Email templates
- Copy and paste the relevant template below in to your automated Signature in Outlook and edit to include your information, or create a new automated signature. Only the information in the templates below is to be used in your signatures.
- Signature formatting can be found on your Outlook under File/ Options/ Mail/ Create or Modify Signatures
- In Outlook webmail and on Macs the format may look slightly different – however you should be able to follow the basic format below.
Personal contact information
- The signature is designed to be kept as short as possible while providing the most important contact information. Do not include personal contact information, with the exception of a mobile phone you use for business.
- Only include alternate business-related contact fields (IM, Skype, etc) if you have a unique role that requires this information and inclusion of such information is absolutely necessary.
The University does not have a legal obligation to include a disclaimer as part of their emails so until further notice we have taken the decision not to include them at this time.
Standard email template signature
/ NAME IN CAPITALSPrincipal Job Title / University Department
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
Individual School email template signatures
/ NAME IN CAPITALSPrincipal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX / /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Principal Job Title / University School Name
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
/ /
Additional logos
Additional logos may be added below the signature, providing the monochrome version is used, and that the height is no more than 70px. Wherever possible, make all the logos the same height. You can add images below your signature in the signature formatting box you used to paste the new signature into.
See example below:
/ NAME IN CAPITALSPrincipal Job Title / University Department
Address ie: Floor 2, Humphrey Booth House, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 0161 295 XXXX / m +44(0) 7506 XXX XXX
Setting up a signature for webmail
Open one of the html files below in a browser by clicking on the appropriate link.
- Standard email signature
- School of Arts and Media
- School of Computing, Science and Engineering
- School of Environment and Life Sciences
- School of Health and Society
- School of Health Sciences
- Salford Business School
- School of the Built Environment
Pres ctrl and a (cmd and a on a Mac) at the same time to select all of the signature.
In webmail, click the Options menu on the right-hand side of the screen, and choose “All options”.
In the menu that opens on the left-hand side of the screen, choose “Settings”, and paste in the signature (ctrl and v or cmd and v) and overwrite with your own contact details, remembering to make the sure email hyperlinks to your own email address. (To delete anything that is already there, press ctrl and a/cmd and a at the same time to highlight the content, then press the delete key on your keyboard.
(As with the desktop version, additional logos may be added below the signature, providing the monochrome version is used, and that the height is no more than 70px. Wherever possible, make all the logos the same height. It is slightly more difficult to add these in Webmail – see this website for guidance
Tick the checkbox underneath that says “automatically include my signature on messages I send”.
Then save the new signature, by clicking the button in the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
To navigate back to your folders, click the Mail link in the top left-hand corner of the screen, or click the back button on your browser.