Minute of the Building Stronger Communities Group

held on Thursday, 18th April 2013

Community Services Complex, 101 Whitfield Drive, Dundee

Present: Alice Bovill - Strathmartine Forum

Alison Anderson - Environment Department

Bryan Harris - Community Planning

Gordon Reid - City Development (Planning)

Ina Brown - Maryfield Forum

Jim Gordon - Community Regeneration

John Hosie - Regeneration & Health

John Wolstencroft - Housing Department

Lara Moir - Craigowl Communities

Michael McLaughlin - City Development

Mike Welsh - Community Regeneration

Nancy Farquharson- Housing Department

Paul Davies - Dundee Partnership Team

Peter Allan - Community Planning (Chair)

Rena Smith - East End Forum

Ron Neave - North East Forum

Apologies: Joyce Barclay - Social Work

Morna Wilson - Dundee Voluntary Action

Steve McDade - Coldside Forum

1. / Introductions & Apologies
Peter welcomed everyone to the group and a round of introductions was made for new group members. Noted that Lara was attending the meeting in place of Joy Watson and Peter took the opportunity to ask for an update on Housing Association activity at the May meeting / LM
2. / Minute of March Meeting
The minute was agreed as accurate.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 / Corporate Hub Developments
Information on this was circulated with the previous minute and no change has occurred in the last month.
·  In response to a query raised over how it will affect community centres, John informed the group that it is not likely to lead to many (if any) changes to staffing, but that the LMGs would be kept informed in future.
·  Rena raised concerns that a member of staff may not be replaced following a retirement. John to look into and feedback to Rena
·  As DALMG are central to this from a community centre perspective, Ron was asked to provide a brief update at future meetings / JH
3.2 / Walking / Cycling Data
Information has now been provided to Bryan and some statistics incorporated into the SOA. Peter to forward the information to Rena and Alice. / PA
3.3 / Faith in Community Event
This is being organised by Gordon Sharp, Faith in Community Dundee on the 25th April. Agenda attached to this minute for info.
3.4 / Community Payback Orders
Paul had not yet arranged for Jacqui Barrie to attend BSC to present on this, but will undertake to pursue this with a view to a presentation taking place at the June BSC. / PAD
3.5 / Shopping Precincts
Mike updated the group on progress with the shopping precinct survey
·  Approximately 30% of precincts have been completed, with all expected to be completed during May
·  The criteria for assessment are being looked at
A request was made for Mike to look at involving community representatives in the assessment process / MMcL
4. / North East Ward Presentation
Mike Welsh gave a presentation covering the North East Ward, including some of the local achievements, priorities and issues.
The Ward includes Whitfield, Fintry, Mill O’Mains and Dalclaverhouse and has a population of around 17,000. There is a core of deprivation in Whitfield, with five out of nine data zones ranked in the most deprived 5% SIMD and another in the worst 10%. Mill O’Mains also has two data zones in the most deprived 10%.
It is expected that housing being built to the north of the Ward may skew future Ward-wide figures due to their high value. Whitfield is going through its third cycle of regeneration, with 800 new houses planned. Mill O’Mains has also had 70 additional houses built, with a further 70 planned
·  Youth Diversionary activity has focussed on children’s work across five local bases and engages with children at an earlier age than covered by Youth Workers
·  Local residents are being engaged with in their communities at a range of events, particularly around green space
·  An annual LCPP walkabout was held, led by local residents, identifying improvements made and items still outstanding
·  Mill O’Mains Tenants & residents Association developed a fund raising strategy and have so far raised over £60,000
·  An annual event involving police, fire service, community safety and youth work at Braeview is to be rolled out to Craigie High School
·  A presentation used by police and fire services has been revised with input from pupils and in future can be delivered by peer educators in schools
·  Work on ‘The Crescent’ has started. This will co-locate services and be base for around 140 staff. It is due to open in October and will include a café run by the community
·  Whitfield Green Space development will be boosted by £250k funding over the summer
·  A local time banking initiative has been set up
·  The first ‘food co-op’ was held on the 17th April, providing the opportunity to both socialise and purchase locally produced goods
·  Linking old and new areas of Mill O’Mains. Involves dealing with both the Local Letting Initiative and Welfare Reform side by side
·  Tarzan’s Island ownership is still unclear. It is a good wildlife area, but has a problem with fly-tipping
·  Trees – local residents want to continue to see trees in their green spaces, but this is difficult to fit in along with the planned developments in the area
·  Lack of bus services in Mill O’Mains. The tenants & residents association are petitioning for improvement and City Development have subsidised an evening bus route
·  Mental health and isolation issues. A local working group has been set up to look into this
·  Alcohol. People aged 40+ are seen to be drinking too much and an LCPP working group is to be set up
Comment made that it would be useful for the group to see the combined presentation covering police, fire service, etc. Mike to forward to Paul when available for circulation to the group
Comment made that it would be useful to get an update on Green Spaces across the city. John to cover at May meeting. Mike added that it is very useful to have local people’s interest in any planned changes / MW
5. / Environment Department – ‘Friends Of’ Groups
Alison circulated copies of her presentation (attached with minute)
‘Friends of’ groups are formally constituted, with nine existing in Dundee. Their aim is to promote the area and facilitate work in it. Alongside these are a range of environmental groups that have a community heritage focus and a growing number of community allotment / community garden groups.
At present there are outline plans for an additional three community allotments to be formed within Dundee. Climate Challenge funding could prove useful in developing these and Peter Sandwell is taking the lead on development of plans.
Comment made that it would be useful to involve LCPPs and look at Local Community Plans when making decisions on where these new allotments will be. In addition, the locations of existing community allotments should be taken into account. Nancy commented that Housing have some sites that may be worth considering.
