Mr. Smith

S.T.A.R.S. 6th and 7th

Point Webster Middle School 2015-2016


Classroom Expectations: Students will follow the behavior modification system known as the S.T.A.R.S. Point and Level System and complete all assignments to the best of their ability. Please see below: S.T.A.R.S. Point Level System

Curriculum: Students will follow the 6th and 7th grade curriculum with modifications in order to meet their individual needs.

Homework: Students will be given homework nightly. All subjects will be included; however, English Language Arts and Math homework will be given nightly. Science and Social Studies homework will be given as Mr. Smith sees fit. Long term projects, studying for tests/quizzes, and weekly assignments will also be a requirement. Students are responsible for all assignments given. Homework will be written in the student’s agenda book as well as on his/her point sheets. If Mr. Smith deviates from the above plan, it will be noted in the agenda book and points sheets.

Grading: Student’s grades will be generated in each class through a combination of class participation points (daily point sheets), tests/quizzes, classwork, and any long term projects

Communication: Daily communication regarding student progress will be provided for each student via point sheets. A signature is required on the point sheet by a parent or guardian and is to be returned the following morning. Mr. Smith can be reached by phone through the school at (617) 984-6600 or by email at the above address.

S.T.A.R.S. Point and Level System

Ø  Each level indicates the privileges a student has on any given day.

Ø  Levels are determined each day by how many point are earned the previous day.

o  For example: On Monday, a student earns below 60 points. The student would be level 1 for Tuesday.

o  On Tuesday, the student earns 90 points. The student will be on level 5 for Wednesday.

Level 5: 100+ - 90

Level 4: 89 - 80

Level 3: 79 - 70

Level 2: 69 - 60

Level 1: 59 – below

Ø  If a student is sent home because of behavior; the student will be on Level 1 the day he/she returns.

Very Impressive Performance (V.I.P.)

Ø  In order for a student to be considered a V.I.P., he/she must earn 2 Level 5’s in 1 week.

Ø  If a student earns 3 V.I.P.’s in a month, they will have earned a V.I.P. Reward.

Ø  Rewards will be given on the last Friday of each month.

Ø  If the V.I.P. Reward involves leaving the school grounds, all participating students must be on Level 3 or above to attend.

Ø  The beginning of each month is a fresh start for each student.

Levels and Privileges

Level 5

ü  Student is not required to get point sheet signed

ü  Able to attend school-wide lunch

ü  Able to go outside for break

ü  Able to attend any and all extra-curricular activities

ü  Potential for Academic Inclusion

ü  Able to use the Internet, play computer games, and use the computer for word processing at appropriate times

ü  Is able to be a classroom helper

ü  Is able to attend free gym or other planned incentives

Level 4

ü  Able to attend school-wide lunch

ü  Able to go outside for break

ü  Able to attend any and all extra-curricular activities

ü  Potential for Academic Inclusion

ü  Able to use the computer for computer games and word processing. The Internet is not included as a privilege on this level

ü  Able to attend free gym or other planned incentives

Level 3

ü  Able to attend school-wide lunch

ü  Able to go outside for break

ü  Able to use the computer for word processing. The Internet and computer games are not included as a privilege on this level.

ü  Able to attend planned incentives

Level 2

ü  Able to attend school-wide lunch

ü  Must return to class or guidance for lunch recess

ü  Computer use is limited to class assignments

ü  Not able to attend planned incentives

ü  Students must be within sight of a program staff member when outside of the classroom

Level 1

ü  Student has not earned privileges on this level

ü  Computer use is limited to class assignments

ü  Students must eat lunch with a school staff member. The location will be determined by the staff.

ü  Students will not transition to lunch recess and will remain with school staff.

ü  When leaving the classroom, all level 1 students must be escorted by a school staff member when he/she is available.