Booking Form
To book a place on Shropshire RCC training courses please fill in the form below. Please check your contact information is correct before sending the form back.
Telephone number
Course title
Course date
Knowledge level of subject ie 1=none 5=good
Please specify any special requirements eg dietary considerations, wheelchair access or hearing loop
Signed Date______
Please return this booking form and your cheque to: Lorraine Smart, Shropshire RCC, 4 The Creative Quarter, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG.
Telephone: 01743 237880. E mail:
Please see over for Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Course Fees
Unless otherwise stated in publicity material the costs of Shropshire RCC courses are as follows:
- Half day courses cost £25 plus VAT at 20% (£5). Total £30.00
- Full day courses cost £50 plus VAT at 20% (£10). Total £60.00
Places on Shropshire RCC training courses must be paid for in advance of the course date, by cheque.
Cheques should be made payable to Shropshire Rural Community Council and sent to the Shropshire RCC office address together with your completed booking form.
All payments will be acknowledged in writing or by email within seven days.
Reservations by telephone or email will be held for seven days by which time payment must have been received.
If you need to cancel your place, you must inform us in writing by letter, email or fax. If we receive your cancellation more than 10 working days before the course delivery date, we will refund your course fee, minus a £5.00 administrative fee.
After this, no fees are refundable for cancellation or non-attendance.In these circumstances we would encourage you to send a colleague in your place.
Shropshire RCC reserves the right to cancel courses at short notice. In these circumstances we would offer a full refund of the course fees. We also reserve the right to change venues, trainers and the programme if necessary. You will be informed of any relevant changes to the advertised programme by e-mail. If you have a confirmed place on a course and the course has been cancelled, we will also attempt to contact you by telephone and e-mail.
Please tick the box if you would like us to keep a record of your details so that we can send you information about new courses.The information will also be used to maintain statistical information about participants. We will not disclose this information to any third parties.
Please tick to signify that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of this booking.
Shropshire Rural Community Council is a company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England No 4652487. Registered Charity No 1096779. VAT No:163592200