Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held in St Matthews Church Hall, Stretton
on Monday 7 April 2014 at 7.45 pm
Councillors in attendance
L. Jones – Chairman
D. Buckley
A. Cresswell
J. Higgins
D. Hutchinson
Also present
Linda Crewe – Clerk to the Parish Council
3 residents
PA36 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Lyons, Councillor Slattery and Ward Councillor Kennedy
PA37 / Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 April 2013
The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.
PA38 / Chairman’s Report 2013/2014
The Chairman, Councillor L Jones, introduced herself and welcomed Councillors and parishioners to the Annual Assembly. Councillor Jones thanked the Councillors for electing her as Chairperson for the year and for their continued support and the time they dedicate to the Parish Council. Thanks were also made to the Church Council for the use of the Church Hall for the monthly meetings; Councillor Lyons and Mr Phil Pegum for representing the Council on the Board of Pewterspear Green Trust; Councillor Higgins for her on-going work on the Parish Newsletter and representing the Parish Council on the Old School Trust plus representing the Parish Council with the ongoing issue of Roots and Shoots; Ward Councillor Kennedy for his support on various matters; Councillor Buckley for setting up and maintaining the Parsh website; Mrs Andrea Marshall for continuing to represent the Parish Council in the Rights of Way Forum as its Footpath Warden; Neil Higgins for his assistance with photography etc; Alison Crewe for her consistent help with Twinkling Stretton events and also Mrs Linda Crewe, Parish Clerk, for her help and support throughout the year. Finally if I have missed anyone please accept my apologies!
Councillor Jones went on to highlight the events and projects which were undertaken by the Council in the last year.
APRIL Meeting
The Diamond Jubilee Oak trees are now in position in Lower Stretton and on PGT land off A49. It was decided that a decorative iron tree guard be purchased to protect the tree at Summit Close, Lower Stretton as it is an area where local children play football etc
The process to put double yellow lines in Fir Tree Close is underway. There are many issues raised by residents with regard to parking issues in the Close, the police were invited to attend the meeting to discuss, they have promised to attend the meeting in May.
It has been decided that the proposed website will be controlled by the Parish Council and Cllr Buckley and a couple of other councillors will meet soon to discuss how to proceed.
A resident has approached the Chair to request the PC investigate the land to the rear of Tanyard House.
There is growing concern regarding the flow of traffic on Northwich Road, vehicles are mounting the pavements to avoid each other. The pavement is being damaged. This was reported to WBC. (Very little action was taken, there are no reports of any accidents and the kerb situation was ignored)
Following incidents of travellers pitching up in parts of the Parish residents are asking what will be done to prevent this happening. WBC is in the process of identifying pieces of land suitable for setting up a transit camp similar to the one in Halton which has proved successful. This will mean that WBC will ask the travellers to move to the camp and refusal will mean they are forced to leave the Borough. This process is still underway!
MAY Meeting
I was re-elected to serve for a further year as Chair of the Parish Council.
The solar lights after repair have been running for two weeks. The lack of power may be due to insufficient light meaning the batteries are not charged enough to run the lights. The batteries will continue to be kept charged in the hope this will help. It was agreed that several sets of battery operated lights will be purchased as a ‘back-up’
The PC decided to produce laminated litter signs up around the Parish and lamp-post numbers will be provided for approval by WBC.
JUNE Meeting
The Annual Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending March 2013 was agreed.
Due to the length of time elapsed since the Public Inquiry on the R+S land our MP has written to the Secretary of State to investigate the possibility of his ‘recovering’ the Appeal and making the final decision.
There were no objections from the public had been received regarding the double yellow lines on Fir Tree Close. They were laid and became operational on 28 June.
