Worthingway Updates: 12-5-16
The following is an update for the coming week (please see the school website for athletic updates):
Weekly updates are also posted at the school website. Worthingway Website
12/6: PTA Mtg. 6 – 7:30 p.m. WW Library
Texting Presentations
Worthington Schools is partnering with the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office to inform students of the dangers of inappropriate text messages. The goal is to educate students, provide solutions, and answer questions. Students will hear the presentation through their social studies classes on Thursday, 12/8. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kellenberger.
Worthingway Holiday Window Display:
Worthingway has a holiday window display at Wacked Hair Salon. Every vote is a dollar and 100% of the proceeds go to the school. Please vote for our window.
Extra Holiday Support
Is your family struggling to make ends meet this holiday season? If you could use a little extra support from Worthingway, please contact Natalie Fei r(614)450-4308.
Worthingway Car Magnets are here!
We now have Worthingway car magnets for sale in the school office for $5. Please buy one to show your school spirit.
Lost and Found:
Last call to check the lost and found before winter break! All clothing left after break, will be donated. If you notice anything missing lately from your child’s wardrobe, have them check the lost and found on the table by the gym.
Ohio Wesleyan Junior League (OWL):
OWjL (OhioWesleyan UniversityJuniorLeague of Columbus) is a residential summer camp program of challenge and enrichment for central Ohio’s gifted and talented middle school students currently in grades 6-8. It is sponsored by Ohio Wesleyan University and founded by the Junior League of Columbus, with major support from corporations, foundations, community service groups and individual contributions.
2017 OWjL Camp Dates:
June 11-16- 6th & 7th grade
June18-23- 7th & 8th grade
June 25-30- 6th & 7th grade
(current grade in school)
Applications and forms will be due by January 31st, 2017. The OWjL website will be updated byDecember 1st, 2016. Applications postmarked by1/9/2017will receive a "Fast Pass" to go the head of the line for meals! Find more information athttp://owjl.owu.edu
General Mills Box Tops For Education:
Remember to save those box tops and send them into your homeroom. This is a fundraiser for Worthingway. The homeroom that brings in the most box tops will enjoy a party at the end of the month.
Yearbooks are $25.00 and forms can be picked up in Ms. Wilson or Ms. Beasley's classrooms. Families may also purchase a yearbook online atjostensyearbooks.com.
Classroom Updates:
Madame Laird’s Class (French):
French club will meet onMonday, December 5thto finish the movie The Little Prince and to enjoy French treats.
French tutor club started this week with students helping other students every day during 4th and 5th periods in Madame Laird's room.
7th grade French students are learning to talk about likes and dislikes with regard to activities.
8th grade French students are starting a new unit on foods and eating in francophone areas.
Sra. Newcomb’s Class (Spanish):
Sra. Newcomb's 1a classes have learned A LOT of vocabulary and are now perfecting using those words to describe themselves and others. There will be regular HW until the written Summative assessment which is scheduled forThursday, December 8th.
Sra. Newcomb's 1b classes have taken a written test on extending, accepting and declining invitations. Now they will demonstrate their speaking and listening skills on this topic by working out a problem out loud in a small group- When can we go see a movie this weekend? Students will be given fake schedules to use for themselves as well as real movie theater listings (in Spanish, of course!) and have to work together by asking and answering questions in Spanish, when they can all go see which movie from the listing. :-)
Mr. Reed’s Class (Choir):
OnFriday, December 9th, the WMS 8th Grade Choir will carol in theneighborhooddirectly around Worthingway andEstates. If you live in the area keep your eyes and ears out for Worthingway's singing ambassadors between4:45pm and 6:30pm.
OnMonday, December 12ththe WMS Choirs will present their annual Holiday Concert. Please join us in the WMS gym at7:30pmfor songs of celebration. The concert is free and open to all.
Mr. Vallette’s Class (Social Studies):
It’s not too late to join the Berlin Summit.
Worthington City Schools is forming a delegation of students who will attend the Student Leadership Summit in Berlin in 2018. This trip provides some very unique opportunities for our students.
· Attendance of Berlin Leadership Summit will allow students an opportunity to meet and work with other students from all over the world.
· Guest speakers at past summits have included Al Gore and Jane Goodall.
· The Summit activities will make for impressive experiences for college resumes.
· Tours of historical WWII and cold war sights with tour guides and a very knowledgeable Mr.Vallette.
· Wonderful cultural experiences.
This opportunity is available to all Worthington students currently in grades 7-10. For more information contact Mr. Vallette .
Upcoming Events:
12/8: Appropriate texting discussions through social studies classes with Franklin
County Prosecutor’s Office
12/12: Math Counts 4 – 5 p.m. Rm. 34
Holiday Choir Concert 7:30 p.m. WW
12/16: Last day of 2nd quarter
Last school day before Winter Break
12/19 – 1/2: Winter Break