Tuesday 24th March 2009 Kells Civic Offices


Cllr. Bryan Reilly


Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. L. McCormack, Cllr. M. Gallagher, Cllr J. V. Farrelly, Cllr. B. Collins, Cllr M. Lynch.

In Attendance:

Mr Brendan McGrath, Area Manager, Mr. Shane Carroll, A/Area Engineer, Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, Ms. E. Tunney, Assistant Staff Officer, Mr David Keyes, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure, Charlie McCarthy, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure, Mr Martin Rogers, Senior Executive Officer, Infrastructure.

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 23rd February 2009 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. JV Farrelly seconded by Cllr M. Gallagher.

2. Reports

Housing Report

Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr J. Flanagan.

·  When would the remaining 4 new builds in Coille Dios, Athboy be allocated

·  What is the situation with 13 Senator Farrelly Avenue

·  17 Coille Dios, Athboy – is there a progress report on the refurbishment

·  Have any houses at Headfort Grove being allocated.

Roads Report

Mr. C. McCarthy, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure and Mr Martin Rogers, Senior Executive Officer, Infrastructure present the Meath Local Roads, Pavement Condition Study to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Mr. C. McCarthy, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure and Mr Martin Rogers, Senior Executive Officer, Infrastructure informs the meeting that they are currently formulating a submission to the National Roads Authority for funding. The roads are currently in a bad way due to the harsh winter and the construction of the M3. In 2008 Kells received €1.3m for National Road for 2009 they received €840,000. Kells money for surface dressing reduced by €60k for 2009. The Pavement Condition Study was brought towards the Infrastructure – Strategic Policy Committee. Navan roads have to be brought up to standard over a period of two years. Grant monies for surface dressing of €2.2m, 10% will be given to Navan.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly - how long will it be on the basis of the reduced €350k on Kells roads until we are in same position as Navan.

Mr. C. McCarthy – Tenders we have received are 20% reduction and this should lessen the impact.

Cllr. E. Cassidy – Roads are stating to deteriorate over the last number of years. We have 28% of the country roads in the County.

Mr. C. McCarthy – Money is divided by road mileage, Kells still gets highest proportion of money per Electoral Area. In 2008 - €7m came from our own resources this year 2009 only €5m.

Cllr. M. Gallagher – where would the NRA money be spent.

Mr. C. McCarthy – Currently identifying the worst areas.

Cllr. L. McCormack – Connaught Street, Athboy was it part of survey

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly - Mooretown Bridge @ Gibbstown is in the Navan Area need to be addressed.

Cllr. M. Lynch – we have being pleading our case in Kells Area for years people of Navan are going to benefit more. Praises outdoor staff for keeping potholes filled.

Mr. C. McCarthy – Patcher is the best way to rectify potholes it gives the best results.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly - Is there any threat to the funding we received so far.

Mr M. Rogers – Informs meeting the Department of Finance have issued a circular stating that no contractual positions are made until it’s approved by the Department of Transport.

Mr M. Rogers – informs members there is no additional funding that they know of. Budgets have being cut across the board.

Mgr – Informs meeting given the current economic climate there will be no additional funding this year.

Cllr. L. McCormack – Requests the cost of works for Tullanstown for last year.

Sanitary Report

Mr. D. Keyes, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure presented the report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr D. Keyes.

·  At Kilmanhamwood to ensure water from reservoirs are not interfered with.

·  In Rathcairn are there still a number of areas to be tested?

·  Wording for the road closure at Rathcairn was worded poorly.

·  In Athboy – is the green area in Ardan going to be interfered with.

·  Copy of findings at Connaught Street requested.

·  Reinstatement – areas damaged by works will they be fixed.

·  Appears to be septic sewer line at Floods in Main Street, Athboy

Mr D. Keyes informs the members – there are sections of roads that were damaged through works and these will be redone through the contract. Permanent reinstatement of roads will be by end of June early July. Oldcastle has certain sections of the line that need to be updated. They hope to be on site in Oldcastle late this year and it will be a 15 month contract.

Item 3

Notice of motion: “That Meath County Council, as a matter of urgency agree to install a pedestrian crossing on the public road at St Oliver’s School, Cavan Road, Oldcastle ” -- Cllr M Lynch.

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer informs members that the unmetred connection is still a problem. Works should cost in the region of €15k.

Agreed to defer until next meeting.

Item 4

To review the Road Works Programme for 2009.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly proposed to delay the roadwork’s programme and Cllr. E. Cassidy seconded.

Meeting will take place on Tuesday 31st March @ 10am – Roadwork’s Programme for 2009.

Item 5

Any Other Business

·  Is there money available to remove flooding from outside a house?

·  What is situation with Oldcastle Traffic Management Plan

·  Quarry at Moynalty can get update on situation.

·  Number of potholes at Meath Hill Church

·  Can we have direct contact with the NRA from the County Manager

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

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Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: www.meath.ie