CommonCoreState Standards: College Prep English 12 Portfolio Details
CommonCoreState Standards: College Prep English 12 Portfolio/Student-Led Conference Final
Each student must demonstrate at least 80% proficiency on this portfolio to pass the course.
Students may revise, rework, and resubmit until 80% proficiency is achieved.
Please label by number and organize in the order in which the assignments are listed
(one assignment may demonstrate multiple standards):
Literary Text:
- Demonstrate the ability to take proficient Cornell notes on a literary textusing page numbers
- Demonstate the ability to analyze a literary text, using multiple key passages with MLA citations for support via an extended response passage.
Rhetorical Text:
- Demonstrate the ability to proficiently annotate a non-fiction text
- Demonstrate rhetorical appeals and strategies understanding through text analysis using
- Demonstrate proficiency in grammatical errors and how to correct (SAT Prep).
- Demonstrate the ability to
- analyze a rhetorical text, using multiple key passages with MLA citations for support via a timed write.
- synthesize rhetorical texts, using multiple key passages with MLA citations for support via a free write.
- Demonstrate formal, academic tone in an essay
- Demonstrate proper use of MLA-format
- Demonstrate the ability to write
- your own claim, inside a developed introductory paragraph.
- to support your claim with logically, sequenced assertions.
- to support your assertions with external, credible sources as support.
- In various rhetorical formats: narration, description, exposition, argumentation
- Using organizational patterns in writing: inductive/deductive, compare/contrast, and cause/effect.
- Demonstrate use of the writing process:
- Demonstrates understanding of what is and what is not plagiarism through use of citations/works cited
COMMUNICATION: This section will be teacher observed.
- Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions:
- Socratic Seminars
- Study tables
- Group work/presentations
- Demonstrates the work skills:
- To come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material for discussion
- To work with peers to promote civil, democratic discussions and decision-making
- To propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning and evidence from all group members
- To respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, seeking additional information or research required to deepen the investigation or complete the task
- To make strategic use of digital media (textual, graphical, audio, visual) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence to add interest