On the basis of the third paragraph of Article 50 and the second paragraph of Article 68 of the Act on Plant Protection Products (Official Gazette RS, No 11/01, 2/04-ZZdrI-A and 37/04) the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food hereby issues these
on border posts for import ofplant protection products and their control
Article 1
(1) These Rules lay down border posts as points of entry for the introduction of plant protection products (furtheron as: »PPP«) into the customs territory of the European Communities through the Republic of Slovenia, and the control procedures to apply at the introduction of PPP.
(2) Consignments of PPP transited through the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and consignments of PPP, which are exported from the customs territory of the European Communities, should not be declared to phytosanitary inspection at entry or exit and should not be liable for inspection at the border post.
(3) Consignments imported into the Republic of Slovenia shall be, irrespective of transit through other Member States, subjected to inspection at one of the areas of destination of Customs offices in the Republic of Slovenia, indicated in the regulation governing the designation of branch offices as internal organisational units of the customs office in the Republic of Slovenia and their field of work.
Article 2
(Meaning of terms)
Terms used in these Rules shall have the following meaning:
– Consignment of PPP shall mean a quantity of PPP, imported into the Republic of Slovenia and into the customs territory of the European Communities;
– Points of entry shall mean border-crossing points for the introduction of consignments of PPP into the customs territory of the European Communities through the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 3
(Points of entry)
Consignments of PPP shall be introduced into the customs territory of the European Communities across the Republic of Slovenia only through points of entry, specified in Annex 1, which is constituent part of these Rules.
Article 4
(Application for inspection)
(1) Importer of consignment shall lodge an application for inspection with the phytosanitary inspector at allowed point of entry for introduction of consignments into the territory of the European Communities, or at areas of destination of Customs offices in the Republic of Slovenia.
(2) The application shall be lodged in written form and shall be attached by all documents accompanying the consignment and shall include in particular:
– Name and address or registered name and registered office of the exporter of the consignment,
– Name and address or registered name or registered office of the recipient of the consignment,
– Registration number of importer,
– Kind and number of the means of transport,
– Origin of PPP,
– Country of destination,
– Trade name of PPP, kind of packaging, number of packages and the common quantity of PPP.
Article 5
(Control procedure)
(1) Importers, transporters or their representatives shall inform the phytosanitary inspector on the arrival of consignments, except in the case of transit. They shall enable free access to all parts of the consignment.
(2) Customs authorities shall not start the procedure for the beginning of customs-approved treatment or use, except for the transit through customs territory, as long as phytosanitary inspector has not permitted the import.
(3) Inspection shall include, in particular, inspection of documents.
(4) After having completed the inspection, the phytosanitary inspector shall permit or reject the import. In accompanying documents he shall enter data as to the place and date of inspection, which shall be signed and stamped by phytosanitary inspection.
(5) If by means of inspection the conditions laid down in the act governing PPP are found as satisfied, the phytosanitary inspector shall permit the import. One of the accompanying documents shall bear the stamp marked “Uvoz dovoljen” (import permitted).
(6) Phytosanitary inspector shall prohibit the import and order immediate return of a consignment of PPP destined for the Republic of Slovenia, which has not been authorised in the Republic of Slovenia or not issued the import permit by a competent authority or if the importer has not satisfied the conditions laid down in the act governing PPP. One of the accompanying documents shall bear the stamp marked: »Uvoz prepovedan« (import prohibited).
Article 6
(Transport to appropriate storage premises)
If a phytosanitary inspector, carrying out the inspection of a consignment, finds irregularities which may be eliminated at some later stage, for example if the consignment has not been accompanied with a safety data sheet pursuant to regulations governing chemicals, or a label in Slovene language, the inspector shall issue a decision, in agreement with customs authorities, concerning the transport to an officially designated place or appropriate storage premises within the country, where elimination of the irregularities shall be followed by inspection.
(2) In the case specified in the previous paragraph the phytosanitary inspector shall mark the accompanying document with the following wording: »Pregled ni opravljen. Dovoljuje se prevoz pošiljke pod carinskim nadzorstvom do skladiščnega prostora v (kraj). Takoj po prispetju obvestiti fitosanitarnega inšpektorja v (kraj).«
Article 7
(Working time)
Inspection of a consignment shall be carried out during the working hours of the phytosanitary inspection. The head of the
Inspectorate for Agriculture, Forestry, hunting and Fisheries shall define the working time makes it public.
Article 8
With the effective date of these Rules the Order on the designation of ports of entry for plant protection products and inspection procedures for import of plant protection products (Official Gazette RS, No 109/01) shall cease to apply.
Article 9
(Entry info force)
These Rules shall take effect on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.
No 327-02-312/2004
Ljubljana, 27 July 2004.
EVA 2004-2311-0323
Minister of agriculture,
forestry and food
Dr. Milan Pogačnik
Points of entry shall be considered the following sites:
1. for railway transport: Dobova,
2. for road transport: Gruškovje, Jelšane, Obrežje;
3. for sea transport: Luka Koper;
4. for air transport: Airport Ljubljana – Brnik;
5. for postal traffic: Ljubljana.