Minutes of the Joint Committee Meeting Held at Park Hill Golf Club
On Tuesday 20th April 2016 at 7pm
Attendance: John Wright (Chair), Frank Tyler, Neil Roberts, Geoff Bone, Dave Mee, Pat Foottit, Angela Wright, Glenda Yeldham, Mike Walker, Jason Smith,
Terri Wills, Wendy Walker
Apologies for Absence: Matt Ulyett, Graham Barradell
Minutes of the last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2016 were approved.
Matters Arising
The Chairman welcomed Mike Walker, who had volunteered to help on the Committee, to the meeting and went on to say that his help would be greatly appreciated. Mike had been co-opted onto the Committee but would have no voting rights due to his recent appointment as Auditor.
The Chairman had received a letter with regard to Golf Mark and reported that the information required had now been completed.
Treasurer’s Report
Frank reported that the General Fund now stood at £2,400. The question was raised with regard to the payment of the B Team subs of £70 and whether this would create a problem with the C Team and also the Seniors’ registration funds ? These items had never been paid for before. Frank would be speaking to Chris Olivier with regard to this matter. A further question was raised with regard to why we pay Melton Mowbray for this? The Chairman would review previous Minutes in an effort to find any evidence of this amount having been paid for previously by the Committee.
Competitions Committee Report
As the Club was now entering into the major part of the season, Matt would be issuing an email with regard to the entries for the summer competition to see if he could get some support.
At the recent AGM, The Chairman had commented that all medals would be played off the white and yellow tees. With the Lombard, however, this would prove difficult to adhere to and, following lengthy discussion, it was agreed to leave it as playing off the whites. Neil would be scoring with help from Jason.
Handicap Secretary
Correspondence had been received from David Bentley, which Glenda would be forwarding to the Chairman with regard to the item on bunkers. Glenda went on to say that, in her opinion, the course was looking really good and well cared for.
Proprietor’s Report
Dave commented that the hollow coring had been the best ever with the new mowing procedure having been put back also. The Greens staff feel that the course is between 6 and 7 weeks ahead of last year.
Dave went on to say that there had been a number of new members signing up to the club together with old members returning.
The Committee gave praise to Jamie Longstaff for his work with the Greens Team.
Juniors’ Report
Emily Dunne was the new Junior Captains for the year.
Both Geoff and Terri had attended the Safeguarding children in golf seminar.
Geoff was still waiting to hear from Ullesthorpe and a further e-mail had been sent to them.
Forthcoming competitions: Beedles Lake 8 August Park Hill
Melton Mowbray 15 August Away
Ullesthorpe 12 August Away
The Junior Championships would be held at Park Hill but confirmation from Matt was still required. The question was raised with regard to a team prize and this was considered to be a good suggestion and will be discussed with Matt.
Park Hill would be entering the Leicester Festival of Golf with a team of 5 players and, with regard to the Sunday competitions; there would be no more than one per month.
Emily was very keen that the juniors have a team shirt and Geoff said that there was a possibility of obtaining shirts through a sponsor.
Seniors’ Report
It was reported that some of the senior members had commented about the cubicle in the Gents toilet still being out of order. Remarks had also been received with regard to the recent rise in fees and Dave was dealing with this.
The seniors sent their congratulations with regard to the food which is now considered to be brilliant and going down very well.
Social Report
Quiz Night to be held on 27th April 2016.
Saturday night Barbeque and Bingo to be arranged.
Dave requested members of the Committee to attend these functions and to encourage others to do so too.
Ascot Ladies Day on 16th June 2016 to be held at Park Hill – notices to be put in the Club House with all details.
Jason: On the 9th, 15 pitch marks had been repaired by himself and Dave this evening. Jason requested that players remind others to make repairs and the Committee did feel that it was in fact members who were not carrying this out.
Terri: A collection had been made for a gift for John Newman when he was recently ill. This money was still with Terri and, as yet, remained unspent. It was agreed that the purchase of a basket of fruit would now be made and delivered to John as soon as possible.
Terri: The question was asked with regard to a kitty for odd jobs – all decisions must go through Dave and it was felt that the kitty was not a good idea at this time.
Frank: Honours Board – a quote had been received by Spiros who wanted a computer generated image of the Board. The Chairman reported that this would be completed within the next 3 months at the latest.
Angela: The Lady’s name was still missing from the Big Ball on a Tee.
Angela: Discussion took place with regard to plants/bushes being put onto the mounds marked GUR. It was agreed that this would be an excellent idea and consideration would be given to this – not gorse but another plant.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.52 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th May 2016 at 7.00 pm.