Regeneration & Environment
Corporate Transport Unit - Passenger Services Team
Hellaby Depot, Sandbeck Way, Rotherham S66 8QL
Tel: (01709) 336013
SMS text: 078600 18829
Our Ref: CTU/PST Your Ref: Consultation 2017 Date: 25 September 2017
Dear Head/Principal/Representative/Colleague
Consultation for changes to the policy for home to school transport
I am writing to inform you that Rotherham Council is carrying out a public consultation on proposed changes to home to school transport.
Possible future options being considered include having a greater focus on personal transport budgets, so families and young people are able to be in control of their own arrangements for travel. This will provide more choice and flexibility for families, as the Council is aware that everyone has their own individual needs and transport arrangements need to reflect this. This could include the Council contributing towards the cost of transport or making shared arrangements with other families.
Another consideration is Independent Travel Training which, if appropriate, can allow young people to develop their own independence at their own pace so they can travel in a safe and responsible way. Not only will this give young people independence, it also teaches them skills for life which they can carry into adulthood. Schemes like this have successfully been rolled out elsewhere, but have yet to be implemented here in Rotherham.
As you are no doubt aware the Council, like every other local authority, has been hit with budget cuts. In the next two years alone Rotherham Council will have to find £42m of savings. Whilst the mandate for savings has instigated a review of policies and practices, the Council wants to work with its customers and partners to ensure that the money being spent reflects value, gives more choice, promotes independence, but above all has every child’s best interests at heart.
The consultation is an opportunity for the Council and families to work together to ensure all children are at the centre of any proposed changes. This consultation includes all parents and carers of children and young people who currently receive transport assistance to and from schools and colleges.
The Council has a duty to consult widely on any proposed changes to policies on school travel arrangements. This is outlined in the Department for Education’s statutory guidance July 2014: Home to school travel and transport guidance at:
The consultation will be available to all members of the public, schools, academies and colleges and a range of services and groups so that the Council can gain a wide range of views. The consultation will open on Monday 25 September and will close on Friday 10 November 2017. More information will be available online, along with a survey, from the 25 September at:
The Council is working with some schools to hold group sessions as well as evening sessions at Rotherham Parent Carers Forum. Alternatively, if you would like to find out more about the sessions, please telephone our customer service centre helpline on 01709 336013.
Officers will also be providing some drop in sessions, aimed at service users, at the following venues to provide as much information as possible about these proposals.
It would be appreciated if you could help signpost families to these drop in sessions, or the helpline number, and assist those who you feel may have difficulty accessing online services. Please encourage those who can to visit the website where there will be a series of frequently asked questions as well as the easy to navigate consultation.
Wednesday 4 October Maltby Customer Service Centre
9.30am to 11.30am Braithwell Road, Maltby S66 8JE
Thursday 5 October Aston Customer Service Centre
9.30am to 11.30am Worksop Road, Aston, S26 4WD
Monday 9 October Riverside House (Library area)
10am to 2pm Main Street, Rotherham town centre S60 1AE
Tuesday 10 October Swinton Customer Service Centre
9.30am to 1pm Station Road, Swinton, S64 8PZ
Monday 30 October Riverside House (Library area)
9.30am to 1pm Main Street, Rotherham town centre S60 1AE
Wednesday 1 November Riverside House (Library area)
9.30am to 12.30pm Main Street, Rotherham town centre S60 1AE
Yours faithfully
Damien Wilson
Strategic Director
Regeneration and Environment