Trinity University
Distinguished Achievement Awards
Trinity University Award for Distinguished Scholarship, Research, or Creative Work or Activity
- One $2,000 award for outstanding scholarship, research, or creative work or activity. Distinguished or Endowed Professors are not eligible for this award.
- Self, chair, or peer nominations must be received by March 2, 2018. The nomination packet should include a currentCurriculum Vitae and a 1-2 page narrative documenting the significance of the scholarship, research, or creative work or activity. Nominations and supporting materials should be sent to AVPAA Duane Coltharp.
- Nomination materials should speak to the quantity of the nominee’s scholarly or creative work; the quality of the venues in which that work has appeared; and the impact of that work on the field or discipline.
- A panel composed of two Distinguished or Endowed Professors and three recent awardees will judge the submissions. The panel will make its recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the VPAA will forward her recommendation to the President for final approval.
Trinity University Award for Distinguished University, Community, and Professional Service
- One $2,000 award to a tenured faculty member or contract staff member for outstandingservice to the University, the community, and the profession.
- Self, chair, or peer nominations must be received by March 2, 2018. The nomination packet should include a currentCurriculum Vitaeand a 1-2 page narrative documenting the quality of the service. Nominations and supporting materials should be sent to AVPAA Duane Coltharp.
- Nomination materials should speak to the significance of the nominee’s service to the University, the community, and the profession.
- The Office of Academic Affairs (VPAA plus AVPAAs) will forward its recommendation to the President for final approval.
Trinity University Award for Distinguished Advising
- One $2,000 award for outstanding advising.
- Self, chair, student, or peer nominations must be received by March 2, 2018. The nomination packet should include a 1-2 page narrative documenting the quality of the advising and letters of support from 3-5 students (e.g., one non-major, one major, and one alumna or alumnus). Nominations and supporting materials should be sent to AVPAA Michael Soto.
- The Advising and Registration Committee will make its recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the VPAA will forward her recommendation to the President for final approval.
Trinity University Early Career Faculty Awards for Distinguished Teaching and Research
- Two $2,000 awards to tenure-track faculty members for outstanding teaching and research.
- Self, chair, or peer nominations must be received by March 2, 2018. The nomination packet should include a currentCurriculum Vitae, evidence of teaching excellence, and a 1-2 page narrative documenting the significance of the research completed at Trinity University. Nominations and supporting materials should be sent to AVPAA Duane Coltharp.
- Nomination materials should speak to the nominee’s commitment to innovative or student-centered pedagogy; the contribution made by the nominee’s teaching to the Pathways curriculum, the strategic plan, or other University priorities; and the nominee’s commitment to student success.
- Nomination materials should also speak to the quantity of the nominee’s scholarly or creative work; the quality of the venues in which that work has appeared; and the impact of that work on the field or discipline.
- Preference is given to nominees who have successfully gone through the tenure review in thiscurrent academic year.
- TheOffice of Academic Affairs (VPAA plus AVPAAs) will forward its recommendation to the President for final approval.
Previous nominees will remain in the pool unless they ask to be removed from consideration.
All Distinguished Achievement Awards will be announced at the final Faculty Assembly on May 1, 2018.