The parking of vehicles on a daily basis has become an issue on the Spire lay-by. Cars are left as occupants ‘car-share’ to other towns and cities. A possibility of car parking permits and restrictions may become a possibility. (This did not happen as it was deemed that the cars in the lay-by were not obstructing the flow of traffic on the road. The PC agreed to take photographs of large vehicles which were parking over-night and using the lay-by as a ‘truck-stop’)
At this point discussions took place on the possibility of new Parish signage being purchased as a project for the next year. It was agreed that locations would be difficult to secure as much of the land is privately owned. However Councillors would look at designs over the coming months.
The residents of Lower Stretton organised a working party to tidy up the ‘Triangle’ on Summit Close. This was followed by sandwiches in the Ring 0’Bells.
A ‘Mad Hatters Tea Party’ took place in June in the car park of the Ring 0’Bells. Cllr Higgins asked for help in the organising and flyers were distributed. This was not an event run by the PC.
Concerns continued about the land at the rear of Tanyard House. The PC had received no response to its letter so a further one was sent.
Concerns were raised about the amount of signage being put up around the area including A-board signs and ‘For sale’ signs as well as signs just stuck in the grass on the verges. Again the requests for their removal although promised as failed to materialise.
JULY Meeting
Cllr. Higgins attended a meeting of the Old School Trust as the Parish representative.
It was agreed that a card and a token gift would be sent to the Vicar expressing the PC thanks for the support over the years. The Vicar will shortly be moving to a Parish in Stockport.
I attended a meeting with the Police Commissioner. It was very poorly attended and I raised the issue of the non-attendance by PCSO’s when repeatedly asked to come along and discuss important issues.
Discussions took place with the public regarding the amount of litter around the Parish and the state of the cycle lane on the build-out on Northwich Road. (Despite many requests this remains not attended to).
September Meeting
The Audit had been approved and it was noted that this year there would be no charge, saving the PC about £200.00
The Parish newsletter was completed and delivered by the Councillors.
The Parish web-site went officially ‘live’ on 28 September.
It was reported that the Cat and Lion lost a lot of takings during the Creamfields festival due to poor traffic management and deliberate obstruction by security staff of traffic wishing to access the car park. Traffic was at a standstill on the motorway and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the bank holiday Monday it was practically impossible to drive around Stretton.
It is noted that whilst Stretton is deemed to be outside the perimeter of inconvenience it is clearly not the case and Stretton will request that it be recompensed in the future as are the other Parishes. Paul has made this request at the last meeting with LiveNation
October Meeting
The police finally attended the meeting after my discussions with the Police Commissioner. I have asked for a six monthly visit in the future.
As there is already road signage in Stretton and a lack of police funding for an electronic speed sign it was agreed that the PC would look into the feasibility of providing a sign as the future project.
The web site is up and running and has already had 70 visits. It will be used for issues agreed by the PC as well as keeping up to date with Agendas and Minutes.
Cllr Hutchinson attended a meeting regarding HS2 rail link and commented on the poor quality of the presentation. He reported that the link would by-pass Warrington completely but added that Glazebury and Culcheth would be badly affected whilst receiving no benefits.
The possibility of providing poppies for the duration of the commemoration of WW1 will be investigated.
November Meeting
Travellers arrived in Stretton at the Hollow Tree. Although they went quickly they left a lot of rubbish and mess behind them. It costs in excess of £2500 each time they pitch up. We wrote a letter to WBC to record annoyance at the lack of action from them and the fact that no permanent solution is close to being implemented.
The Christmas tree switch on was agreed for 30 November/1st December. Due to the fact that the Vicar has left it appeared that no one else from the Church would be attending. The PC is funding the refreshments in the Pavilion after the PGT event. Carol sheets were printed and laminated and these will be stored and used annually.
It was agreed that as the newsagent on Hatton Lane had applied for planning permission to reinstate the building as a five bedroomed dwelling a new location would need to be found for the noticeboard. It was agreed that the Post Office would be approached.
December Meeting
It was decided to freeze the precept once again at £21.00
The PC received a reply to the letter sent regarding the travellers. It just re-iterated what had been said before in that a transit site is being sought and there is very little else to be done even to putting in concrete/metal posts.
