At Salem Chapel Vestry, Pencoed.
Present / Councillors: / R. Williams – Town Mayor/Chair
D. JohnBEM
R. J. Hancock OBE
J. Butcher.
A. Williams
Mrs M. Evans
Mrs J. Williams
Mrs T. Lyddon
B. Sedgebeer
J. Wallis
J. McCarthy
A. Owen
In attendance: Geraint Thomas, Town Clerk, and 4 members of the Public.
7326 / Apologies for absence and dispensation.
Apologies from CllrMrs. M. Jones
7327 / Declarations of Interest (written).
Declarations were received from the following:
Cllr D. John BEM Agenda Item 13 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
Cllr R. J. Hancock Agenda Item 13 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
Cllr J. McCarthy Agenda Item 12 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
Cllr A Williams Agenda Item 9 relating to Islawen Meadows
Cllr B. Sedgebeer Agenda Item 11 relating to Notice of Motion
Cllr A. Owen Agenda Item 9 relating to Coity Walia
7328 / To receive the Police Report.
.PCSO Sam Dance and PC Matt Taylor were in attendance and delivered the statistical report for July and August 2017
ASB: Drunken youth at recreation ground and pavilion.
ASB: Drug dealing around Glossop Terrace.
ASB: Eggs thrown at windows.
ASB: Neighbour problems regarding puppy.
ASB: Youth having a party at address in Maerdy Park.
ASB: Problems with former neighbours walking past new address.
ASB: (x3) Travellers causing issues at Bocam Park.
ASB: Domestic between father and son.
ASB: Banner being displayed, personal to RP
ASB: Neighbour issues regarding cannabis issue
ASB: Youth on roof of school- no damage.
Theft: From vehicle whilst parked at Heol Maes Yr Haf.
Theft: McDonalds staff had purse taken from Locker.
Drugs: 3 arrested for class A drugs.
Drugs: Drugs found on person after driving under the influence.
Damage: Damage to fence adjoining Bocam Park.
Damage: x2 Outside bike lockers at Croesty school.
Damage: Damage to Multi User Games Area.
Violence: Threats against family member by phone.
Violence: Threats to staff at Hand Car Wash
Violence: Cyber bullying through Snap chat
Crime: Break in/ attempt burglary at Penybont Road.
Violence: Assault on police officer.
Burglary: April Care Solutions Break in. Theft of charity tin and phone.
Burglary: Hairdressers break in. Till taken with £20 float.
Burglary: Attempt Break in at Penybont Road.
Drugs: Warrant issued: Positive result at address for Cannabis.
Violence: 32 year old smashing up his grandmother’s home, victim did not want to press charges.
Violence: Aggressive male threatening TV licence worker.
Violence: Neighbour threatening male.
Theft from Vehicle: Whilst parked on drive.
ASB: 2 youth (aged 9) on roof of Pencoed Primary.
Violence: Harassment Via Facebook.
Violence: Sexual assault, happened in Bridgend, ongoing.
Violence: Domestic, husband against wife.
Violence: Drunk male at location. Male arrested.
Burglary: Harvey’s chip shop, entry gained through rear door.
Theft: Theft from vehicle, insecure, items removed.
Theft: Key safe taken off wall of property.
Damage: Tyres cut whilst on owner’s driveway.
Damage: Woodlands Pavillion- Glass broken x2
Damage: Vehicle driven into another and abandoned.
ASB: Person throwing stones at window (no damage) Person dealt with
It was agreed to accept the report as presented by the Police who were in attendance ,with thanks.
7329 / To receive duly notified questions from the Public
No letters had been received
7330 / To Receive Mayoral messages
The Mayor indicated that he had attended some functions during the month of August, the details of which will be disclosed at the next Council meeting..
7331 / To receive the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the12th July 2017
The above minutes were approved and accepted along with the recommendations therein subject to Cllr J. McCarthy being included as an Attendee
7332 / To receive the minutes of the Planning Cttee held on 10th July 2017
The above minutes were noted.
