Risk Assessment Record

Use of excavators / Reference No.
Assessment Carried out by / Date / Review Date
Hazards Present
q  Shovel or load dropping inadvertently
q  Overturning of machine
q  Materials dropping from shovel or bucket
q  Persons struck by machine
q  Restriction of driver’s vision
Control Measures to be Implemented
q  Choice of equipment and requirements assessed with regard to ground conditions and local operational requirements.
q  Planned maintenance programme applies to excavators.
q  180 degree machines – when using the back hoe the bucket must be lowered to the ground.
q  360 degree machines – at least 600mm clearance to be allowed for tail swing.
q  No persons are allowed to stand or work within operating radius without the operator’s permission. Loads must not be slewed over personnel, vehicle cabins or huts. Overhangs are not to be created on high work faces.
q  Wheels/tracks are to be at 90 degrees to the work face.
q  Travel and operations on a gradient must be controlled to ensure machine stability.
q  A banks man is to be used where drivers’ vision is impaired or operating in congested areas.
q  Certification of drivers must be checked.
q  Drivers must be over 18 years old.
q  Trenching and deep excavation work must be supervised to ensure the stability of machine and excavation, and that persons do not work within the swinging radius of a backhoe.
q  Vehicles must be checked by drivers before use and secured afterwards.
q  Management must ensure speed restrictions are enforced, and monitor use on sloping ground.
q  Noise levels are to be monitored and assessed as may be necessary.
q  Driver training to CITB standard is required; also to comply with BS 6264:1982 Guide to operator training for earth-moving machinery.
q  Excavator driving by uncertificated operatives is not permitted; this also applies to subcontractors and the self employed

Risk assessments and method statements are issued to all workers involved in the activity. This generic assessment must be supplemented by a site specific risk assessment.

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