BOND Latin America and Caribbean Group Meeting
16th April 2007
Progressio, London
Present: Elena Chiarella (World Vision), Liz Trippett (Everychild), Tessa Mackenzie (Central America Women’s Network), Felicity Manson (One World Action), Andrew Croggon (Christian Aid), Pedro Gonzalez (UNAIS), Miranda Clarke (Care International UK), Hannah Williams (WWF-UK), Shampa Nath (Healthlink Worldwide), Sonia Martins (Lepra), Karine Penrose-Theis (International Rescue Committee-UK), Catherine Klirodotakou (ChildHope UK), Helen Nash (Toybox), Nicholas Kafka and Tian Spain (Teach a Man to Fish), Vanessa Maag (Interact Worldwide), Stephanie Brookes (Sense International) and Belisario Nieto (Progressio),
Apologies: none
- Paul Spray (Director Latin America & Caribbean DFID)
Paul Spray spent about an hour with the group, giving us an update of recent events within DFID. Informal notes were taken of this meeting and will be shared amongst the group without posting them on the website.
2.Bond LAC work plan (2007-2008)
Approved (Will be on the Bond website)
3.Steering group.
- Rebeca Zuniga Hamlin (Central America Women’s Network) [Tessa Mackenzie to continue until Rebeca is back in the country (1 May).]
- Pedro Gonzalez (UNAIS)
- Miranda Clarke (Care UK)
- If there are only 3 people, Andy will support for six months
Sonia Martins from Lepra expressed interest but would need to check with colleagues.
4.Issues of interest (steering group to decide on the format)
- WWF – Regional integration infrastructure development influencing IDB. Massive development in the Amazon. Highways cutting through the amazons, impact on indigenous people. Exploitation gas/oil (Presentation)
- The impact of China in LAC. External influences.
- Political integration between Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador.
- HIV Aids, as DFID won’t have the theme in the new RAP. HIV Alliance to lead. Organisations to contribute.
- EU speaker expertise.
- Violence against women (CAWN)
- Violence against children.(Sharing documents through Emily)
- Social inclusion. Disabilities.
5.Working Groups
- Funding groups: Lepra, Healthlink Worldwide; Teach a man to Fish; (Shampa to lead the group)
- EU trade policy group: CAWN; Progressio (Lizzette) there is already a group doing this so will not form a parallel group unless considerable interest from others.
- DFID: UNAIS; Childhope (Catherine to lead the group); Christian aid;
Rotate the proposal for others to join. TOR for working groups to be drawn by each group
6. AOB
Write letter to thank Paul for his visit to the Bond LAC group meeting and to request what is LAC DFID’s new structure. (Steering group)
7. Next meeting
JULY 19, 2-4PM at WWF