A Guide for Prospective Members Fall 2016
The Junior League of Ocala, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Junior League of Ocala reaches out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism.
Becoming a Member
The Junior League of Ocala (JLO) is a diverse group of women from throughout the Ocala and Marion County area. Our membership includes executives, community leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers and professionals in fields such as law, healthcare, communications, finance, engineering, education and sales. We welcome all women who are at least 22 years of age and interested in making a positive impact in the community. By joining the League, members have opportunities to develop their leadership potential, to obtain valuable skills and personal development training, and to serve the needs of the Ocala/Marion County community.
If you’re interested in making a difference in your community, developing your leadership potential, and want to surround yourself with an international organization of like-minded, motivated women, Junior League of Ocala is the organization for you!
To learn more about the Junior League of Ocala, please visit our website at
Provisional (New Member) Requirements
The Provisional training of the Junior League of Ocala (JLO) is a combination of both interactive training workshops and hands-on volunteer experience. This training will prepare you for Active participation while also providing the foundation for life-long involvement in the Junior League. All members of the JLO have annual financial, time, and attendance requirements. Provisional members must complete the following requirements in order to be considered for Active membership:
Submit your New Member (Provisional) Application on or before August 1, 2016.
Attend the Provisional “Super Supper” (date TBD). This session will give you a foundation for navigating your Provisional (New Member) training, give you the opportunity to meet and learn about the other new members, and gain useful skills to lead to a successful year. (Prospective new members will be notified before the Super Supperwhether or not their Application has been approved.)
New Member (Provisional) Dues are $185.00($145.00JLO dues plus $40.00 one-time Provisional training fee) and are due no later than August 10, 2015. Dues are non-refundable.
Attend Provisional Meetings and at least 5 General Membership Meetings, including the March General Meeting, at whichProvisionals are inducted in as Active Members. General Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday evening of each month (unless otherwise stated) The League year begins in August 2016and ends May 2017.
Commit a minimum of 15 volunteer hours working with JLO community programs.
Commit 2 volunteer hours working with the Junior League of Ocala Autumn Gift Market, scheduled for October 1st and 2nd. Purchase/sell $75.00 of Autumn Gift Market tickets.
Commit 2 volunteer hours working at the Junior League of Ocala spring fundraiser,Pints for Parks, scheduled for spring 2017. Purchase or secure $100.00 in sponsorship.
Participate in service hours or other projects as determined by the Provisional Education Committee.
Junior League of Ocala
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Junior League of Ocala?
JLO is an organization of women committed to volunteerism in Ocala and Marion County. We currently have approximately 70 Active members and 60 Sustaining members supporting us.
What does the organization do?
Promote volunteerism through internal programs and community projects
Develop the potential of its members through leadership development and training
Improve the community through our efforts and action
Is Junior League of Ocala a business?
We are exclusively charitable and educational, functioning as a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit.
Is the Junior League just a local organization?
We are a part of the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) which is comprised of 293 Leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Great Britain. The collective membership exceeds 190,000 women.
Can anyone join?
Any woman who is at least 22 as of August 1, 2016 may join. There is no maximum age.
What is the Provisional (New Member) Program?
It is an eight month-long introduction to the Junior League of Ocala and has four purposes:
To educate about our community, its needs and how the League can make a difference
To provide an overview of our history, projects and impact
To develop your skills as a volunteer and future leader
To build interpersonal relationships through volunteer service
When are the meetings and what time do they usually begin and end?
Some meetings/volunteering may occur on days other than Tuesday and will vary in time.
General MembershipMeetingstentatively begin at 6:00 p.m. and end by 7:00 p.m. (Social time from 5:30-6:00 p.m.).
Can a New Member serve on a committee?
YES! You are welcome and encouraged (not required) to serve on a committee of your choice.
How can I learn more about the Junior League of Ocala and AJLI?
By visiting and
Become a fan on Facebook: “Junior League of Ocala”
Please return this Application by August 1, 2016 to:
Junior League of Ocala
Attention: Danielle Tuck, Recruitment Chair
Post Office Box 5954
Ocala, Florida 34478
ORvia Email at
Please type or print clearly in ink.
Name of ProspectiveMember:______
Last First Middle/Maiden
Street City State Zip
Home Phone: ______Birthday: ______
Cell Phone: ______E-mail: ______
Will you be at least 22 years of age as of August 1, 2016? ______
Name of Spouse: ______
Children (Name/Age):
How did you hear about Junior League of Ocala? (If from a member, please provide her name):
Member of Other Community/Civic Organizations:
Why is commitment to community service important to you?
Why are you interested in developing your potential for voluntary community participation?