101 Belmont Rd, Hereford, HR27JR.
Reg. Charity 242380
Parish House: 01432 265177 & 07402979597
Rev. Dom Matthew CarneyOSB.Parish Website:
Parish email:
Our Lady’s Primary School: 01432 274814
Entrance Antiphon - “Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with saving justice”
Responsorial psalm - “I will bless your name for ever, O God my King.”
Gospel Acclamation - “Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!”
Communion Antiphon – “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who seeks refuge in him.”
Sunday Mass Readingsfor 9thJuly–Zech 9:9-10, Ps 144, Romans 8:9,11-13, Matt 11;25-30.
The readings and prayers can be found in the Parish Mass Book on page 99.
SEA SUNDAY – APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA. Today is Sea Sunday, when we pray for all those who live at and work at Sea. Today’s 2nd collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea, the Churches official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually, by employing chaplains in many of the ports of this nation.
ST. BENEDICT – PATRON OF EUROPE. This Tuesday, 11th July, is the Feast day of St. Benedict, as Patron of Europe, please pray for the monastic community at Belmont.
ALTAR SERVERS. At the morning masses today we will be awarding medals to those altar servers who have completed one year of serving. Those children who recently made their 1st Holy Communion are very welcome to become servers, just see Fr. Matthew.
FROM FR. MATTHEW –Please continue to pray for the many volunteers who are running Our Lady’s lunch club every Saturday lunchtime for those in need locally; we have been attracting up to a dozen people each week.This Saturday Team 4 are running the club.
Jesus is portrayed in today’s Gospel as a new and greater Moses.Moses, the meekest man on earth (see Numbers 12:3), was God’s friend (see Exodus 34:12,17). Only he knew God “face to face” (see Deuteronomy 34:10). And Moses gave Israel the yoke of the Law, through which God first revealed himself and how we are to live (see Jeremiah 2:20; 5:5).Jesus too is meek and humble. But He is more than God’s friend. He is the Son who alone knows the Father. He is more also than a law-giver, presenting himself today as the yoke of a new Law, and as the revealed Wisdom of God.As Wisdom, Jesus was present before creation as the firstborn of God, the Father and Lord of heaven and earth (see Proverbs 8:22; Wisdom 9:9). And He gives knowledge of the holy things of the kingdom of God (see Wisdom 10:10).In the gracious will of the Father, Jesus reveals these things only to the “childlike”—those who humble themselves before Him as little children (see Sirach 2:17). These alone can recognize and receive Jesus as the just savior and meek king promised to daughter Zion, Israel, in today’s First Reading.We too are called to childlike faith in the Father’s goodness, as sons and daughters of the new kingdom, the Church.We are to live by the Spirit we received in baptism (see Galatians 5:16), putting to death our old ways of thinking and acting, as Paul exhorts in today’s Epistle. Our “yoke” is to be His new law of love (see John 13:34), by which we enter into the “rest” of His kingdom.As we sing in today’s Psalm, we joyously await the day when we will praise His name forever in the kingdom that lasts for all ages. This is the sabbath rest promised by Jesus—first anticipated by Moses (see Exodus 20:8-11), but which still awaits the people of God (see Hebrews 4:9).
Dates for Your Diary.
Please come along and enjoy tea and coffee in the parish room after the Sunday morning Masses
2nd Collection–Sea Sunday – Apostleship of the Sea. Next week No 2NDcollection
TODAY- SEA SUNDAY – with our prayers and donations being asked for the Apostleship of the Sea, who care for Seafarers in the ports of this country. This agency of the Church provides practical and spiritual support to seafarers visiting our ports, it is completely dependent on voluntary donations to support the work of its chaplains.
FOOD BANK – Thank you for your generosity to the collection for the local Food bank last Sunday. They are also still in need of all the normal items of food; just leave in the containers at the back of Church.
OUR LADY’S LUNCH CLUB – Team 4 - 15th July, Team 5 - 22nd July. Team 1 - 29th July. Lists of team members have been placed on the parish notice boards at the back of Church.
The Parish council and Finance committee have recently commissioned the following works on our properties - a fire detection system for the Church, including smoke detectors and heat sensors etc and a improved fire detection system for the parish hall. Work should take place on the car park as well, repairing the tarmac and painting new lines-work that has been sadly delayed. Various works have also taken place in the hall, improvements to the small kitchen, and various new doors, so that a wider range of groups, including disabled groups, can use the hall. Later in the year works will be carried out to the guttering of the presbytery as well. Some tree surgery work has also been undertaken behind the Church.
The next meeting of The Herefordshire Catholic History Society will take place on Thursday 27th July in the Kemble Room, Belmont Abbey at 2.30 pm when we will have a talk on the History of Longworth Chapel and Bartestree Convent. All welcome. Further information .
ROTHERWAS CHAPEL MASS – A vigil mass of the Assumption will be celebrated at Rotherwas Chapel-Monday 14th August at 3.00pm , by Abbot Paul.
VENNTURE TALK – At all masses on Sunday 23rd July, one of the trustees of the local charity, Vennture, will be speaking at all masses. Vennture runs such projects as Street Pastors and Family Pastors, working with the most in need members of our local community. Info on their work is available at the back of Church.
GARDENING – New grounds contractors have just begun working for us, they are mowing the grassed areas every fortnight and doing some hedge trimming. Would any parishioners though be willing to take responsibility for looking after the flower beds and the various shrubbed areas, just keeping them tidy and doing some weeding etc of the paved areas. If you can help let Fr. Matthew know. If we could have a team doing this work it will save the parish a considerable sum of money.
