KNP Fluency Assessment Lessons Instructions and Submission Guide
Currently the KCM is offering 6 assessment levels of the KNP Fluency Assessment Lessons:
- (FA5) Addition and Subtraction to 5
- (FA10) Addition and Subtraction to 10
- (FA20) Addition and Subtraction to 20
- (FA100) Addition and Subtraction to 100
- (FA1000) Addition and Subtraction to 1000
- (FM100) Multiplication and Division to 100
Please choose at least one intervention student to administer each level of the KNP Fluency Assessment Lessons. Each assessment is comprised of 9 tests, designed to be given once every 2 weeks for 18 weeks.
General instructions on how to administer KNP Fluency Assessment Lessons:
1)Set-up your video camera to record your test administration. Two video-taped test administrations will be requested for each assessment level for submission to the KCM, once in December and again in May.
2)The Fluency Assessment Webpage can be accessed at Follow the links to view the printables and access the KNP Fluency Assessment online interface. Here you can learn more about conducting a fluency assessment, or log-in to view the printables. Print off all “Printables” for each assessment level. The printables can be found at under “Downloadable Files for Printing”.
3)Fluency Assessment Questions are available online and can be read off your computer screen as you are administering the assessment to the student; to do so, click the assessment level you are using with the student underneath “Online Assessments” on Fluency Assessment Questions are also available in print form on the same webpage under “Downloadable Files for Printing”. Please note, however, that the ratings will need to be submitted on the online interface even if you chose to administer the assessments via print-out.
4)Use the drop down menu to select the Test # you are administering (1-9).
5)Enter your KCM derived 3 digit school code in the box labeled “KCM School ID”.
6)Enter your MIT ID (First three letters of your mother’s maiden name followed by the two-digit month and two-digit day of your date of birth) in the box labeled “KCM Teacher ID”.
7)Enter the 10-digit state student ID for the student you are working with. Be careful when entering the ID, as mistakes will be recognized by the database as a different student and will create a lapse in your graph for the week.
8)Administer the assessment and fill in your rating based on the student’s answer. There is a comment box below each question allowing for any notes you may wish to log.
9)Click submit.
Submission Instructions
FOR EACH fluency assessment level, please submit by December 13th, 2013:
1)The video-taped interview/administration of test 1, 2 or 3
- please title/label your video accordingly to include the assessment type, the interviewed test number, the student’s state id, your MIT ID and your school code
ex: FA5.Test2.2120123456.LAM1013.999.mp4
2)A copy of the parent/guardian signed fluency assessment interview consent form
- please title/label your consent form to include student’s state id, your MIT ID and your school code
ex: Consent.2120123456.LAM1013.999.pdf
3)Ensure that all completed tests are uploaded to the online interface located at
(All scores have been input into the online Fluency Assessment database.)
Please email the requested items by December 13th, 2013 to or mail them to:
Jennifer Martinez
Kentucky Center for Mathematics
475 MEP, Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
FOR EACH fluency assessment level, please submit by May 1st, 2014:
1)The video-taped interview/administration of test 7, 8 or 9
- please title/label your video accordingly to include the assessment type, the interviewed test number, the student’s state id, your MIT ID and your school code
ex: FA5.Test9.2120123456.LAM1013.999.mp4
2)A copy of the parent/guardian signed fluency assessment interview consent form (if your student has changed from December)
- please title/label your consent form to include student’s state id, your MIT ID and your school code
ex: Consent.2120123456.LAM1013.999.pdf
3)Ensure that ALL 9 tests have been uploaded to the online interface located at
(All scores have been input into the online Fluency Assessment database.)
Please email the requested items by May 1st, 2014 to or mail them to:
Jennifer Martinez
Kentucky Center for Mathematics
475 MEP, Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
KCM – facilitating teacher growth for state‐wide student success in mathematics: Professional Development/Research/Resources
Funded by the General Assembly; supported by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Department of Education
<http:// KENTUCKYMATHEMATICS.ORG> ·Dan McGee, Executive Director · Northern Kentucky University ∙ 475 MEP Building ∙ Highland Heights, KY 41076