Mr. Cuttica

We had a very productive week even though it was only a 4 day week! Our money unit progresses, please practice at home using real money. We read in our anthology, trade books, and listened to Easter stories. This week we begin reading Dinosaur stories as well as non-fiction books. We are learning dinosaur poems and will be working on various projects. Be sure to be working on their Dinosaur Project that is due April 20th! We need those white tee shirts by Monday! Busy times and lots to learn! God bless!

Week of April 9-13

READING: We will be reading the story “On the Job with Dr. Martha Smith.” This is story of a day in the life of a Veterinarian. It’s an exciting story and very informative.

PHONICS: Please continue reviewing the short and long vowel sounds/rules. We will work on the /ou/ sound spelled ou. ow this week.(hound, cow)

SPELLING: This week’s spelling words: cow, out, round, how, now, down, nice, face, does, once. Our Word Wall words for the week are: Dr. busy, eight, any, care, took.

ENGLISH: We will be finishing our study of adjectives. When reading with your child have them point put some of the nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives as a review.

MATH:Our daily review includes skip counting, calendar work, concepts of before, after, between, addition and subtraction facts. Keep reviewing the “Doubles Rap” as well as the 5 Facts a Week! MEMORIZE 5 FACTS A WEEK and keep adding to the pile!! We continue to study money, counting coins… pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters all mixed together! This is a difficult concept for many first grade students. Please practice as much as possible with real coins. Be sure to do the section on money in IXL as well.

Themes include spring, DINIOSAURS!

Please see Ms. Streib’s class page for information about Religion, Social Studies, and Science!


  • 4/9Feast of St. Hedda. National Winston Churchill day!
  • 4/10National Farm Animal Day!
  • 4/11Feast of St. Stanislaus. National Cheese Fondue Day. Holocaust remembrance day (at sundown)
  • 4/12Feast of St. Victor. National Licorice day! National Grilled Cheese Sandwich day!
  • 4/13National Scrabble day! Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday! NOON DISMISSAL
  • 4/14AUCTION doors open at 5…dinner at 6!
  • 4/17Fine Arts Night 6;30pm… student art displayed, Cherub Choir performs!


  • MASS is Thursday at 8:15… please try to attend!
  • PLEASE be sure to practice High Frequency Words and spelling words as they are getting progressively more difficult. Be sure also to review the old High Frequency words! The more practice you do… the better reader you become!
  • NOON DISMISSAL FRIDAy in preparation for the Auction!
  • AUCTION Saturday… PLEASE try to attend and support our school! It is a fun night! Our class project is on display in the front hall (glass cabinet)
  • KEEP WORKING on shoe tying and addresses /phone numbers!
  • Keep the Boxtops for Education coming in, please?
  • Please be selling the raffle tickets!
  • TEE SHIRTS due Monday!!!! (plain white tee…making dino shirt and will then use it for field day!)
  • Grandparents (and friends) Day is Friday April 27th It starts with Mass… various activities during the day… our class is presenting a Dinosaur Program followed by an In and Out Burger lunch (for those that pre-order)

THOUGHT:Grandparents and Friends Day is April 27th… how nice it would be to have your child create a handwritten invitation to their grandparents and friends they would like to invite. It means so much to an older person to get a hand written note from a child. If grandparents are too far to attend, perhaps an older couple from the neighborhood or from church would enjoy the day. Of course parents are welcome as well!

St. Stanislaus