NOAH’S CAMP Exciting news, a new Catholic family camp set in rural Gloucestershire7th – 11th August 2017 Inspiring talks, fun times for families, live worship band, Quiet prayer times, Taize evening, age related kids 7 youth groups All denominations welcome. You can camp or commute daily, only about 40 minutes from Hereford. For more information visit our website: 07961 346343 or contact Jacqui/Rob Corrigan on 01432 352241 for more information
FATIMA PILGRIMAGE – We have 14 pilgrims from the local Deanery going on the pilgrimage in late September, we will be joined by another 28 pilgrims from other places and parishes. Still places available, forms at back of Church. Final preparation meeting on Tuesday 12th September at 6.30pm.
Catholic Singlesis an organisation which helps single Catholics of all ages (over 18 years) meet other single Catholics, either one to one or through social events. For further information visit or tel. 0161 941 3498
ADVANCE NOTICE – Fr. Matthew will be away on holiday the first two weeks of August, touring around Northumbria, and staying on Lindisfarne – Holy Isle.
TINTERN ABBEY – SUNG VESPERS. Sunday 3rd September, 3.00pm, Abbot Paul Preaching, EMMAUS YOUTH - Dates of future meetings to be announced shortly or for more info contactRob and Jacqui Corrigan, Annie Ridgway and Ben Aldridge 01432 35224107739 566578
St Mary's Syro-Malabar Community, Sunday 9th July 4.00pm. POLISH MASSSunday 22ndJuly.SCRIPTURE GROUP.This Wednesday 7.00pm.SVPThis Friday14th Julyat 6.00pm.PARISH COUNCIL – Monday 11th September 7.00pm.
PARISH SCHEDULE. 9th– 16thJuly.
Sunday9th July –14th Sunday9.30am.Anita Yarwood11.30am. In th’s & Ruth HarrisRIP. 6.30pm.Janusz Bridski.
9.30am Mass –Sick of the parish
Tuesday11th - St. Benedict Patron of Europe.
7.00pm Mass –Anna Schmidt
(Divine Mercy prayers before mass and Rosary after.)
Wednesday 12th–
9.30am Mass–
7.00pm Scripture Group.
Thursday 13th -
9.30am Mass –
Friday 14th.
9.15am School Leavers Mass.
6.00pm SVP.
7.00pm Mass. Sr. Philippa
Saturday 15th– St. Bonaventure.
10.00am Confessions/Exposition&Benediction.
11.00am Mass –Fr. Michael Adams – Birthday.
12.00-1.00pm Our Lady’s Lunch Club – Team 4.
Sunday16th – 14th Sunday.
11.30am.Anna Schmidt & Ruth Harris6.30pm.People of the Parish / Rota Schedule for 9th– 16thJuly.
Flowers– Patrice and Rene. Cleaners:Saturday 11.30am Volunteers please.
Altar Linen –Denise Lissaman.Counting–John, Denise & Jan.
Ministries for Sunday16thJuly.
Readers – 9.30am,F. Keogh 11.30am. N. Long 6.30pm.R. Maloney.
Welcomers –
9.30pm,Mr and Mrs. Scanlon. 11.30. J. McGowan and J. Kelly.6.30pm.Mr and Mrs. Seamarks.
Eucharistic Ministers
9.30am.Celia Sharland, Sandi Bray, Simon Thompson.11.30amJanucz Wagner, Kathy Davis, George Mecina 6.30pm.John McGowan, Sarah Crowley, Daniel Coyne.
Polish Information:
Następna Msza Św w języku polskim odbędzie się w niedzielę 22 Lipca o godz 16:00
Collection for2nd July – 1st £268.30 GA £176.00 2nd Coll £258.27 for the local foodbank. Average weekly standing orders £225
Thank you.
Please pray for the Sick, Nigel Cotterill, Alison Fishlock, Timothy Bunclark, Michael Kennedy, Aileen Hepworth, Gail Gibbons,Baby Ruby Chandler-Marsh, Teresa Shaw, Katie and Jane Balnaves, Phil Thompson, Pat England, Agnes Lee, Emilia Dzierza, Michael Morris, Brian Morris, Alice Jones, Sue Watkins, Sheila Fawcett, Dymphna O’Neil, Andrew Walker, Sylvia Jones,Anna Foggo, Katie Richardson,Agnes McGowan, Rita O’Leary, Petal O’Hea, Neil Hillyerall in our prayer book.
Please remember in your prayers the recently dead –The many victims of the Tower block fire in London and all the victims of the bombings and attacks in Manchester and in London and all their grieving families, alsoRuth Harris, Sr. Philippa of the Poor Clare Monastery, Eugene O’Reilly,Anna Schmidt, Sylvia Phillips, Jeyaseeli Arokiasamy (in India)Albert Gregg,
and those whose anniversary falls in July– Margaret Town, Bruno Kavaliauskas, Kenneth Nicholas, Jeremiah Scully, Joseph Shawcross, Ellen Devereux, Francis Worsley, Philip Barnacle, Veronica Porter, Thomas Hurley, Ada Tipping, Marion Lewandowski, Francis Heavey, Adelaide Weekes, Veronica Robinson, Thomas Joseph Supple, Helen Banas, Pat King, Kathleen Scriven, Jadwiga Pawlowicz, Dennis Knowles, Jim Greenaway, John Connell, Paula Jenkins, Alan Panario, Clara Frayne and Susan Doherty