Oregon Department of EducationOffice of Educational Improvement

255 Capitol Street NEand Innovation

Salem, OR 97310


Title I-A School Improvement Grant

This packet includes:

Grant Information

Intent to Apply (Part 1)

Title I-A School Improvement Grant
Part 1: Intent to Apply and Signed Assurances Due:
by September 25, 2009


2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Grant Information and Application for Funding

Oregon Department of EducationOffice of Educational Improvement

255 Capitol Street NEand Innovation

Salem, OR 97310

2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement

Grant Information

What is Title I-A School Improvement Status?

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (ESEA) requires that a state must have a single accountability system and that states must hold schools and districts accountable for the academic achievement of their students. As a result, all schools, districts, and the state are accountable for meeting adequate yearly progress (AYP) each year. Title I-A funded schools that do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same content area or other indicator, are identified as being in Title I-A School Improvement status. In addition, schools in Title I Improvement status are required to implement mandatory consequences contained in the federal law.

Among other requirements, schools in Title I-A Improvement status must create or revise their school improvement plans to cover the two-year minimum period of time during which the improvement status will remain. The purpose of the Title I-A School Improvement Grant is to assist districts and schools in revising and carrying out a plan that will be successful in achieving academic gains for all students and result in the school meeting Adequate Yearly Progress.

All of the “sanctions” or consequences for improvement status are outlined in Section 1116 of ESEA, Title I-A. For complete information regarding requirements for districts and schools related to schools in Title I-A Improvement status, please refer to the 2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Resource Manual, available at:

Does the school have to be Title I-A funded to be identified for Title I-A School Improvement?

Yes. A school must have received Title I-A funding during both the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school years and have not met AYP for two consecutive years in the same content area or other indicator (i.e., attendance or graduation) to be in Title I-A School Improvement status, and continue to be funded with Title I in the 2009-10 school year to be required to implement consequences of Title I-A School Improvement status outlined in ESEA.

It is the responsibility of the district to notify the Oregon Department of Education in writing if a school identified for Title I-A Improvement status or Corrective Action status will not be funded in 2009-10. Of note, districts are required to fund Title I-A eligible schools in rank order based on free/reduced meal percentages and, generally, eligible schools cannot be “skipped.” Therefore, if Title I-A funding is removed from a school, it may have inadvertent consequences for other Title I-A funded schools in the district.

Which districts are eligible to apply for the Title I-A School Improvement Grant?

Districts with schools in Title I-A School Improvement status are eligible to apply for a non-competitive Title I-A School Improvement Grant to support the implementation of ESEA requirements and sanctions. It should be noted that these funds are in addition to the regular district Title I-A allocation, and may only be used to provide support to schools in Title I-A School Improvement.

Are eligible districts required to apply for Title I-A School Improvement funds?

No. However, all districts with schools in Title I-A School Improvement status must implement all requirements in the law with or without additional Title I-A School Improvement Grant funds. Therefore, all districts with schools in improvement status are encouraged to apply.

How may the Title I-A School Improvement Grant funds be used?

The purpose of Title I-A School Improvement grant funds is to help districts and schools correct the problems or situation that caused them to be identified for Title I-A School Improvement. Funds may be used by the district to assist the school in improvement status as it develops or revises and implements its School Improvement Plan. Allowable district uses of Title I-A School Improvement Grant funds include:

  • Professional development (including stipends for extended hours)
  • Planning time
  • Costs associated with any new research-based instructional strategy/program designed to improve academic achievement
  • Costs associated with research-based strategies to address other barriers to achievement such as poor attendance or drop out prevention (so long as these costs augment a focus on academic improvement, or if the school is identified for improvement status due to the “other indicator”)

Why is this grant a district – not a school grant?

It is a district responsibility to ensure that all schools are making AYP. ESEA requires that districts provide ongoing support to identified schools while they are developing or revising their school improvement plan, and during the implementation and evaluation of that plan. The district, as the fiscal agent for the grant, is expected to work closely with the school to determine how those funds should be used in order to achieve the goals outlined in the school improvement plan.

What is the amount of each Title I-A School Improvement Grant?

