Nursing Council of New Mexico
Meeting Notes Conf Call
Practice/Workplace Environment Committee (PWE) April 9, 2010
Members present: Kathy LopezBushnell, Karrie Brazaski, Pat O’Hara, Anna Abeyta, Deb Cassady, Ellen Interlandi (SCRIBE), Anna Von Dielingen (led call)
Priority: Survey Monkey to organizations to establish baseline data
Summary: Kathy developed a 10 question survey that was reviewed. Some concern that organizations might not have data going back five years, suggestion made to have a “NA – not available” box, and we see what we can get for data. Consensus reached re: asking only for numbers, not percentages, so that we can aggregate/organize data that will be valid. Question #6 revised to read “….. your new nurses would benefit from a structured individualized didactic during the first year of hire?”
Goals: Survey will come from NMCNE instead of NMHA - Ellen/AVD will create and send out to nursing administrators by April 15, with a request to return by April 23. We will make follow-up calls after April 23 to orgs. that have not returned surveys.
Priority: Intro letter to nurse administrators
Summary: Group approved as is.
Goals: Sandy Stewart will send out to nursing leaders and HR directors today. Ellen suggested perhaps Pat Boyle could have copies with her to distribute when Pat speaks at the NMHA Strategic Planning meeting April 13.
Priority: Definition of preceptor
Summary: Group approved Deb Werner’s definition as is
Goals: no action
Priority: NW-RNR - Grant
Summary: Kathy and AVD spoke with Dr Molinari of ISU re: partnering with them (along with AK, NV, ID) to be a co-collaborator in the renewal of this HRSA grant. Discussion about going for it on our own (NM) was quickly rejected. All agreed that collaborating with Dr. Molinari was the best choice.
Goals: HRSA grant renewal due Oct. 1.
Priority: Technology
Summary: AVD summarized attempts to get grants for hardware for residents. Discussion centered on whether organizations should make a commitment to buy hardware needed for program instead of NMCNE. All agreed that organizations should buy.
Goals: this will be included in summaries and FAQs for the program
Next meeting scheduled is April 28, 2010, 15:00-16:00 (conf call) to review feedback from survey and determine follow-up calls to organizations.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Interlandi