Syllabus:Aerospace Engineering
Grissom High School 2017-2018
Course Description: Project Lead The Way(PLTW) Aerospace Engineering. This is a one year survey course covering many topics in physics and engineering, including Newton's Laws, principles of flight, plane and rocket design, and robotics.
Instructor: Mrs. Zoladz, room 1241, email mary.zoladz@hsv-k12. I am usually available in 1241 after school until 5:00 p.m., and before school by appointment.
Course Objectives: Introduce students to basics of aerospace engineering. Students will take anEnd of Course exam developed by PLTW. Students who earn a passing score on the exam may be eligible for college credit.
Course Fee: There is a course fee of $60 for this course to help defray the cost of materials. Please turn this in to me by September 1st.
Course Expectations: Success in engineering requires the following basic skills: 1) following and applying basic safety requirements; 2) collecting and analyzing data; 3) manipulating apparatus; 4) performing laboratory work; 5) reading and preparing graphs; 6) performing mathematical calculations; 7) preparing written reports; 8) communicating effectively in written and oral assignments; 9) solving problems; 10) comprehending and interpreting reading passages; 11) preparing collections and projects; 12) studying for understanding and assessment; 13) completing all assignments and homework.
Course Format: Most assignments are completed in class, with occasional homework.
Tests: Lesson and unit tests include multiple choice and free response questions. Pop quizzes should be expected.
Nine Week Grading Practices:
60%:Summative assessment which includes performance based assessments, labs, projects, writing assessment, all of which directly reflect course standards
40%In-class and homework assignments that reinforce daily standards and/or introduce standards
Make-ups: Make-up for assignments and tests is to be completed as soon as possible, before or after school. Make arrangements with Mrs. Zoladz beforehand for make-ups.
Rules and expectations:
All school rules will be followed.
Be prompt.
Be respectful – no rude language or behavior.
Be quiet when appropriate– learning requires being able to concentrate.
Participate in class at acceptable loudness – you will be asked to discuss or explain out loud.
Neatness counts – if I can’t read it, you don’t get credit.
Be prepared: Late work accepted only at teacher’s discretion.
Discipline: Discipline issues will be handled according to the policies of Huntsville City Schools.
Aerospace Engineering Signature Sheet
By signing below I agree that I have read the Aerospace Engineering Syllabus and I understand and accept the requirements that are outlined in this document. I am aware that homework assignments are required and that consistent study time should be planned. I also understand that homework and classwork assignments are the practice of our class, and that skipping this practice will result in failing to master skills, and likely failure to pass the class.
Student Name (print): ______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parents: I am available for parent conferences by appointment. Communicating via e-mail is best. Please read the course syllabus with your child, sign the following detachable portion and return it to me by your child. Thank you.
Parent/Guardian Name (print): ______
Parent/Guardian Email (print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______