Central Service Area Meeting

April 28, 2016

Members Present: Heather Grubb, Alicia Engels, Justin Bullock, Angela Cameron, Chris Walters, Jessica Kronberg, Michelle Swalin, Kim Barrow, Fred Birchett, Aaron Reidmiller, Kim Turner, Matt Spruill, Sharon Entsminger, Tom Gates, Paul Wilmoth, Marcy Durrer, and Bill Conkle.

Welcome and Call to Order:

Justin Bullock, CSA Chair, called the meeting to order. Mr. Bullock welcomed the group to New Kent. Round table introductions were held.

Approval of Minutes from February 4 Meeting:

Minutes were amended to reflect correct name spellings. Paul Wilmoth motions to accept minutes with proposed changes. Motion seconded by Aaron Reidmiller. Minutes approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

·  As of March 30, Income of $75.00 for registration for spring conference

·  Expenses of $1.44 for postage

·  $73.56 total revenue

Chair’s Report

Mr. Bullock reported that success to the CSA group is due to the group’s dedication and participation. He was happy to announce that we confirmed our conference “Special Events in the Fast Lane.” Justin stressed the importance of getting involved. We are still striving to reach our 2016 goals:

o  increase meeting attendance,

o  have new faces attend and get involved

o  re-launch the Horn- special thanks to Jessica Kronberg for the March edition- It looks FANTASTIC!

Report from Board Liaison, Aaron Reidmiller

·  The board had a presentation at their meeting and Aaron is happy to report that the investments for the society are steady and performing well

·  Our amended budget was passed at the board meeting. The board was excited at our proposals to get new folk involved

·  Annual Conference sites have been selected through 2020. Reminder to the group that surrounding localities play big roles in the planning process for each annual conference

·  2016 Roanoke

·  2017 Hampton

·  2018 Henrico

Aaron commended the attendance of the group. Aaron offered the availability of more detailed information, if desired.

Nancy Turnage from the VRPS reminded Board members that service area representatives have access to Constant Contact which allows for information to be shared with all members via email. We currently have eight enrolled for the Spring Workshop. Aaron Reidmiller encourages everyone to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Committee Reports

Annual Conference

·  Speaker proposals and award applications being accepted. Award nominations may be submitted for reduced rate of $35 at this time. Submission deadline is July 31, 2016. All information for conference and awards is located on the website.

Future Conference Dates

·  2016, Conference is Nov 5-8 at the Hotel Roanoke

·  2017, Hampton, Oct 21-24

·  2018, Henrico, Hilton Short Pump, Nov 3-6

·  2019, Fairfax, Sheraton Tyson’s Corner, Sept 7-10

·  2020, Norfolk Waterside Marriot, Oct 3-6


·  CSA Spring Workshop: Special Events in the Fast Lane

o  We currently have eight registered participants. Sharon Entsminger encouraged everyone to register..

o  Register now and VRPS can bill you later.

o  Aaron also reminded everyone the workshop might also be applicable to individuals outside of recreation and parks, including Fire, Police, and Parks Maintenance.

·  Track Final

o  Regional Event, Saturday, June 4

o  Sponsors include John Robb Custom Homes, Giant Stores, Play It Again Fredericksburg.

o  Justin encouraged CSA members to volunteer.

·  Pickleball Tournament

o  October 15, 2016, Rockwood Park in Chesterfield.

o  More details will be available closer to event.

Awards and Citations

·  Aaron: If you have awards to submit, do it in a timely manner to save $10 on submission fees.

·  NEW: supporting materials need to be submitted in a single PDF document.

HORN Publication

·  Please submit information to be entered by May 18th.

·  Suggestion to submit photos Ronnie Parker who will be retiring from Hopewell after 34 years of service

Leadership Training Institute

·  Dates: April 24- 26

·  Justin and Jessica recently attended

·  Matt Spruill was really pleased with the attendance and the atmosphere this year. Justin and Jessica complimented the quality of the sessions. He would like to see as many CSA members as possible next year.

·  Target revenue goals were reached.