Oregon has received Title I-A School Improvement grant funds for the 2009-10 SY for distribution to districts. After districts submit their Intent to Apply applications due no later than September 25, 2009, the number of schools in improvement represented by the district applications will be known and then these grant funds can be divided among eligible participating districts. Until that time, the ODE is unable to determine exactly how many schools will be funded and how much each grantee will receive.

Districts with more than one school in Title I-A School Improvement will receive a grant amount based on all eligible schools in the district. Those districts will determine how to distribute the grant funding among their eligible schools, based on the funding otherwise available and on the severity of need in each individual school. Districts may also choose to reserve grant funding for district-level support activities for all schools in Title I-A School Improvement status.

How do eligible districts apply for 2009-10 School Improvement Grant Funds?

  1. On or before September 25, 2009, submit the completed Intent to Apply (Part 1) Application including:
  2. The completed Intent to Apply cover page,
  3. The list of Title I-A funded schools in improvement and/or corrective action status,
  4. Completed and signed district assurances documents (three in total)
  5. General Title I-A School Improvement Assurances*
  6. Parent Notification Assurances*, with sample parent notification letters for each identified school
  7. Title I-A School Improvement Grant Assurances

When will the grant be approved and when will grant funds be available?

Upon receipt and approval of the completed Intent to Apply (Part 1) Application, including the list of qualifying schools, and accompanying signed assurances and sample parent notification letters, the district will be awarded the initial portion of their Title I-A School Improvement Grant and may request those funds.

Who do we contact if we have questions or need assistance?

  • Russ Sweet, Education Specialist (for Technical assistance related to this grant), 503-947-5638, e-mail
  • Jan McCoy, Education Specialist (for Technical Assistance related to this grant), 503-947-5704, e-mail


Title I-A School Improvement Grant

Part I:

Intent to Apply Application


Intent to Apply

List of Qualifying Schools


DUE September 25, 2009

2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Grant

Part I: Initial Application


This Form Constitutes the Intent to Apply for:

District Information

Name of District:______

District Address:______

City, State, Zip:______


Telephone number:______

E-mail address:______

FAX number:______

Superintendent (or designee) SignatureDate

Title I-A Coordinator______

Telephone number:

E-mail address:

FAX number:

Title I-A Coordinator SignatureDate

School Information:

On page 8, list all schools in Title I-A School Improvement and/or Corrective Action Status in 2009-10.

Mail all forms to:

Stacie Ankrum, Office Specialist

Oregon Department of Education

255 Capitol Street N.E.

Salem, OR97310

FAX and E-mail forms will not be accepted

List all schools in Title I-A Improvement Status and/or Corrective Action in


School / Principal / Year of Title I School Improvement / Most Recent Annual Total ADM as reported to ODE

General Assurances to the Oregon Department of Education

Required for ALL districts with schools in School Improvement Status

Due September 25, 2009

Read and initial each statement below regarding district responsibilities for assisting schools identified for Title I-A School Improvement as they develop or revise their school improvement plan, and as they implement the plan.

  1. ____ The district will provide ongoing technical assistance to schools identified for Title I-A School Improvement as they develop or revise their school improvement plan, and throughout the implementation of that plan.
  1. ____ The district will coordinate the technical assistance that is provided to school(s) in Title I-A School Improvement. Assistance to schools may be provided by district staff, Oregon School Improvement Facilitators, external consultants such as ODE, ESD or university staff or by private consultants with experience and expertise in helping schools improve academic achievement. Indicate name/position of individual who will coordinate this assistance:


  1. ____ The district will help the school analyze results from the state assessment system and other relevant examples of student work to set measurable goals. Technical assistance will be provided to school staff to enable them to use data to identify and solve problems in instruction, to strengthen parental involvement and professional development, and to fulfill other responsibilities that are defined in the school improvement plan.
  1. ____ The district will ensure that the school improvement plan includes provisions for teacher mentoring as a part of its professional development plan. Mentor programs pair novice teachers with more experienced teachers to provide practical support and guidance.
  1. ____ The district will help the school choose and sustain effective instructional strategies and methods and ensure that the school staff receives high quality professional development relevant to the implementation of instructional strategies. The chosen strategies must be grounded in scientifically based research and address the specific instructional or other issues, such as attendance or graduation rate, that caused the school to be identified for school improvement.
  1. ____ The district will help the school analyze and revise its school budget to fund activities most likely to increase student achievement and remove it from school improvement status.
  1. ____ The district will ensure that at least 10% of the school’s regular Title I-A allocation will be expended for high quality professional development for the school’s teachers, principal, and as appropriate, other instructional staff.
  1. ___The Oregon Department of Education may, as it deems necessary, supervise, evaluate and provide guidance and direction to the local school system and local school in the conduct of the activities performed under this plan.
  1. ___The schools and district shall adhere to Oregon Department of Education reporting and evaluation requirements. This includes project reports that address the progress toward meeting the established, measurable goals, and any other reports requested by ODE to measure the project effectiveness.
Superintendent’s Signature ______Date ______

Title I-A Coordinator Signature ______Date ______

2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Notification of Parents

Statement of Assurances to the Oregon Department of Education

Required for ALL districts with schools in School Improvement Status

Due September 25, 2009

Please initial all statements that apply, or if not applicable to this district, put N/A in the space provided before each statement:

  1. ____The district has notified parents of all students in the school(s) identified by the Oregon Department of Education for Title I-A School Improvement status.
  1. ____The parent notification letter meets the requirements outlined in the Title I-A School Improvement Resource Manual.
  1. ____If one or more schools in the district are available as options for transfer, parents were notified that they have the right to transfer to another school that is not identified for Title I-A School Improvement (put N/A if no transfer option exists).
  1. ____The letter to parents clearly states that transportation will be provided at district expense (put N/A if no transfer option exists).
  1. ____If no transfer option exists, the notification clearly explains why no such option is available (put N/A if district did offer transfer options).
  1. ____If no transfer option exists, the notification explains other support and services that may be provided to children in the school(s).
  1. ____The district has completed the first of two notifications to parents of eligible students attending school(s) in the second year or beyond of school improvement of the availability of Supplemental Education Services to be provided at district expense
  1. ____Copy of parent letter pertaining to Supplemental Education Services is attached for each Title I-A school in Improvement or Corrective Action
  1. ____Copy of parent letter pertaining to school(s) identified by the Oregon Department of Education for Title I-A School Improvement status is attached for each Title I-A school in Improvement or Corrective Action.
Superintendent’s Signature ______Date ______

Title I-A Coordinator Signature ______Date ______

2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Grant

Statement of Assurances to the Oregon Department of Education

Submit this form if district is applying for Title I-A School Improvement Funds

By receiving Title I-A School Improvement Grant funds, ______District (district name) and all schools identified for Title I-A School Improvement will assure that Title I-A School Improvement Grant funds are used to meet the requirements outlined in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, section 1116 and that Grant funds will only be used to provide support to schools in Title I-A School Improvement status. Initial remaining assurances:


___Grantee shall establish and maintain fiscal control and fund accounting procedures, as set forth in 34 CFR Part 76 and 80 and in applicable federal and state law and regulations.

___The Title I-A School Improvement funds will be used only to supplement and not supplant, federal, state and local funds a school would otherwise receive.

___Grantee must receive prior written approval from ODE, Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation, before implementing any project changes with respect to the purposes for which the proposed funds are awarded.

___Grantee shall retain all records of its financial transactions and accounts relating to the proposed project for a period of three years after termination of the grant agreement and shall make such records available for inspection and audit by authorized representatives of ODE.


___The district will establish a Title I-A School Improvement Plan revision and peer review approval process that demonstrates thoughtful and evidence-based reflection during the planning process.

___TheSchool’s revised improvement plan and peer review should be completed and submitted to ODE for approval no later than January 29, 2010. Upon completion and approval of the revised Title I-A School Improvement plans a Title I-A School Improvement Grant application may be submitted to ODE January 29, 2010.

___Grantee shall submit a Title I-A School Improvement Grant Yearly Report due October 31, 2009.

Superintendent Signature ______Date ______

Title I-A Coordinator Signature ______Date ______


2009-10 Title I-A School Improvement Grant Information and Application for Funding