 18 years of age and over who have ongoing and unsupervised contact with children and youth are required to attend a VIRTUS session. All parents and other adults in the parish community are encouraged to attend. To register for the session or to view valuable resources regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults, please go to
Adoration Chapel Hours
Sunday, 11:00 PM-12:00 AM; Friday, midnight-1:00 AM; Saturday 9-10 PM Please call Steph McClelland (573) 248-4110anytime, 24/7, if your replacement hasn't come or you need a sub.
*Liturgy Appointments
May 5 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
Rosary Madeline Williams
Greeter Artie & Carolyn Whelan
Music Peggy Spalding & Debby Quinn
Song Leader Carol Mudd
Servers Ralph & Sherri Lemongelli
Lector Tyson Mulvaney
Offertory Albert & Ruthie Miles
Communion Ministers Dennis & Kaye Spalding, P.A. & Kay Turnbull,
Beth Whelan
Counters Michelle Kendrick, Joe & Marie Purol
May 12 – The Ascension of the Lord
Rosary Maureen Lemongelli
Greeter Dwayne & Madeline Williams
Music Beth Whelan
Song Leader Lee Anderson
Servers Blake Hays & Bailey Hays
Lector Laura Mulvaney
Offertory Tyson & Laura Mulvaney
Communion Ministers Dc. Mike Long, Peggy Spalding, Phil Whelan,
Dwayne & Madeline Williams
Counters Mark McNally, Norma Rubison
May 19 – Pentecost
Rosary Glen Bichsel
Greeter Chuck Wunsch
Music Sr. Sue Walker & Floyd Buckman
Song Leader Jonathan McClelland
Servers Dwayne & Madeline Williams
Lector Nancy Shively
Offertory Joe & Marie Purol
Communion Ministers Dc. Mike Long, Lee & Kathy Anderson,
Deanna Buckman, Rose McNally
Counters Tom Hagan, Maureen Lemongelli
Ushers for May
Steve Yates, John Yates, Jr. Stan Zurweller, Dan Adam
* All Liturgy appointees for the Mass, including the Ushers, please check with the Sacristan 15 minutes before Mass so all Eucharistic ministries are covered.
Parish Council Members: Pres., Steve Yates; V. Pres., Tom Hagan; Sec'y, Michelle Kendrick; Mark McNally, Joe Shively and T. L. Pangborn
Finance Committee: Pres. Shane Spalding; Sec'y. Kathy Anderson; David Hays
K of C’s: Grand Knight, Frank Lemongelli; Deputy Grand Knight, Matt Hays; Recording Secretary, Eric Keller; Financial Secretary, Danny Adam
Altar Society Officers: Pres., Julie Hays; V. Pres., Jenn Hays, Sec'y, Madeline Williams; Treas., Kaye Spalding
Picnic Committee: Coordinator, George Spalding; Treas., Shane Spalding
Cemetery Committee: Pres., Joe Purol; V. Pres., Bill Smith, Sec'y, Dennis Spalding, Treas. Paul Quinn, Nick Hays
Cemetery Clean-Up Dates: Second Saturday of March, beginning at 9:00 AM
Medjugorje Message of April 25, 2013
"Dear children! Pray, pray, keep praying until your heart opens in faith as a flower opens to the warm rays of the sun. This is a time of grace which God gives you through my presence but you are far from my heart, therefore, I call you to personal conversion and to family prayer. May Sacred Scripture always be an incentive for you. I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."