World History
SECOND SIX WEEKS CALENDAR: October 3 – November 4, 2011
10/3 / Arab Empire and its Impact on Africa, Europe, Asia / Pgs 202-210
10/4 / Islamic Civilization and Culture / Study for test
10/5/6 / Assessment #1 – Islam / Workbook Ch 6 Due / Pgs 248-252
10/7 / Tang and Song Dynasties
Week 2
/District Wide PSAT on 10/12
10/10 / Student Holiday / Pgs 268-27210/11 / India After the Guptas / Pgs 253-257
10/12 / Mongal Invasions and their impact on Asia and Europe / Pgs 353-362
10/13 / Mayas, Aztecs, Incas / Workbook Ch 8 sect 1,2, & 4 Due
/ Flex DayWeek 3
10/17 / Flex Day / Workbook Ch 11 sect. 1&2 Due / Study for test10/18 / Assessment #2 – China, India, Africa, Americas / Pgs 285-290
10/19/20 / Europe After the Fall of Rome / Pgs 291-296
10/21 / Feudalism: Political System of Middle Ages / Pgs 315-322
Week 4
10/24 / Manorialism: Economic System of Middle Ages
Workbook Ch 9 sect 1 & 2 Due / Study for quiz
Pgs 323-328
10/25 / Quiz: Europe After the Fall, Feudalism, & Manorialism
Role of Christianity in the Middle Age / Pgs 329-333
10/26/27 / 12th Century Renaissance – Scholasticism, Aquinas
Culture of the Middle Ages / Pg 337
10/28 / Crises of the 14th Century: Great Schism / Pgs 335-337
Week 5
10/31 / Crises of the 14th Century: Black Plague / Pgs 337-340
11/1 / Crises of the 14th Century: 100 Years’ War / Study for test
11/2/3 / Assessment #3 – CBA #2: Medieval Europe
Workbook Ch 10 Due / Pgs 407-422
11/4 / Intro Unit 4 1450-1750 Connecting Hemispheres
TEKS for Second Six Weeks
AD 600 to AD 1450- Identify the major causes and describe the major effects of the following events:
the development of Islamic caliphates and their impact on Asia, Africa and Europe
the Mongol invasions and their impact on Europe, China, India and Southwest Asia
the development of the Mesoamerican civilizations
- Explain the political, economic, and social impact of Islam on Europe, Asia, and Northern, Eastern and Sub-Saharan Africa
- Describe the interactions between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish societies in Europe, Asia, and North Africa
- Describe the interactions between Muslim and Hindu societies in South Asia
- Describe compare the historical origins, central ideas, and the spread of Islam and Sikhism
- Explain how Islam influences law and government in the Muslim world
- Explain the development of the slave trade
- Analyze how the Silk Road and the African gold-salt trade facilitated the spread of ideas and trade
- Summarize the major political, economic, and cultural developments in Tang and Song China and their impact on Eastern Asia
- Summarize the changes resulting from the Mongol invasions of China
- Compare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and explain how prior civilizations influenced their development
- Summarize the major ideas in astronomy, mathematics, and architectural engineering that developed in Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations
- Explain the impact of the fall of Rome on Western Europe
- Explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire
- Explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy
- Describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism
- Identify the impact of political ideas contained in the Magna Carta
- Explain the political philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
- Explain how the Crusades, the Black Death, the Hundred Years’ War, and the Great Schism contributed to the end of medieval Europe
- Identify examples of religious influence from 600 to 1450
- Describe the specific changing roles of women, children, and families from 600 to 1450
- Identify significant examples of art and architecture that demonstrate an artistic ideal or visual principle from 600 to 1450
- Identify the origin and diffusion of major new ideas in mathematics, science, and technology that occurred from 600 to 1450
Required Historical Personalities:
Thomas Aquinas