City Project Report Template
1. City: Name of the city, name and contact information of the person providing the report
City of Goteborg, Sweden
Susan Runsten
City Office
+46 31 368 02 51
2. Main themes addressed: Brief description of the main themes addressed
Youth unemployment is a prioritized issue in Goteborg. So is social inclusion and turning segregation to integration. Young people at the age of 16-19 that do not attend school nor have a job is one target group. The focus is also on preventing drop-outs from upper secondary school.
The city wants to further tighten the connections to the local community and to the business society in order to better reach and provide these target groups with alternatives that brings them closer to the labour market. The city further wants to explore how successful youth participation in local community activities can be integrated into broader perspectives of youth issues including education, employment and crime prevention.
During the implementation of My Generation (MG) the city office will develop new methods to follow up and analyze young peoples establishing period through a pilot project called KOMMUT. The purpose is to increase knowledge on young peoples different life patterns and to identify key factors related to education, employment and community activities that contributes to young peoples successful establishment into self-reliant adult life. Increased understanding of youth life-styles can contribute to make the municipalities different activities better adjusted to young peoples needs.
Goteborg sees MG as a potential platform to explore and connect otherwise fragmented attempts to promote the youth cause through better coordination. Goteborg also wants to focus on the issue of being a city for youth.
3. Local Support Group progress: Constitution of your LSG, possible working groups, comment on how the work is unfolding
A number of preparatory meetings where held in January and February to present MG and invite interested actors to participate in the LSG (see Diary).
The LSG started up with a Future Dialogue March 6, led by Bob Arnkil and Ulf Hägglund. 34 people participated. The day was a success with lots of positive energy, engagement and hope for the future. The event was well documented in Swedish (see appendix).
The list of people that are invited to the next LSG meeting May 27 consist of 64 people:
· Young people (8)
· Business society (4)
· Social economy (3)
· University of Goteborg (2)
· Labour Market Administration: national authority (2)
· Managing Authority: national authority for ESF (1)
· City Office (9)
· Education Administration, education age 16-19 (9)
· 8 City District Administrations (16)
· Other municipality administrations: property, social, sports & associations (4)
· Municipality companies: housing, business (2)
· Others (4)
On the agenda for this meeting are: feedback from the future dialogue, the youth exchange in Rotterdam and the outreach seminar in Glasgow. Discussion on the Employment seminar in Goteborg in September + future work for the LSG to develop the LAP.
We have formed a smaller working group consisting of 13 people from the LSG to help with the planning of the September city seminar in Goteborg. This group will have its first meeting May 7.
See appendix for invitations to the LSG meetings and documentation from the future dialogue.
4. Local Action Plan progress: Comment on how your LAP is developing, what needs and contacts it is addressing, what do you plan to do next
Goteborg has not started to work on the LAP yet. We will need to analyze the documentation from the future dialogue and youth exchange further to start this.
We are also waiting for the first results from the pilot project KOMMUT (see question 1), the political budget for 2010-2012, and the results from the municipalities internal follow-up process 2009 with a special theme on youth establishing period and young peoples possibility to influence the municipalities activities.
5a. Go through and Complete the My Generation MATRIX for the work you performed in your Local Support Group.
See appendix. We have used the matrix to bring out the most important messages from the future workshop. This has been done based on a detailed transcription of what the different voices said. The matrix is in Swedish.
5b. Overall assessment of new/better contacts and coordination: Give an overall assessment how the contacts/coordination between the actors and stakeholders in the youth issue has progressed in relation to MY GENERATION
The work with the baseline study contributed to get a better overview of what is being done in the municipality and what are important steps forward.
The preparatory work to form the LSG and then the future dialogue to start off the work created new contacts between different actors and stakeholders.
In this process a lot of new contacts have been taken from the city office. This is especially true when it comes to the young people and the business society. We hope to develop this further during the two years to come with MG. The smaller working group that now is formed to contribute to the planning of the September city seminar will probably also deepen the contacts between the different actors.
The youth exchange in Rotterdam further strengthened these new contacts since the young people that took part in it are also participants in the LSG. From the reports, stories and movies coming from the exchange, it seems to have been a very creative and engaging event that we can benefit from in our local work.
At the city office we try to combine findings from MG with our follow-up process of the many committees and companies (the municipality has a decentralized structure with about 70 commitees and companies) and our pilot project KOMMUT. The idea is to make progress when it comes to coordination and strategic development.
6. Youth engagement: Is there progress in new/better contacts on the youth issues you are addressing? Where have you made most significant progress? Progress on getting real youth involvement – what, with whom, how…
To get in touch with young people that could be interested to participate in MG, we used channels such as:
· The municipal Youth Council
· Youth centers
· Upper secondary schools
· Folk high-schools
· (web forum for youth activities in Gotehnburg)
· Youth associations (scating etc)
· ESF projects targeting youth
The city office will continue to work through these channels in the project.
At a preparatory meeting with local youth in February seven young persons at the age 16-22 turned up. Four of them later took part in the future dialogue and three went to the Rotterdam exchange. To prepare a workshop in Rotterdam eight young people participated in an education and employment workshop at the city office to discuss the present situation for young people in Goteborg. This discussion was a good start up for the workshop in Rotterdam with documented results.
One clear message that came through in the future dialogue was that the young people wanted to be taken more seriously and that their opinions should be valued higher. They want to be involved in the planning and decisions of activities targeted at themselves. They also perceived that adults are prejudiced towards young people and wished to get rid of this and instead develop a mutual dialogue between generations.