·  The LTI group is seeking 4-6 LTI graduates to join the board for planning in the future.

Legislative Update

·  No report

Membership Outreach

·  Justin - Please make sure your membership is up to date.

·  Aaron emphasizes again that student membership is $25 and, as a result of funding from the Foundation, includes registration for the Annual Conference.

·  The board has started an outreach program to visit colleges and speak to students.

Nominations and Elections

·  Chair-elect and secretary positions will be open for CSA ballot.

·  If you are interested in joining the leadership board for CSA let Justin know. The ballot needs to be communicated to VRPS by July 15.

·  The ballot will open on August 1 and the election will remain open for 30 days..

Resource Groups

·  Aquatics- no report

·  Cultural Diversity – no report

·  Outdoor – no report

·  Seniors- the SRG conference will move to Virginia Beach in fall of 2016.

·  Sports & Athletics- no report

·  Therapeutic Recreation – no report

·  Marcy Durrer shared her recommendations to the board last month moving forward. She strongly encourages reading presidents newsletter. There will be a brief survey on restructuring resource groups. The ultimate goal is to involve as many interested people as possible regardless of their physical location.

Senior Games

·  Registration deadline May 1.

·  Events May 17-21 in Newport News.

·  Coming to Henrico in 2017.

Old Business

CSA Professional Memberships

·  Suggestion: issue memberships based on professional recommendation, from supervisor or above

·  Suggestion: recommendation based on previous VRPS involvement

·  Suggestion: Target NEW members

·  Suggestion: Written statement from potential member, based on what their professional role is and what they think they can contribute to the society.

·  Suggestion: involvement in VRPS or CSA an expectation

·  Suggestion: Market the benefits of VRPS with the application, emphasis on networking.

·  Discussion on supervisor involvement. Majority opinion voiced that supervisor has to sign off on the application.

Aaron, Lizz and Paul are the subcommittee and will meet, set up a template, and submit their suggestions to the group by June 1 for approval.

New Business

Resource Group Update

Suggestion: to create resource group at a regional level.

·  Community Events- Chris Walters volunteers, Jess and Michelle will help.

·  Facilities – Marlie Smith expressed interest

·  Suggestion: Use the survey! This may be in motion in other localities already.

·  Suggestion: Using meetings to have roundtables of “what’s up” in each locality as a means to network and see what’s happening.

Virginia Treasures Program

Bill Conkle from the Department of Conservation and Recreation gave a brief presentation on the Virginia Treasurers program. The program highlights new facilities or infrastructure that creates opportunities for outdoor recreation. New facilities or infrastructure built after 2014 is eligible for recognition. Please submit the application to DCR.

Website: www.dcr.virginia.gov/virginia-treasures-application

Final Round Table:


·  Public TV Channel 23, event based on outdoor recreation. Explore the Outdoors

·  Hired a new sports tourism coordinator: Danny Bonifas.


o  Hosting an Ice Cream Run at Pole Green Park in August.

Colonial Heights

o  5K on a new river trail with obstacles utilizing new businesses to create some of the obstacles- the money goes toward trying to purchase playground equipment.


o  Fire Engine parade, first event of its kind in the locality associated with the City’s 100th anniversary.

o  Aquatic obstacle course program.

o  Follow Hopewell on newly-created Instagram page.


o  July 4th event: Red, White and Lights- partnering with the Richmond Symphony and will feature a laser lights show.

o  Henrico in Motion, May 14 – event targeting the Dorey Park connector to the Capital Trail, but showcasing a bike pillar created by students marking the trail.


o  Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the soapbox derby.


o  Katrina Thompson is a new addition to the Goochland Team.

Colonial Heights

o  Senior Program Coordinator position open.


·  September Webinar for DCR on how to rebuild a park after tornado damage. Reopened 1.5 mile of trail with Boy Scout volunteers alone. Working to build an ecotourism operation and offer Kayak tour.


Justin Bullock motions to adjourn. Motion seconded by Aaron Reidmiller. Motion passed unanimously.

Next Meeting:, Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chimborazo Park House/ Jefferson Park