Appendix G. Descriptions of Species Identified as AIS or Potential AIS
This section provides additional information in the species identified in Chapter 2 as being aquatic invasive species in Connecticut, as well as those species considered to be potentially invasive, although they are not yet established in Connecticut. Note that detailed information is not provided for every species listed at this time.
Includes species with known impacts (or potential for impacts) that have limited or incipient populations within state waters.
Egeria densa, Brazilian water weed: A popular aquarium plant, this plant can become highly invasive. New colonies form by rooting of plant fragments. Strongly rooted, if the entire plant is not removed, re-growth can occur quickly.
Hydrilla verticillata, Hydrilla: Difficult to identify, this species spreads rapidly by vegetative fragmentation and forms dense monocultures, outcompeting native aquatic plants. Hydrilla looks like Elodea sp but the leaves are toothed and typically have more than 3 leaves in each whorl. Roots to the bottom, to depths of 30 feet and produces Tubers that can will re-grow after 5-6 years. Tolerant of wide range of environmental conditions, Hydrilla has low light requirements and thrives in both low and high nutrient waters. Control/eradication is very difficult and expensive. Dense infestations can affect water quality and impede water flow and recreation.
Myriophyllum aquaticum, Parrot feather:A perennial aquatic plant, it has both submersed and emersed leaves. Reproduces by fragmentation. Native to South America, this plant is generally sold in water garden stores and for use in aquaria. It has the potential to grow prolifically with monocultures, but its ability to persist in cold climates is unclear.
Trapa natans, Water chestnut: This plantis difficult to see at very low densities and can be easily overlooked. The plant can rapidly colonize shallow areas of lakes and calm rivers, forming dense mats that choke waterbodies, outcompete native vegetation, and reduce oxygen levels, A rooted plant, water chestnut has both floating and submersed leaves. Floating leaves form a rosette up to 1 ft in diameter. The fruit is a woody seed with four sharp barbed spines, which can remain viable for more than 5 years. This plant is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa.. Hand or mechanical harvesting of plants works well because the plant is an annual. Harvesting should be done before plants set and drop seeds.
Includes species present and established in Connecticut with known impacts (or potential for impacts), that may be mitigated or controlled with appropriate management techniques. This category includes species that are approved for import and managed under other regulations for commercial or recreational purposes, but may still have known or potential impacts on native species, ecosystems, or the human use of these ecosystems.
Phragmites australis, Common Reed: Invading both fresh and salinebrackish marshes, Phragmites forms dense monocultures, displacing native vegetation and reducing habitat value of many wetland systems (Crow and Helquist, 2000). Often responding to modified drainage,Phragmites can impede access to water bodies and completely clog channels and drainage ditches. Removal is by mechanical harvesting, application of herbicides, or restoration of natural hydrology, and is difficult and costly. Both native and non-native genotypes exist in Connecticut; it is believed that the non-native strains exhibit the invasive, nuisance tendencies.
Lythrum salicaria, Purple Loosestrife: This now prolific wetland species was introduced as early as 1824 in New England and Canada, likely escaping from flower gardens (Crow and Hellquist, 2000). This plant, now listed as prohibited for nursery sales in Connecticut by the Invasive Plant Council, is dispersed via seeds and rhizomes, and forms dense stands that overwhelm all other plant species in many freshwater and brackish wetlands (Hellquist, 2001). While its presence reduces the ecological value of wetland systems, purple loosestrife serves as an important pollen source for bees and commercial beekeeping operations. Currently, management efforts are focused on experimental biological control and are led by the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System. Control of this species will require continued monitoring and research into biocontrol effectiveness and elimination of sales through nurseries in the Northeast.
Cabomba caroliana, Fanwort: A very aggressive fresh water plant with opposite, finely segmented leaves with small white emergent flowers. It is widely distributed in eastern CT and appears to be spreading west in the state. This species is very resistant to control; at this time fluridone is the only known effective treatment.
Myriophyllum spicatum, Eurasian water milfoil and Myriophyllum heterophyllum hybrids, Variable-leaf water milfoil: Both these species are very aggressive and found in many CT lakes and ponds, often displacing the majority of native aquatic species. Harvesting, chemical control and biological control (M. spicatum) are used to control populations but eradication is unlikely. Early response at waterbodies with new invasions will keep control costs down and possibly allow for eradication.
Dreissena polymorpha, Zebra mussels: Water quality data has been utilized to determine the invasion potential of zebra mussels in Connecticut (Murray et al. 1993). Using calcium ion concentration in surface waters to predict potential habitat and invasion rates, Murray et al. (Murray et al. 1993) classified Connecticut’s fresh waters into zones of potential zebra mussel threat. They determined that the Housatonic River drainage basin and its associated hardwater lakes in western Connecticut, which run along a limestone valley, are most likely to support and sustain a population of zebra mussels. In 1998, a sustainable population of zebra mussels was found in East Twin Lake, Salisbury, a waterbody that has the highest calcium levels of all lakes in Connecticut (Balcom 2004). The Connecticut River is considered to be the easternmost water body in Connecticut that could support zebra mussels, even though the calcium levels are less than optimal (10-12 mg/L). Other waterbodies with marginal Dreissena habitat are located in the southwestern and southcentral parts of the state (Murray et al. 1993). Primary vectors include boats, boat trailers, boating equipment, live wells, and bait buckets.
