Workshop/Regular Meeting – November 11, 2014
Mission Statement
Somerville Schools provide the highest quality education through an
environment that promotes individual excellence.
TIME AND PLACE / The Board of Education of the Borough of Somerville in the County of Somerset, New Jersey convened a Workshop/Regular Meeting on November 11, 2014 at the Administrative Headquarters, 51 West Cliff Street, Somerville.CALL TO ORDER / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mrs. Olson, Board President; who asked all present to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL / MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Norman Chin, Mr. Kenneth Cornell, Mr. Dennis Garot, Mr. Al Kerestes, Mrs. Linda Olson, Mr. John Prudente, Mr. Daniel Puntillo, Mr. David Rehe, Mrs. Melissa Sadin, Mr. Lucien Sergile
ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Timothy J. Purnell, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Bryan P. Boyce, Board Secretary/School Business Administrator, Michael J. Rogers, Board Attorney
Mr. Chin announced that adequate notice of this meeting in compliance with Chapter 231 of Public Laws of 1975, entitled the “Open Public Meetings Act,” has been provided by action of the Board of Education’s Organization/Workshop/Regular Meeting of January 7, 2014. Notices to the two newspapers circulated in the school district, and a posted notice to this effect on the Board of Education building bulletin board, Administrative Headquarters, 51 West Cliff Street, Somerville, New Jersey.
PUBLIC COMMENT / There was no public comment.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT / Board of Education Ethics
Gwen Thornton, NJSBA Field Service Representative
Gwen Thornton, NJSBA Field Service Representative canceled ethics training this evening. Ethics Training has been postponed until after the new Board of Education organizes.
Somerville School Board Election Results
Dr. Purnell thanked John Prudente and Al Kerestes for their outstanding service to the Board of Education. Mr. Prudente was the driving force behind school security and the addition of the Public Relations Officers at Somerville Middle School and Van Derveer Elementary School. He worked tirelessly to support our athletic programs. He always put the children first in his decisions. Mr. Kerestes served as past President and was instrumental, along with Mr. Cornell, to bringing technology into our district. He was key in getting the fiber connection to the Borough resulting in significant taxpayer savings. He also spearheaded the Shared Service Committee and introduced climate surveys to each of our buildings.
Dr. Purnell congratulated Norman Chin in his re-election and the new elected members, Dianne Durland and James Jones. Dr. Purnell looks forward to working with them.
Districts of Distinction Award
Dr. Purnell announced that Somerville was awarded “Districts of Distinction Award”, which is a national recognition program created by District Administration magazine to honor school districts that are leading the way with new ideas that work. He gives all of the credit to Mr. Timothy Teehan, Academic Achievement Officer, who spearheaded the Assess-Analyze-Achieve program. There will be a presentation at the next Board meeting on standardized testing which will highlight the growth at Van Derveer School. Only three schools in New Jersey received this recognition.
Consolidated Monitoring
Dr. Purnell reported that Consolidated Monitors recently visited the district to follow up on the recommendations that focused on IDEA and Title I programmatic requirements. The district was deemed a model example and he credits Dr. Tanya McDonald, Director of Special Services and Mr. Timothy Teehan, Academic Achievement Officer for this success.
District Initiatives
Dr. Purnell highlighted some of the initiatives the district is undertaking. One is “Talk with Tim” which is an avenue to engage all stakeholders. If you have an idea, comment or suggestion, this provides another vehicle for communication to assist Dr. Purnell in making well-informed decisions for our children. In addition, “#allin4theVille” award has been created to recognize any staff member for their outstanding efforts.
District Highlights
Dr. Timothy J. Purnell, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Purnell reported on student activities the Preschool, Van Derveer School, Somerville Middle School and Somerville High School.
BOARD MEMBER COMMENT / President Olson recognized Dr. Timothy Purnell for his leadership in putting initiatives in place that earned the Districts of Distinction.
NEW BUSINESS / It is recommended that Item 1 be moved upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
1. DONATION TO SOMERVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL / RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept a donation from the Municipal Alliance/Youth Services Commission to Somerville Middle School in the amount of $1,300.00 to fund the parent information roundtables facilitated by Dr. Helena Sroczynski, Somerville Middle School school psychologist.
Mr. Chin introduced and moved the adoption of the resolution; Mr. Sergile seconded.
