Mission Cheat Sheet
Thank you all for coming to honor: ______
1. Acknowledge new members and veterans.
2. Has everyone signed the waiver?
3. Please turn all cells phones off or on the silent, also please don’t be texting or using cell phones while in the flagline. I you need to use it step off the flagline out of hearing distance!
4. There will be no smoking on the flag lines, if you need to smoke please do it out of sight or in the designated area. Please do not leave cig butts or other garbage on the ground, pick up after yourselves.
5. If you have any offensive patches, please cover them.
6. Please send all media requests to______. Please send the media to this person. (Must be RC’s or leadership members). The media can manipulate what you say. Please ask anyone from media to see their ID to identify them.
7. If you need to leave before the mission is dismissed, please do it quietly, don’t assume that being a block away is safe to rap the pipes, it isn’t.
8. Schedule for the day is: ______.
9. Route to from staging is: ______,
10. Cover ride formation Bikes-staggered/where the cages are/road guards/etc.
11. Cover parking at the site
12. We will stand approximately ______feet apart.
13. Please hold flag up straight in honor of this hero!! NO DIPPING!!
14. Please, no loud or excessive talking or laughing on flag line in presence of family or friends. If you need to talk in presence of family or friends, please do so quietly – we are at a funeral.
15. In the presence of the casket, we will stand quietly at attention, hats/covers off if not holding a flag or saluting. Present arms: Hand over heart, salute or if holding a flag just stand at attention, your choice.
16. We will hold the flag line until family has left or the RCIC dismisses the group, RCIC discretion.
17. When we leave we may ask you to do it in single file and not to take your flag down until signaled to do so.
18. If you take photos, do so sparingly and NO PHOTOS of family or casket.
19. If protesters show up, we will NOT engage in any eye contact, conversation, etc. If you see anyone getting agitated, please take him or her aside and help to calm him or her down!
20. Post-mission gathering place??
21. Questions?
22. Prayer if so inclined.
23. Thank you for coming and making the choice to honor ______and support their family and community.