Healthy Choices Taskforce


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

at Rolland Warner Elementary School

Committee Chairperson

Kristin Fallon - school social worker at Lapeer East High School and Lynch and Schickler elementary schools; ; 810.667.2401

Committee Members

Jacob Bunt - student who attends Rolland Warner Middle School; )

Todd Bunt - parent of Jacob Bunt;

Wendy Byard - parent of Kacie and Kellee Byard; LCS School Board Trustee; Mott College English Professor; ; 810.667.5383

Marion Hazelton - Special Education teacher at Lynch Elementary;

Greg Piontkowski - school psychologist at Lapeer East High School, Zemmer Middle School, and Lynch, Schickler, Mayfield, St. Paul, and Bishop Kelley elementary schools;

Jennifer Taylor/principal at Rolland Warner Middle School;


Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Training/Implementation

O The planning for an April 18 health fair was tabled because the committee selected a more impactful focus: on-going district-wide training and implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS).

O RW Principal Jen Taylor and her team are attending the 2012-13 PBIS sessions at the Lapeer County Intermediate School District. Principal Taylor said it is an extremely worthwhile approach to creating a caring school culture, improving academic performance, lessening disciplinary problems, encouraging healthy choices, and promoting virtuous behavior. The training also educates attendees in anti-bullying approaches, autism, and other issues facing schools.

O The next step is to meet with Theresa Frakes of the Lapeer County ISD Wednesday, January 9, depending on Theresa’s schedule. Kristin will contact Theresa. Some topics for that discussion include in-house training for LCS staff and the 2013-14 training schedule.

O The current priority goal of the committee is to present a recommendation regarding fully attended and ongoing PBIS training and implementation at the LCS Student Advocacy Committee (SAC) and Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee (TLT) meetings in February or March, 2013. The SAC meets February 28 at 8 AM and March 28 at 8 AM. The TLT meets the same days but at 6 PM.

O The recommendation would seek on-going and fully attended district-wide attendance in the PBIS training at the ISD beginning in the 2013-14 school year and beyond. Specifically, each school in the LCS district would create a team that would attend all PBIS training sessions. Further, each school would be asked to implement at least three PBS (Positive Behavior Supports) in that school year and report on their effectiveness. Also, the district would create a supervisory team comprised of one member of each school team. This team would meet regularly to create a continuity of approach across the district.

Other Ideas for Consideration

O A before and after school program to offer counseling and group therapy to students in need.

O Create a method for elementary students to receive counseling support.

O Mentoring program similar to “Little Buddies” at Fenton High School in which 9th grade students are paired with juniors. This could provide service credit to participating students. It also could become an elective course offering similar to the LINKS elective course.

O Encouraging teachers to provide more community-service assignments/projects/lessons and those that encourage healthy choices and virtuous behavior.

O ImpIementing i-connect at the high schools.