7333 / To receive the minutes of the Hyphen Sub Cttee held on the25th July 2017
The above minutes were approved and accepted along with the recommendations therein
7334 / To receive reports from representatives to outside bodies
Reports were received as indicated
Organisation Presented by
Coity Walia Cllr J. McCarthy
Pencoed and District Twinning Association Cllr Mrs M. Evans
The reports were accepted with thanks
7334 / To review the Regeneration Strategy
Consequent upon the delay with the RAOB development there was now a need to address the Car Park issue and other matters that had been put on hold.
Town Clerk to arrange a meeting of the Projects Cttee.
7335 / Notice of Motion
Electrification of rail line to Swansea
“This Council is extremely disappointed with the decision of the Westminster Government to cancel the proposed electrification of the railway track from Cardiff to Swansea.
We are concerned that the increased volume of traffic travelling along the line as a result of the recent decision to increase services to Maesteg has seriously impacted upon our community by the additional closure of the rail crossing which creates traffic congestion and increased pollution.
Discussions has taken place with the Secretary of State for Wales and the Minister for Economic Development over recent months regarding the need to create a three lane traffic flow at Penprysg bridge to allow the permanent closure of the rail crossing on Hendre Road, this is obviously now in serious jeopardy.
We call upon politicians at all levels and of all persuasions in those areas affected to lobby the Secretary of State for Wales to urge the Government to reconsider the decision in the interests of the economy, the wellbeing of residents and road safety within our community”.
Cllr R.J. Hancock OBE proposed and moved the motion
The Motion was seconded by Cllr A. Williams
The following Councillors spoke in favour /support of the Motion
A. Owen; Mrs J.E. Williams: J. Butcher
The motion was put to the vote and was accepted by a majority.
Cllr J. Wallis abstained from the voting process but indicated that he would raise the concerns of the town Council when he next meets with the Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns MP
Resolved to accept the motion
7336 / To further consider the provision of additional Dog Waste Bins
Cllr A. Williams introduced this matter referring to the lack of dog bins within the Pencoed area and updated members as to the current pilot scheme to be operated in the Woodlands Area of Pencoed
It was duly noted that Mr John Rees of BCBC would be attending the next Council meeting on the issue of Dog Fouling..
RESOLVED to note the position and await the presentation by Mr Rees.
7337 / To consider aspects of the Lease of Salem Vestry to the Town Council
Cllrs R.J. Hancock OBE and D.John BEM left the meeting whilstthis matter was discussed.
The Town Clerk in his capacity as Secretary to the Friends of Salem (FOS)reported that the Lease of the Vestry had been completed on the 25th August 2017 . There were matters still to be addressed and they would in the first instance be considered by the Finance and General Purposes Cttee.
The following representations were made by the Councillors indicated;
Cllr J. Butcher:
Concern that the Lease had been completed without financial elements being included which to date had not been agreed
Concern that certain clause(s) had not been addressed properly
Future costs associated with Salem be indicated accordingly on the Monthly Creditors list
Cllr J. Wallis
Is the Legal Adviser used covered by indemnity insurance safeguarding the Council.
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk would clarify the matters of concern
Cllrs. R.J. Hancock OBE and D.John BEM were recalled into the meeting
7338 / To consider a future training event for Councillors
.Consideration be given to a Training Event on the subject of the White Paper – LG Reform
Town Clerk to explore
7339 / To consider the External Audit Report on Year end Accounts 2016/17
The Town Clerk referred to the report which was not a qualified report . It only made reference to the Council adopting the recommendations of the Internal Auditor’s Report.
Resolved to accept the External Audit report and the aspects as to implementation be referred to the Finance and General Purposes Ctee
7340 / To consider the Town Clerk’s General report
The Town Clerk presented his general report points of note are given below:
Staffing Matters
It wa sagred to note that Mr G. Griffiths P/t Toilet Attendant had successfully completed his probationary period of employment and would now be remunerated in accordance with the Living Wage provisions
It was RESOLVED to note and the confirmation of Mr D. Lewis as Part Time Toilet Attendant from 19th June 2017.
