Welcome everybody and thanks for joining us today. We are here this morning to talk to you about a global collaboration between Huntsman Tecnoelastomeriand Raeder Vogel, two companies that are workingtogether to introduce to market MDI-based polyurethane supersize wheels (diameter >1m).
Huntsman Tecnoelastomeri is a full technology provider in the hot cast elastomer market: we offer both TECNOTHANE®MDI systems and CASTECH® machines; while Raeder Vogel is a key global player in the manufacture of polyurethane wheels.
Today I am going to explain about the markets we are approaching with our supersize wheels, their key performance benefits, and our route to market.
Our first success was with DangoDienethal, which recently purchased six wheels from Raeder Vogel, which have a diameter of about two meters. Dango produces and sellsvehiclesto the foundry industry. Mr.Buch, purchasing manager at Dango, has said that the key benefits associated with our supersize wheels are production improvements and consequently, greater customer satisfaction. Using the wheels Dangocantake advantage ofparts with a longer life time, better wear and tear capabilities, and no safety issues: there is no need to inflate the wheels created by Raeder Vogeland the risk of tires exploding is also reduced. Furthermore, with our technology, it is possible to decrease noise and reduce the destruction of concrete.
Applications for thesupersize wheels include open pit and underground mining: our biggest markets.However,the wheels can be usedon any vehicle, from underground drilling andspecial mining equipment toload, haul and dump (LHD) machines and shuttle cars. We have special and tailor made technologies than can be adapted according to requirements. In these ‘other’ markets we are approaching both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and retailers. In the case of retailers we are first communicating with decision makers in mining. Because the use of our technology will affectretailer sales (our PU wheels are more durable than rubber) we need mining equipment specifiers to ask for our technology andconvince retailers to purchase it.
Now, let’s speak briefly about the performance of these supersize polyurethane wheels incomparison to alternatives made from rubber – our main competitive material.
What’s key in mining is cost, particularly now that low oil and gas prices are negatively affecting the value of mining To measure wheel cost, cost/tes transported is considered. This is of course linked to durability, and polyurethanes have a lifetimethat is about three to four times higher than rubber. On top of that, due to higher loading capacity (also three to four times higher than rubber), we can produce wheels at half the thickness ofrubber. The abrasion resistance of polyurethane is also double that of rubber as is resistance to impact, which is very important in mining. Here, tear strength is five times that of rubber. Another advantage is starting and rolling resistance, which can result in lower fuel consumption. With regard to traction or slip resistance, the performanceof polyurethane is almost the same as rubber.
The tailor made options available from polyurethane-based systems offer other advantages too. With polyurethanesyou can have different colors that can be used for communication or better visibility in mining environments; for example, yellow or red. You can have different thickness parts. We can use different MDI system technologies depending on market requirements. Furthermore, it is safer and easier to replace polyurethane wheels in mining as it is simple to do so – as you can see from these pictures. Lastly,as previously mentioned, with our wheels there is no risk of blowouts and you do not need to inflate wheels for use indifficult environmentssuch as mines.
One final point to stress isthat we can offer lower thickness wheels that have comparable properties. This enables OEMs to produce lower height vehicles. This is key when vehicles have to go insidesmall tunnels. In fact, we have just received an order from an OEM that is going to produce similar vehicles to test this concept. This is our first sale in mining so we’ll be monitoring data and resultsclosely and using the information to prove our value proposition and scale up our sales in the short term.
To conclude, I would like to summarize our route to the market.
As mentioned previously, at Huntsman Tecnoelastomeriwe are able to supply a full technology offer to the elastomer manufacturing industry through our CASTECH machines and TECNOTHANE MDI systems. To produce its PEVOTEC supersize wheels Raeder Vogel uses our full pack technologies. To produce one wheel takes almost one month, including post curing, compared to six months for a rubber wheel. – so there are big production savings availableThen, Raeder Vogel – with its worldwide network of offices and warehouses – is able to supply supersize wheels all around the world. Raeder Vogel also has a service structure close to mining customers to provide just-in-time assistance.
Thanks for your attention.