Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the New Frontier Glue onto Page: ______
- List the three types of transportation that Lewis and Clark used.
- Who was determined to "grab the heart of the continent for the United States?"
- Name the all-water passage many Americans believed would lead them to Asia.
- How many square miles were contained in the Louisiana Purchase?
- What job did Merriwether Lewis have before becoming a scout?
- What American city was the leading intellectual center of its day?
- Why was punishment so brutal in the camps before the expedition began?
- What date did the expedition begin?
- How many boats did Lewis and Clark bring with them?
- The expedition had many problems along the way. List 3 of them.
- What duty did Lewis and Clark have when it came to the new Indian tribes they met?
- Why did Jefferson want Lewis and Clark to speak with these tribes?
- What Indian tribe was called "The Pirates of the Missouri?"
- What important conclusion did Lewis + Clark make about this tribe?
- How did these problems change other tribe’s opinions about Lewis + Clark?
- Name the next two tribes that Lewis and Clark met along the river.
- What role did women in tribes play in the Native American society?
- Once the Indians meet Lewis and Clark, what important question do the tribes begin to ask?
- Why were the Mandans so fascinated by York? Describe the events surrounding his interaction with the Mandans.
- Lewis and Clark spent the winter of 1804 with what Indian tribe?
- List three important facts about Sacajewa.
- Why did Lewis and Clark bring Sacajewa with them?
- What did Lewis and Clark know about the area beyond the Mandan villages?
- What important mountain range was first viewed by Lewis and Clark?
- Once they reach The Falls of the Missouri, describe the problems they faced in trying to cross it.
- How long did it take the Corps to go around The Falls?
- Why were the Shoshone Indians so important to the Corps’ success?
- List two facts about the meeting of Sacajewa’s people.
- What important realization did Lewis make at LemhiPass?
- Why did the Corps have so much trouble communicating with the Flatheads?
- How long did it take the Corps to cross Lolo Trail? Why did it take so long?
- Name the next tribe that the Corps met.
- How did the Corps know they were getting close to the Pacific Ocean?
- What river did Clark confuse with the Pacific Ocean?
- What date did Lewis and Clark finally reach the Pacific Ocean?
- How did the lifestyles of the Chinook Indians differ from the other tribes that the Corps met?
- Describe the difficulties that Lewis faced against the Blackfoot warriors.
- What year did Lewis and Clark finally return to St. Louis? How many years had the entire expedition taken them?
- What did Jefferson expect Lewis to create after his expedition? Did Lewis complete this task?
- List two important facts about Lewis’ death.
- How was Clark’s fate different from that of Lewis?
- Describe the fate of Sacajewa.