Friends of Salem
Noted that this matter was dealt with Item 13 on the Agenda
Quarterly Meeting with BCBC
It was agreed to note that the next meeting is scheduled for the 24th October 2017.
Criminal damage at this site had been reported to the Police . Damage had been repaired by Community Services Supervisor.
Diary Dates
Agreed to promote the following events
Mayoral Civic Service is Sunday October 1st 2017.
Fireworks Display scheduled for Sunday 5th November 2017
Remembrance Sunday12th November 2017
Santa and Christmas Lights Switch on Friday 1st December 2017**
Panto ( Aladdin) Saturday 16th December 2017
** contact be made with Mr Gavin Henson regarding this event
7341 / To receive a list of creditors from 1st July 2017 to the 31st August 2017
Payee Method Amount £. p
July / Aw Salary / bacs / XXXX
GLT Salary / bacs / XXXX
G. Griffiths / bacs / XXXX
D.Lewis / bacs / XXXX
BCBC / dd / 55.00
BCBC / dd / 112.00
Days / dd / 373.63
Days Rental / bacs / 576.00
Sol in Tech Phone / dd / 38.39
Sol in Tech Photo / dd / 23.03
Allstar / dd / 128.67
Standard Life / dd / 351.90
Standard Life / dd / 100.00
HMRC / bacs / 1275.74
SSE Toilets / bacs / 34.06
SSE Salem / bacs / 64.97
ABM Ambro PPE / bacs / 33.13
Mayor Charity / 103420 / 1170.0
GLT Strimmer wire / bacs / 14.90
SLCC Membership / bacs / 200.00
GLT / bacs / 63.79
GLt PPE / bacs / 51.47
GLT Exps(Flowers) / bacs / 30.00
August / Aw Salary / bacs / XXXX
GLT Salary / bacs / XXXX
G. Griffiths / bacs / XXXX
D.Lewis / bacs / XXXX
BCBC / dd / 55.00
BCBC / dd / 112.00
Days Rental / dd / 574.71
Sol in Tech Phone / dd / 40.18
Sol in Tech Photo / dd / 26.25
Allstar / dd / 132.19
Standard Life / dd / 107.76
Standard Life / dd / 100.00
HMRC / bacs / 1105.56
BCBC(Elections) / bacs / 5840.24
Credit Union / bacs / 30.00
Investec Finance(Phone) / bacs / 90.43
GLT Expenses / bacs / 32.12
GLT Expenses / bacs / 54.14
LasersRus / bacs / 30.60
Expenditure marked XXXX £7820.25
The creditors list was accepted
7342 / Correspondence
The Town Clerk reported on the following correspondence :
  1. Correspondence received from Cllr J. Butcher and circulated just prior to the meeting to all Councillors by him.----- Agreed to refer this matter to next meeting of the Town Council.
  1. Letter received from Cllr J. Wallis resigning as a member of the Finance and General Purposes Cttee—Agreed to refer to the next Council meeting seeking a replacement.
  1. Letter from Mr Colin Allen –Gideons - requesting attendance at a Council meeting to present a Bible to the Mayor—Agreed to acceded to the request
  1. Correspondence received from Cllrs A.Williams and Mrs J.E Williams resigning from the Conservative Party --- Agreed to note.

7343 / If appropriate, to receive items for future agendas.
The following Items be included on future Agendas in addition to any other matters referred to in these minutes.
  • Matters relating to Pencoed Way
  • Standstill Budget for 2018/19 in relation to Precept
  • Xmas Lights Switch-on and Carols
  • Community Access Fund issues
  • Resurrection of Standing Orders Sub-Cttee

7344 / To consider passing the following resolution:
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
The resolution was not passed

Meeting ended at8.55pm.