Both before and after the Rotterdam youth exchange, the group of participants have met on several occations to ensure the exchange will bring effects on the local level through continued and expanded engagement. Ideas range from visiting schools to initiate lobby actions directed towards the politicians. The methods and strategies to spread the word and increase the engagement must be organic and open. On one occation two of the participants took part in a panel debate with local politicians on the issue of youth crime. At this event contacts were established with an organisation concerned with youth who have a criminal past, Unga Kris, which was on a later occation visited by the same two participants.
7. Local community engagement: Progress with work with local communities - what, with whom, how, what better/new contacts? (this might not be your priority, but tell us what you do here – or not – and why).
In the preparatory meetings that were held to constitute the LSG and arrange the Future dialogue, representatives from the city district administrations took part. The districts youth centers were well represented. We encouraged these participants to help us involve other local community stakeholders such as NGOs etc. This was not very successful. However a social cooperative called “the way out” showed great interest when approached.
The Future workshop was hosted by the youth center TeenDream in Backa and four young men attached to TeenDream started up the day by giving us a Hard Rock performance. This made a very good start to our day. The local community voice was represented by civil servants from the youth center Meeths Salonger down town, from the ESF project Navigator at Hisingen and from the neighbourhood Gårdsten in Northeast.
The local community voices spoke about the need to get focused on shared aims and cooperate to reach these aims for the youth work in the city. The voice emphasized the involvement of young people in this and the need to increase our understanding of young peoples needs. At the same time young people need to deepen their knowledge of working life and employers needs. One way of doing this is through better cooperation between schools and business society.
Next LSG-meeting May 27 will be hosted by Meeths Salonger. To try and engage more NGOs we have invited the administration for social affairs and sports & associations. With their help we hope to identify more NGOs that is interested to get involved in MG.
For the Outreach theme Goteborg has chosen to write a case study on The Young&Safe Collaboration and Backa Base. This has created contacts with the housing companies and social workers in this particular field.
8. Educational community engagement: Progress with work with the educational community - what, with whom, how, what better/new contacts? (this might not be your priority, but tell us what you do here – or not – and why).
The education administration is well represented in the LSG with civil servants from central administration, counseling, dropout activities, the “Safety Net” project etc. The University is represented by two researchers from the department of social work and the department of work science.
At the future dialogue the education voice spoke about the need to develop better cooperation between different professions and not work in a contra productive way.
MG can offer a platform for this. Individually based support and alternative roads to fulfilled education was emphasized.
9. Business community engagement: Progress with work with the business community - what, with whom, how, what better/new contacts? (this might not be your priority, but tell us what you do here – or not – and why).
To inform and try to involve business society in MG we reached out to the following actors:
· Chamber of commerce (Handelskammaren)
· Swedish trade and industry association (Svenskt Näringsliv)
· Business association (Företagarna)
· Young entrepreneur association (Ung Företagsamhet)
· Manpower
· Business Region Goteborg (BRG)
· Labour Market Administration (Arbetsförmedlingen)
Everybody except the chamber of commerce has accepted to participate, some more actively than others.
At the Future dialogue Företagarna, Ung Företagsamhet and Manpower gave voice to the business society. They spoke about the handicraft trade, the need to have qualifying processes for this and other professions, vocational training, the possibility for young people to start new businesses, and also the need for young people to better understand as well as be appreciated in working places. There is a need to improve communication between the young and the employers, to fight discrimination and prejudice and to find new tools that help the young to get a foot into a working place. Possible tools that where discussed was coaching and mentoring. There is also a need to develop a more creative and inclusive labour market that can engage and utilize young peoples potential, skills and ideas.
10. Local authority engagement: Progress with work with the local authorities, including the management/decision making levels - what, with whom, how, what better/new contacts? (this might not be your priority, but tell us what you do here – or not – and why).
The municipality has 21 city district administrations and in total about 70 different committees and companies. The strategy is to try and involve as many of the concerned administrations as possible. The city office has a function to coordinate and work towards a “whole city perspective” regarding issues like urban development, segregation and employment. The youth issue is clearly on this agenda. Since the youth issues are a priority in so many different political areas there are also a lot of different units at the city office that are involved. The civil servants in these different units has been identified and have meetings regularly to talk about My generation, KOMMUT and our follow-up theme on youth 2009. The management is informed and involved.
11. Political decision maker engagement: Progress with contact and support of the political decision makers – what, with whom, how, what better/new contacts? (this might not be your priority, but tell us what you do here – or not – and why).
The City Executive Board took a decision in August 2008 that the City of Goteborg shall participate in MG. The new Chairman or the City Executive Board/Mayor has proclaimed that young people is one of her priorities. Because of the worrying economical situation youth unemployment are to be especially in focus and workplace training should be offered in order for them to get practical experience. Hopefully MG will contribute to fulfill the political aims regarding young people in our city. As our lead expert put it - young people as a resource for the city and the city as a resource for the young.
MG was also presented at a panel discussion with local politicians, civil servants and community actors in Angered (northeast district). The meeting was addressing the situation for young people in Angered.
12. Other, what: Possible other actors relevant in your city you have engaged with
The managing authority for ESF in Sweden, ESF-Rådet has appointed a civil servant to work with us in MG. She is very interested and willing to contribute in the network. She will analyze the content of our ESF Operational Programme until June 30 and are also prepared to take an active role in the planning and realization of the September seminar for MAs.