Although not finalized and Gazetted yet, it is expected that new Trade Test Regulations will come in full force with effect of 1 April 2012. The Diagram and Guidelines following here below may assist AgriSETA Stakeholders that intent to engage in Artisan Development to do targeted recruitment. Our focus for the purpose of this notice will be on the green sections of the diagram only as the red sections apply to the Manpower Training Act.
The green section indicates 3 Formal Artisan Development Routes:
Route 1: When the learner is registered at any given SETA to follow the three year development program. Take notice that this option do not distinguish between an entry and exit level when registering a learner. The learner may have any of the following certificates; N2, Gr 12, NCV Level 2, or NQF Level 2. It also distinguishes between three components (Knowledge – Practical –Work experience) of learning which may be integrated.
Route 2: When a learner follows the learnership path starting at NQF 2 and finally achieving NQF 4.
A Skills assessment and recommendation from an accredited provider will be required to determine trade test readiness in the event that the applicant is already holding a NQF Level 4 qualification. Upon following appropriate action (practical training or workplace experience) to fill skills gaps the SETA will require a trade test readiness declaration from an accredited provider to be allowed to apply for the qualifying trade test.
Route 3: When a learner follow the National Certificate Vocational path starting at Level 2 and finally achieving Level 4.
A Skills assessment and recommendation from an accredited provider will be required to determine trade test readiness in the event that the applicant is already holding a Level 4 qualification. Upon following appropriate action (practical training or workplace experience) to fill skills gaps the SETA will require a trade test readiness declaration from an accredited provider to be allowed to apply for the qualifying trade test.
In terms of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Employers are still encouraged to register employees for RPL in pursuit of artisan status. This process will be administrated by a dedicated RPL Facilitators under the auspices of NAMB. We expect that process will not seriously differ from the current AgriSETA guidelines.
Stakeholders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new Trade Test Regulations and Listing of Occupation as Trades which are also available on this website.
You are welcome to contact the Skills Delivery Manager should you need further information.
Direct Tel: +27 (0) 12 301 5607
Reception: +27 (0) 12 301 5600
Fax: 27 (0)12 325 1677
Current System phasing out on 31 March 2013 / / New Regulations taking effect on 1 April 2013 / / Exit Summative Assessment (Trade Test)Artisan Development Route 1:
Entry Level Qualification / Knowledge Component (FET)
4 Options / Practical Workshop Training(Accredited Provider or FET) / / Workplace Experience
(Workplace Provider Approved) /
Gr 9 / or / N1 / N2 / 4 Engineering Trade Related
Maths and Science Compulsory / 4 Engineering Related Subjects / Gr 12 / With Mathematics and Science
Min 50% both subjects
NCV 2 / Full Certificate
85 Weeks Practical Workplace Experience (workplace Provider Approved) / Practical Workshop Training (Accredited Provider) / 85 Weeks Practical Workplace Experience (workplace Provider Approved) / NQF 2 / Full Engineering Trade Related Certificate
9 Months / 9 Months / 18 Months
Artisan Development Route 2: /
NCV Levels 2, 3 and 4 Trade related Qualification
(Integrated training: Knowledge, Practical and Workplace) /
Artisan Development Route 3:
NQF Levels 2, 3,and 4 Trade related Qualification
(Integrated training: Knowledge, Practical and Workplace)
N2 / Optional / Compulsory / N2 Exemption
4 Engineering Trade Related Subjects
RPL Process (Previously Section 28)
Section 28 Trade Test