WCA Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 17, 2018 @ 7 pm
1975 Corydon Ave
PRESENT: A. Kelsch, A. Bezak, C. Bryant, S. Rempel, S. Philip, A. Roberts, J. Shields, R. Emslio, S. Kline, N. Mcmillan, D. Seguin, A. Hogan, L. Spencer, T. Fries, K. Davies, G. Delmarque, R. Kinley, J. McGavin, G. Meade, R. Babyak, I. Baragar, P. Love, S. Pogorzelec, J. Kettner, D. Sleeva, D. Klass, L. Hurton
REGRETS:S. Magyar, D. Moberg, B. Stalker, P. Caron, E. Enns, B. Trach, I. Pesun, M. Taylor, G. Kennedy, D. McNeil
- Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve as presented –A. Bezak / S. Pogorzelec
- Objection from R. Babyak however agenda item requested was already listed included on the agenda.
- Approval of Minutes of previous Director Meeting – December 20, 2017
Motion to approve the minutes as amended – S. Pogorzelec/ R. Emslie
- Clarification to distinguish between the yearly photo contest and the new electronic submission contest.
- Treasurers Report
YTD November FS presented by J. McGavin. Motion to approve as presented - S. Pogorzelec / Randall
- Presidents Report
- New development application package for proposed cottage lot development has been posted to the WCA website
- Any questions or issues with the package should email the WCA.
- Hunting in the WPP
- Point of order raised by R. Babyak regarding a motion and discussion that took place within the September 20, 2017 WCA Board of Directors meeting.
- Motion by R. Babyak that the issue of writing a letter to the Ministry supporting the withdrawal of hunting privileges in the South Whiteshell be revisited. Seconded by J. Keppner.
- Motion to amend the motion and delay the discussion to this issue at a later meeting to allow information to be sent to directors via email and allow time for reflection. Seconded by J. Keppner. Motion was agreed upon by R. Babyak as a friendly amendment. Approved unanimously.
- Comment that the WCA needs to establish their position on hunting in the Whiteshell before a letter can be written to the Minister and that the motion should be separated into two.
- MPPCOA Report
- MPPCOA (Manitoba Provincial Park Cottage Owners Association) meeting took place recently
- Association has been in existence for almost 2 years and have met regularly
- Main topic of discussion was the lease rates imposed on cottagers, pleased to announce that lease rates and service fees will be frozen for two additional years.
- Feeling from the MPPCOA is that after the two years are over, the government will agree to an increase that is much more reasonable than what was originally proposed in 2014.
- New Business
- Creation of Marketing Committee
- S. Pogorzelec and R. Emslie volunteered to serve on the committee. K. Davies will also be asked to join the committee.
- Special note that CDC Computers has come on board as a supporter of the WCA with special discounts to members.
- 2018 Board of Directors Mtg Schedule
- The 2018 meeting schedule was distributed at the meeting, edits are needed and a new schedule will be emailed out to directors.
- Standing Committee Reports
- Communications Committee (Echo and Website)
- Echo
- Next edition of the Echo will be released in April, proof reading in March.
- More advertising revenue will be targeted for 2018 and a few ideas are being researched including themed issues (e.g. section on watercraft in Spring, snowmobiles in October). A classified/bulletin board section is also being researched, as well as a buy and sell section.
- Companies who currently offer discounts to WCA members will also be approached to advertise in the Echo.
- Website
- New functionality and a new renewal process is in place for 2018 membership drive and a membership renewal prompt email will be sent shortly.
- January has seen 1000 unique visitors to the WCA website.
- Environment Committee
- CN Rail derailment
- CN Tran derailmentnear Nora Lake continues to be major issue, specifically the cars containing Nickel Sulfide that remain on the scene.
- A letter to the director of Sustainable Development has been sent.
- Members will continue to be updated on new information.
- Water levels
- No response from Manitoba Infrastructure on the control structure for Falcon Lake to date, construction was hoped to begin in the Fall of 2016.
- Request to get boat launch dredged at Nutimik Lake has not been dealt with yet, letters of support are encouraged.
- Events Committee
- The Board of Directors dinner is planed for March 21st, 2018 at the Masonic Lodge at Confusion Corner. Cocktails are at 6:30 p.m., dinner is at 7:00 p.m.
- Invitations will be sent to directors, Echo editor, writers and proof readers, honorary directors, Rob Nedotiafko and two park employees (North & South).
- Annual General Meeting – April 17th @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church (995 Wilkes Ave)
- Cottage Country Lake and Cottage Show (Red River Exhibition Grounds) – March 23rd, 24th and 25th
- Volunteers will be needed for 3-hour shifts, email we be sent out to schedule volunteers.
- Membership Committee
- New brochures including the discount inserts have been printed.
- Email to past members and snail mail for those without email will be sent out ASAP for 2018 membership drive.
- Window decals will be included with 2018 memberships.
- CPLA list will be referenced to bring records up to date in terms of cottage ownership and their contact information.
- Photo Contest Committee
- Getting ready to officially announce the new electronic photo contest. Just firming up last minute details. It will be separate from the existing contest as there will be no monetary value, but will have bragging rights in the Echo as the photo of the month.
- There is a need for at least 2 more whiteboards and stands for the AGM as previously we ran out of room. Al may have to set up the display this year and Lorna is working and will not likely get the night off.
- Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Prepared by:Approved by:
Administrator/Secretary - WCAPresident - WCA