Burden Document Outline
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- 6 state priority areas for heart disease and stroke prevention
- Increase control of high blood pressure
- Increase control of high cholesterol
- Increase awareness of signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke and the need to call 9-1-1
- Improve emergency response
- Improve quality of care
- Eliminate health disparities
- Surveillance model
- Demographics of Michigan
- 2006 demographic information
- 2006 population map
- median age
- gender
- race/ethnicity
- % over 65
- Population projection to the year 2020
- Access to Care
- Insurance information (BRFS 2006)
- Total MI population
- Over 65 years of age
- BRFS questions regarding primary care physician and were you able to get access when needed
- Michigan Health Care Resources
- Primary Stroke Centers
- Telemedicine networks
- Rehabilitation Centers
- Hospital Systems
- Medical Control Authorities
- Leading Causes of Death in Michigan and the US
- Graph of top causes of death (%)
- MI 2006
- US 2006
- 10 year average death rate of CVD
- Progress Report
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Illustration of the disease subsets of cardiovascular disease
- What it is and why it is important
- Definition of the disease
- Prevalence in the United States
- Cost of the disease in the US
- Scope of the problem
- Mortality trends (Vital Statistics)
- Trend line graph
- Age adjusted rate
- MI vs US
- Age, race, gender
- Premature Death (Years per Life Lost)
- Regional distribution (Age-Adjusted mortality rates)
- GIS Map of Michigan
- Age Adjusted rate (5 year average, 2002-2006)
- Prevalence (BRFS)
- 2006 data
- Trend over time
- Age, sex, race
- Hospitalizations
- Age Adjusted rate
- First payment source (private, government, self paid)
- Discharge information
- Break out box topics
- Knowledge of signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke
- Get with the Guidelines
- Coronary Heart disease
- What it is and why it is important
- Definition of the disease
- Prevalence in the United States
- Cost of the disease in the US
- Scope of the problem
- Mortality trends (Vital Statistics)
- Trend line graph
- Age adjusted rate
- MI vs US
- Age, race, gender
- Premature Death (Years per Life Lost)
- Regional distribution (Age-Adjusted mortality rates)
- GIS Map of Michigan
- Age Adjusted rate (5 year average, 2002-2006)
- Prevalence (BRFS)
- 2006 data
- Trend over time
- Age, sex, race
- Hospitalizations
- Age Adjusted rate
- First payment source (private, government, self paid)
- Discharge information
- Heart Failure
- What it is and why it is important
- Definition of the disease
- Prevalence in the United States
- Cost of the disease in the US
- Scope of the problem
- Mortality trends (Age-Adjusted mortality rates)
- Trend line graph
- Age adjusted rate
- MI vs US
- Age, race, gender
- Premature Death (Years per Life Lost)
- Regional distribution (Vital Statistics)
- GIS Map of Michigan
- Age Adjusted rate (5 year average, 2002-2006)
- Prevalence (BRFS)
- 2006 data
- Trend over time
- Age, sex, race
- Hospitalizations
- Age Adjusted rate
- First payment source (private, government, self paid)
- Discharge information
- Break out box topics
- Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young
- Stroke
- What it is and why it is important
- Definition of the disease
- Prevalence in the United States
- Cost of the disease in the US
- Scope of the problem
- Mortality trends (Age-Adjusted mortality rates)
- Trend line graph
- Age adjusted rate
- MI vs US
- Age, race, gender
- Premature Death (Years per Life Lost)
- Regional distribution (Vital Statistics)
- GIS Map of Michigan
- Age Adjusted rate (5 year average, 2002-2006)
- Prevalence (BRFS)
- 2006 data
- Trend over time
- Age, sex, race
- Hospitalizations
- Age Adjusted rate
- First payment source (private, government, self paid)
- Discharge information
- Break out box topics
- MASCOTS findings
- U of M stroke project
- Risk Factors
- Cigarette Smoking
- Physical Activity
- Diet and Nutrition
- Hypertension
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Relevance of the risk factor to CVD
- How big is the problem in MI
- Prevalence (BRFS)
- Michigan compared to US
- Cross tab access to insurance/medical care information with risk factors
- Other
- Clustering
- Pie Chart illustrating # of risk factors each person reported in the 2006 BRFS.
- Pie Chart illustrating # of healthy behaviorseach person reported in the 2006 BRFS
- Break out box ideas
- Smoke-free areas in Michigan
- Physical activity and nutrition survey
- Renal Disease in relation to hypertension
- Special Populations
- Low Socio-economic Status
- Income and Education questions from BRFS
- African Americans
- Table displaying races in Michigan
- Age Adjusted CVD rates by race
- Youth (YRBS, WICand YTS data)
- Smoking
- Overweight
- 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
- Physical activity
- People aged 65 and older
- Breakout Box Topics
- Maternal Mortality (PRAMS data)
- Summary
- Methods
- Data Inventory/Citations
- Appendix of the data used in the maps
Last Updated 1/18/08