Following complaints about speeding along Well Lane/Common Lane by tractors the PC was told that the lowest enforceable speed limit is 20 mph and it is not cost effective to enforce speed limits on small country lanes. They suggested speaking to the farmer directly.
The Clerk contacted Lymm PC to find out how they were getting on with the process of purchasing a flashing speed sign. An indication of costs was given and as they had just started the process the Clerk will remain in touch and pass on any useful information regarding the process.
I was pleased to reported on the very successful Christmas tree ceremonies especially the one at PGT. The residents turned out in force and it made for a great atmosphere at the switch on and later at the Pavilion. Myself and Cllr. Slattery were assisted by the Clerk and her daughter.
The Clerk investigated into the ownership of the plot of land which is to be known as ‘The Triangle’. It is not straightforward and it appears that the land is still operational and will be for several more years. The HA has no problems with us using the land and planting trees and confirmed that if and when it is de-commissioned then an order can be put on it to protect the Diamond Jubilee Oak tree planted in the middle of it.
January Recess
February Meeting
The Manager of the South Area Board attended the meeting and gave a talk on the schemes run for the community; such as helping older people who are suffering social isolation and helping people overcome their fear of crime. The Board works with the police who give talks and help with the supply and fitting of window locks etc.
Creamfields have been granted a continuous licence for the festival. There will be less music played on the Friday night as a concession. It has been put forward that Stretton should receive a donation from the organisers as it suffers a lot of disruption over the weekend.
The yellow lines on Fir Tree Close have been a success but now residents want an overnight parking restriction on the road. This is unlikely to happen as there is already a weight limit which will stop large vehicles using it and the restrictions would be too costly to implement.
I have contacted the Police to ask if we can pay on an ad-hoc basis for them to move the proposed village sign round the Parish to approved locations.
The solar lights have once again failed to ‘twinkle’. The PC decided to ditch them and buy extra sets of battery operated ones as these worked for the whole of the time. The solar system will be put on Ebay and sold and the proceeds donated to the ‘Twinkling Stretton’ project.
The issue of the building behind Tanyard House is still ongoing after nearly a year! The enforcement officer has imposed a few restrictions and the site will be monitored over the next few months. There is now little else that the PC can do.
The barns at Tanyard Farm are now partly built and they appear not to be in accordance with the permission granted. Contact was made with the planning enforcement team to check.
There are concerns for the amount of standing water outside a house on Northwich Road which, when large vehicles pass, is causing the drive to flood. This problem is not a new one but there is little being done by Highways despite being made aware of the problem on a regular basis.
A resident of a neighbouring Parish has called to question the process the PC uses to determine its objections/approval of local planning issues. The PC wrote to the resident and told them that it is always of utmost importance that every issue is looked at and if they wish to discuss this process then it would be good if they could attend a meeting in person.
MARCH Meeting
The decision from the Secretary of State on the R+S land has come through after over a year of waiting. The Appeal has been granted.
A meeting has been arranged with the C.E. at WBC to discuss the decision as the PC and residents feel let down and it appears that the lack of traveller pitches had a large part to bear on the final outcome.
The Landlord and Brewery at the Hollow Tree are unhappy about the state of the gate at the lay-by and are worried that without the gate the travellers will have no difficulty in accessing the site. The travellers have returned to Silver Lane in Culcheth and it is only a matter of time before they start to move about. The Brewery is willing to fund a more permanent solution and the PC has written to WBC to let them know of the offer.
Cllr Hutchinson attended a planning workshop and reported it would be beneficial for every Parish to have its own plan as to what they want to be built on the land in the vicinity. This is part of the Localism Act 2011. It appears that developers are buying plots of land in the green belt and if a plan is not implanted then it is possible that some building on these plots will get through.
The meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.
STRETTON PARISH COUNCIL – Annual Parish Meeting 7 April 2014 Page 6