Identify Phonemes

*Whole Group Instruction

GOAL: Identify the first sound of names and identify another object with the same sound.

MATERIALS: Photos of each child

Basket to hold photos

1. Put photos in basket.

2. Randomly select a photo.

3. Class says name of student, and identifies the beginning sound.

4. Class brainstorms an object that begins with the same sound.

Ex. Donna / doll

Pam / paper

Phoneme Segmentation Lesson #1

*Whole Group, Small Group, Centers

GOAL: Segment words into phonemes/syllables

MATERIALS: Unifix cubes (2 cube & 3 cube trains)

Visuals of fruits and vegetables

1. Name all visuals first (Vocab intro).

2. Model one as a group.

3. Hold up visual and clap out syllables.

4. Students hold up 1/2/3 unifix cubes for instant feedback.

NOTE: Can be modified using words with sounds (i.e., “How many sounds are in the word “pig”?)

Phoneme Segmentation Lesson #2

*Small Group

GOAL: Segment words into phonemes/syllables

MATERIALS: Variety of picture cards

Bead bracelets (approx. 6 beads on each) for

each child

1. Each child receives a bead bracelet

2. Review (or introduce) phoneme segmentation

3. Show picture card, then have each child manipulate beads, saying a sound for each phoneme.

4. Take turns presenting individually, watching all for accuracy.