Corbicula fluminea, Asiatic Clam: The Asiatic clam, a freshwater mollusk, broods its larvae in its gills, releasing them into the water column as post-larval juveniles with the ability to resist downstream transport by currents (Balcom 1994). The clams and their larvae can be drawn into intake pipes,
and the live animals or empty shells and body tissues obstruct water flow through condenser tubes, intake screens, valves, and service water (fire protection) systems (Balcom 1994). These clams inhabit parts of the Connecticut River and have also been found in several Connecticut lakes.
Ostrea edulis, European Flat Oyster: This oyster species is present in the North Shore waters of Massachusetts as well as in Rhode Island, and was reported in LIS in 2002 (DMF News 1996; Carlton 2004). There are questions about how Ostrea edulis and the native Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica might compete for space and food. More importantly, flat oysters such as O. edulis are hosts for Bonamia ostreae, a parasite that infects and kills the oysters (Bay Journal 2004). While Bonamia at this time does not appear to affect the Eastern oysters, scientists, resource managers, and shellfish growers are concerned that the parasite might “jump” over to C. virginica in time, as it apparently has with Crassostrea ariakensis.
Includes species established in Connecticut, with known impacts (or potential for impact), but with no known available effective or appropriately effective management techniques.
Codium fragile tomentosoides, Green Fleece or Deadman’s Fingers, Oyster Thief: A green seaweed with one or several thick upright branches arising from a spongy basal disk. The branches are dichotomous and in general 15-20 cm long and 3-10 mm in diameters, but branches up to 1 m long have been recorded. The fronds are normally annual, they disappear in winter to grow again from the perennial basal disk in spring. This invasive subspecies seems to reproduce only parthenogenetically. Along the U.S. eastern seaboard, it occurs from North Carolina to Nova Scotia, first appearing in 1957. C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides is among the most invasive seaweeds in the world. It derives at least one of its common names from its propensity to attach to bay scallops and oysters. Inhabiting both estuarine and marine shores, it is tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, irradiance). It can occur both subtidally and intertidally. On NW Atlantic shores it is primarily subtidal, but in recent years it has expanded its distribution into the low intertidal zones. Juveniles of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides are inhibited by high irradiances at high temperatures, while the adult thalli are not affected by high irradiance. Therefore, high irradiance may restrict the distribution and abundance of juvenile phases, but the adult thalli, once established may be able to persist. C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides is not an attractive food to most generalized grazers, although C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides is frequently covered with epiphytes, which generally modify grazers’ preferences. In many localities it appears that ssp. tomentosoides is not able to displace algal populations, however, once established, it prevents native species from re-establishing. First reported in New York in 1957 (Carlton 1992),
Grateloupia turuturu (formerly Grateloupia doryphora), Rhodophyta, red alga
This red alga can grow up to several meters in length, smothering out resident flora like the red alga, Chondrus crispus (commonly known as Irish moss) . It is currently found throughout Narragansett Bay, and at Montauk Point, Long Island, NY (Villalard and Harlin 2001; Harlin and Villalard 1998; Villalard and Harlin 1997) and was discovered in eastern Long Island Sound off the Connecticut coast in September 2004 (John Swennerton, Millstone Environmental Laboratory, pers. comm.. C. Yarish, UCONN, pers. comm.) Vectors include boat hulls, ballast water (spores), and humans.
Pfiesteria: Cysts of pfiesteria have been found in LIS, however, no outbreaks have occurred to date.
Perkinsus marinus, (Dermocystidium oyster disease: Lethal to the Eastern oyster, Dermo was first documented in Long Island Sound in 1990. Transmitted from oyster to oyster, the infection is usually caused by parasites released from dead oysters. It is a slow killing disease, suppressed by low salinities and low temperatures. At high temperatures, mortality rates can be very high. As with MSX, eradication of this pathogen is likely impossible. Minimizing contamination will require careful screening of oyster seed, approval of sources, and monitoring of existing oyster growing areas.
Haplosporidium nelsoni, MSX oyster disease: Lethal to Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, this parasitic disease was first described in LIS oysters in 1968, but was not documented by the State until 1998. The disease is transmissible from oyster to oyster but the infection pathway is unknown. The parasite is suppressed by low salinities and low temperature; mortality rates of oysters can be very high. Eradication is impossible, although shellfish harvests can be managed around the disease.
Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, Lobster Paramoeba: This parasitic paramoeba was discovered in the nervous tissues of dead and dying American lobsters, Homarus americanus, in 1999 as the lobster resource in Long Island Sound suffered a significant mortality event (Mullen et al 2005). It has subsequently been found in water and sediment samples from Long Island Sound and while it is known to have been present in LIS before the lobster die-off, its origin is cryptogenic.
Mycobacteria: Of special concern is the occurrence of mycobacteria in marine finfish. Species of Mycobacterium cause disease in over 160 species of saltwater and freshwater fish. Mycobacteriums are ubiquitous in the environment, surviving in water, sediment or fish species. Mycobacteria shottsi, first reported in 1997 in Chesapeake Bay, is an epizootic, chronic wasting disease, similar to tuberculosis (TB) in humans. It is a slowly developing chronic disease, taking two or more years to develop. While the disease itself is confined to the internal organs, with external sores and lesions, its symptoms include emaciation, exophthalmia, lordosis, hemorrhagic and dermal ulcerative lesions or loss of scales. This organism also has the potential to infect humans who handle diseased fish, especially when infected areas come into contact with open wounds. The severity of the disease to humans is related to age. There is no known cure for this disease in fish. (David Molnar, email communication, 21 June 2004).
Ascidians (Tunicates)
Also called tunicates or sea squirts, ascidians are encrusting organisms that are able to rapidly colonize marine substrates as solitary organisms or in colonies. Impacts of these organisms include competition with native species for suitable substrate, direct impacts to organisms on which they settle and attach, consumption of planktonic larval forms of other species including oysters, and fouling of vessels and coastal infrastructure (docks, hulls, lines, pipes, traps, etc.). Seven nonindigenous species of tunicates have been documented in Long Island Sound, predominantly east of the Connecticut River: Styela clava, Styela canopus, Diplosoma listerianum, Ascidiella aspersa, Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides violaceous, and Didemnum sp. Concern has been raised by these tunicates’ ability to rapidly spread over vast geographic areas. Styela and Botrylloides were documented to have spread from Connecticut to Maine in fewer than 10 years (Whitlatch et al. 2003). Research into means of transport and control technologies will be necessary to manage impacts from these organisms. The compound seasquirt, Didemnum sp. was discovered in eastern Long Island Sound in 2002 (Whitlatch 2004). It is a highly invasive colonial tunicate that alters marine habitats and threatens to interfere with fishing, aquaculture, and other coastal and offshore activities. The first documentation of this species in offshore waters occurred in 2003 when researchers found an extensive and dense mat of the animals on the northern edge of Georges Bank, about 160 miles off Cape Cod (NOAA News Online 2003). The 6.5 sq. mile mat of sea squirts, at a depth of 135 feet, is covering the hard sea bottom and the organisms that live there. In coastal waters of New England and California, Didemnum fouls coastal structures and seabeds. In New Zealand, an infestation by a similar tunicate threatened green mussel aquaculture operations in 1991 (NOAA News Online 2003). This species of tunicate reproduces both sexually and asexually. While the larvae are fragile and short-lived, fragments of the mats can float and reattach to a hard surface somewhere else. The sea squirts also exude a noxious substance that discourages predation and fouling of the mat (NOAA News Online 2003).
Membranipora membranace, Lace Bryozoan: Initially settling on kelp where it forms flat colonies, this species is a calcareous bryozoan whose growth weakens the alga and causes it to break. The lace bryozoanhas contributed to the declines of kelp beds in the Gulf of Maine since the early 1990s, facilitating colonization by another invader, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. The introduction of these organisms has caused declines in available habitat for important finfish such as juvenile cod, the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebochiensis), and numerous invertebrate species (Scheibling, 2001).
Hemigrapsus sanguineus, Asian Shore Crab: The Asian shore crab, first found in Long Island Sound in 1993, is now the dominant crab species in the rocky intertidal zone, with densities exceeding 100 crabs m-2(Lohrer 2000). Researchers surmise that it most likely did not competitively displace resident crabs from the Sound’s rocky intertidal habitat, but instead appears to occupy a habitat that is marginal to and/or underutilized by other resident species, very similar to its native habitat of cobble and boulders (Lohrer et al. 2000; Lohrer 2000). Densities of green crab recruits and juveniles have declined in the rocky intertidal of Long Island Sound, as the numbers of Hemigrapsus have increased (Lohrer 2000). The Asian shore crab is tolerant of a wide range of physical conditions and is an opportunistic omnivore feeder with a large reproductive capacity, producing several broods per year of >40,000 eggs per brood (Lohrer et al. 2000). The crab can readily consume juvenile bivalves (hard clams, soft-shell clams, oysters, and blue mussels less than < 20mm in shell length), as well as tiny snails, worms, crabs, barnacles, and red (Chondrus crispus) and green algae (Enteromorpha spp.) (Brousseau et al. 1999; Lohrer et al. 2000; Lohrer and Whitlatch 1997).