An Open space / Land Asset Management Plan is also under development. Alison and John to discuss. / AA/JH
6. / Priority Updates
6.1 / Fairness – Peter Allan
·  A group of community members from across the city worked with Laura Darling from the Poverty Alliance, looking at issues relating to Fairness. They presented at both a local and national event having identified a few issues to focus on – in particular gambling, its impact on poverty and the lack of support available. This will be looked at as part of the Fairness Strategy review.
·  DCC have allocated an additional £30k to Dundee Foodbank. How they can best use this funding is to be looked at (if anyone has suggestions, they should let Peter know). At present agencies such as the Tenancy Sustainment Service and Welfare Rights refer people for food parcels but there is an issue with people being limited to a maximum of three parcels in a six month period. Parcels need to be collected at present, but delivery options may be something worth looking at for the future.
6.2 / Community Facilities – John Hosie
John circulated an update on Community Facilities – attached with the minute – and briefly talked through each of the areas.
6.3 / Strategic Housing – John Wolstencroft
John Wolstencroft gave an update focussing on the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).
The SHIP focusses on social housing investment in a rolling five-year plan, listing proposed building sites. it is based on knowledge of a minimum amount of funding that will be received from the Scottish Government and is accompanied by a ‘shadow plan’ that makes use of any additional allocations. Next update is due to be submitted by 28th June and includes input from Housing Associations. John W will circulate the final list once available.
Sites are prioritised base on;
·  Whether they fit with the overall housing strategy
·  Fit with priority regeneration areas
·  Consideration of particular needs in an area
·  Whether there are any constraints on development such as ownership, flooding, contamination, etc. of the land
·  Financial viability of developing the area – especially with very small parcels of land
In response to a query asking if there was to be any focus on one bedroomed housing, John replied that while the Scottish Government hasn’t previously been supportive of that sort of development, indications are that they won’t object to proposals including one bedroomed housing. / JW
7. / Dundee Community Regeneration Fund
7.1 / Grant Applications
All forum recommendations on grant applications were agreed except for EEP1302, Fairfield Sports & Leisure, Roof Replacement project which was deferred for more information as it appeared that work may have already started on the roof despite funds not yet being agreed.
7.2 / Projects Failing to Report
From the previous list
·  Dundee International Women’s Centre (M010) have submitted a report but the DP Team are awaiting supporting evidence (PAD Note: This has now been received)
·  Ardler Village Trust (S007) have now reported, restoring eligibility. Paul noted that two applications had been submitted by AVT shortly afterwards
·  Sidlawview PS Boys Football Team (S014) have submitted an invoice, but not a completed report form
One additional project has failed to report and is currently ineligible for funding:
·  Boomerang Out of School Club – EE010 – Holiday Activities (Note that this is a separate organisation from St. John’s Boomerang in the Maryfield Ward)
8. / Chairs Group - Issues and Information Sharing
Community Centre weekend opening was discussed
·  Some forums have not had the chance to discuss this yet
·  There are sometimes problems getting stewards to work at the weekend, and even when they are available, the costs are high for small community groups
·  LMG members aren’t always willing to take on responsibility for a building if a steward isn’t available
·  Access for sports is feasible at some centres due to the set up allowing access to only the hall / changing rooms, removing the need for stewards
The Chairs Group are to re-look at this once all forums have had a chance to discuss and try to answer the question: Is there a demand from the wider community for weekend access to community centres?
LCPP Collective Meeting
·  The Chairs Group felt this would be more useful at a later date with respect to collective discussion of Welfare Reform. This would allow emerging issues to be discussed rather than speculative ones
·  The wider sense of the usefulness of collective LCPP meetings wasn’t discussed, but at BSC the views expressed were that this could be useful, either as LCPPs or as matching sub-groups for particular topics
9. / Local Community Planning
·  Greg Colgan attended the last Community Officers meeting and an agreement was reached that issues raised at LCPPs would be collated and fed back to Greg. This would help in the identification of any gaps and influence the actions taken to mitigate the negative impacts of Welfare Reform. It could lead to bringing LCPPs together for a meeting in the future
·  An ‘Overprovision of Licensed Premises’ report has been completed. Carole Robertson has asked if communities want to be consulted on this to feed into the licensing policy which is to be reviewed and finalised for December. Carole and Vered Hopkins (ADP) will be attending some of the May cycle of LCPP meetings where interest has been expressed (Maryfield & Lochee to date)
·  A report on the progress against Local Community Plan actions is going to Committee in May and will be shared at the next BSC meeting
·  Many different discussions have taken place with respect to Welfare Reform and it would be good to pull these all together. John to speak with Greg Colgan and Marie Dailly and bring information back to the May BSC meeting / CO’s
10. / Single Outcome Agreement 2012-17
Bryan informed the meeting that the finalised draft was now with the Scottish Government. Discussion will follow to bring about a final version. Alongside this, development of the SOA Delivery Plan is being progressed.
Peter thanked Bryan for the large amount of effort that he has put into the SOA development.
11. / AOCB
11.1 / Ina raised a query regarding Dundee Museum of Transport Trust: Are they making any progress towards being able to use the old Tram Depot premises?
·  This had also been raised at a Decentralisation Briefing and Neil Gellatly was identified as leading on this, but there has been no news recently
·  Nancy added that while the area around the Tram Depot has been noted for housing use, there is a caveat that will allow DMoTT to make use of the Depot
·  Site is still owned by Scottish Water
·  Gordon offered to find out the current situation and report back to Ina before the next Maryfield forum meeting / GR
12 / Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 23rd May, 10am in the Royal Tay Yacht Club, Fort William House, 34 Dundee Road, Broughty Ferry, DD5 1LX
