TELEFOODis a programme that

provides direct assistance tosmall groups

to purchase input supplies and materials (e.g. seeds, tools, small equipment and small animals). They are intended to improve the livelihoods of poor families.

In Bahamas, the TeleFood Campaign has supported:

Animal husbandry agriculture initiatives in schoolsacross the island including: Nash Junior High and Coakley High school. Productionsupports the school feeding programme,teaches students life skills, and supplements income generationto theschools.

Refurbishment and Upgrade of Piggery and Poultry Unit at South Andros high School. This project helped to foster skills development and build students’ capacity in preparation for agriculture initiatives.


Food and Agriculture



AchievingFOODSECURITYfor allthrough:


Raisinglevels ofnutrition

Improvingthe lives ofrural populations

Contributingtothe growthofthe world economy

“FOODSECURITYexists whenallpeople,at all times, have physical,socialandeconomicaccess tosufficient,safe andnutritiousfoodwhichmeets theirdietary needs andfoodpreferences for an active andhealthylife.”(FAO2003)

AFAO Bahamas Publication

Feb 2013

GLOBALLYtheFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)leads internationalefforts to defeat hunger. FAO is a source of knowledge and information;helping developing countries and countries in transitionto modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practicesand ensure good nutritionand food security

for all.

Since inceptionin 1945, the FAO has focused special attentionon developing rural areas, home to 70% of the world's poor and hungry.



PROGRAMME (TCP) Projects are designedto address specific technicalgapsthat constrain productivityinagriculture,nutrition,fisheries andforestry.Theyprovideexpert assistance andbuildcapacity inthe country.



PROGRAMME FACILITY (TCPF) is smaller scale assistance that can provide a quick response to help develop projects in the country.


THEFAOhas maintained its culture of solid support to the Government and people of Bahamas for the past 38 years.

From food security to nutrition,to institutionalreform, the FAO has remained committedto supportingthe development of the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors.

FAO’s productive collaboration in The Bahamas is primarily with the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources. The Ministry is the principal public institution responsible for the policies and programmes of the Government of The Bahamas with respect to agriculture, fisheries and cooperative development. FAO is also working closely with the Ministries of Education and Environment and collaborates with several sector related partners to meet its strategic objectives

Assistanceisprovidedmainlythrough one of 3mechanisms:

Recent TCPsupport includes:

  • Forest Management Pilot and Training in Abaco
  • Assessment of the Agriculture and Fisheries sector to determine critical gaps and to propose strategic options.
  • Improving Food Security and Nutrition by Integrating Garden-Based Learning into the Primary School.