Upon call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Cornell YES Sadin YES
Garot YES Sergile YES
Kerestes YES Chin YES
Prudente YES Olson YES
Puntillo YES *Rehe N/A
It is recommended that Items 2* through 11* be moved upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
2* OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES AND INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS / RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following motion:
Designation of Official Depositories and Individuals Authorized to Sign Checks
Bank / Account / Required Signatures
Wells Fargo Bank
General Fund Checking / President/Board Secretary
Improvement Authority
1998 Referendum –
Checking / President/Board Secretary
December 2004
Account – Checking / President/Board Secretary
Payroll / Board Secretary
Payroll Agency / Board Secretary
Unemployment Trust
Fund / Board Secretary
Summer Pay Fund / Board Secretary
SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY DIRECTING THE UNDERTAKING OF A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REVIEW AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE “MUNICIPALITIES CONTINUING DISCLOSURE COOPERATION” INITIATIVE OF THE DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT OF THE U.S. SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION / WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Borough of Somerville in the County of Somerset, New Jersey (the "Issuer") has previously issued one or more series of bonds and or notes, including in the past five (5) years pursuant to one or more preliminary and final official statements (collectively, the "Bonds"); and
WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance of such Bonds, the Issuer covenanted with Bondholders to provide certain secondary market information on an annual basis to the Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories (pre-2009) and to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board's Electronic Municipal Market Access Data Port (2009 to present) ("EMMA"), including, but not limited to, audited financial statements, budgets, other financial and operating data and ratings changes; and
WHEREAS, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") has recently focused attention on what it alleges is widespread failure of local government issuers across the nation to meet their continuing disclosure obligations and misrepresentation through material misstatements in an official statement (innocently, inadvertently or otherwise) of past compliance with continuing disclosure obligations; and
WHEREAS, in an effort to remedy these perceived issues, the SEC has implemented the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative (the "MCDC"), a limited-time program ending at 12:00 a.m. on December 1, 2014, that encourages issuers of municipal bonds, including the Issuer, to self-report possible material misstatements or omissions, made in the past five (5) years in an official statement regarding compliance with prior continuing disclosure obligations; and
WHEREAS, by participating in the MCDC, issuers agree to accept certain non-monetary penalties, in lieu of unknown, and, potentially significant monetary and non-monetary penalties the SEC has threatened on issuers that do not participate in the MCDC, should the SEC determine than an issuer has made material misstatements in an official statement regarding compliance with prior continuing disclosure obligations; and
WHEREAS, by participating in the MCDC, issuers agree to accept the following penalties, if imposed by the SEC (i) compliance with a cease and desist order in which the issuer neither admits nor denies the findings of the SEC, (ii) implementation of policies, procedures and training regarding continuing disclosure obligations, (iii) compliance with all existing continuing disclosure undertakings, (iv) cooperation with any further SEC investigation, (v) disclosure of settlement terms in any final official statement issued within five years of the date of institution of the proceedings, and (vi) production to the SEC of a compliance certificate regarding the applicable undertakings on the one year anniversary of the proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the Issuer desires to conduct a disclosure review which will (i) summarize the results of the Issuer's prior compliance with its secondary market disclosure obligations and (ii) compare those results to the statements made by the Issuer in its official statements regarding past compliance (the "Disclosure Review"); and
WHEREAS, the Issuer further desires to retain the services of disclosure specialist to conduct the Disclosure Review; and
WHEREAS, based on the results of the Disclosure Review, and weighing the known, non-monetary penalties that may come through the Issuer's participation in the MCDC versus the unknown, and, by all accounts, potentially significant monetary and non-monetary penalties the SEC has threatened on issuers that do not self-report, the Issuer further desires to delegate to the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Issuer's general counsel, bond counsel, auditor and other finance professionals, the power to prepare and submit all documentation required to enter the Issuer's Bond issues into the MCDC, as necessary;
Section 1. The Issuer hereby authorizes completion of the Disclosure Review.
Section 2. The Issuer hereby authorizes the Chief Financial Officer to engage the services of a disclosure specialist to complete the Disclosure Review; provided that the award of any contract in connection therewith meets the requirements of Issuer’s applicable public contracting laws.
Section 3. In the event the Disclosure Review reveals that the Issuer may have made a material misstatement regarding the Issuer's compliance with prior continuing disclosure undertakings, the Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Chief Financial Officer to prepare and submit all documentation necessary to enter the Issuer's applicable Bond issues into the MCDC.
Section 4. Any action taken by the Chief Financial Officer, or any other officer of the Issuer, with respect to the Disclosure Review, the engagement of a disclosure specialist and participation in the MCDC is hereby ratified and confirmed.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
4* SUBMISSION OF FORM M-1 AND COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN / WHEREAS, the Department of Education requires New Jersey School Districts to submit
threeyear maintenance plans documenting "required" maintenance activities for each of its public school facilities, and
WHEREAS, the required maintenance activities are listed in the enclosed document for the various school facilities of the Somerville Board of Education are consistent with these requirements, and
WHEREAS, all past and planned activities are reasonable to keep school facilities open and safe for use or in their original condition and to keep their systems warranties valid,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Somerville Board of Education hereby authorizes the School Business Administrator to submit the enclosed Form M-1 and Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for the Somerville Board of Education in compliance with the Department of Education requirements.
5* DONATION TO SOMERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL / RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept a donation in the amount of $20,000.00 from Janssen Supply Group to support the FIRST Robotic Program at Somerville High School.
6* DONATION TO SOMERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL / RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept a donation from Central Jersey Trailer and Hitch Depot of a 2015 Homesteader Trailer for use at its competitions for a total value of $3,437.00.
7* HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REPORT / RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the monthly Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying unconfirmed report cases 2014-2015:1SHS-NC, 2014-2015:2SHS-NC, 2014-2015:3SHS-NC, 2014-2015:4SHS-NC, 2014-2015:5SHS-NC, 2014-2015:6SHS-NC.
8* CANCEL OUTSTANDING CHECKS / RESOLVED that the Board of Education cancel the following outstanding checks:
Check No. Check Date Amount Payee
30041 11/30/10 $100.00 Marjorie Mahoney
30411 12/21/10 $85.00 Mark Marshall
31260 6/30/11 $636.00 Mary Kroeper
31569 7/29/11 $249.05 Janice Fusaro
31877 10/31/11 $169.60 Different Roads
to Learning
31960 10/31/11 $37.25 Ciro Espinosa
31961 10/31/11 $37.25 Anthony Ettore
9* YOUNG SCIENCE ACHIEVERS STEM INTERVENTION PROGRAM / RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the attached Young Science Achievers STEM Intervention Program at Somerville High School for the 2014-2015 school year to serve as a dropout prevention program for at-risk students.
10* FIELD TRIPS / RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the enclosed request for field trips.
11* TRAVEL EXPENDITURE RESOLUTION / WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that the school district travel expenditures for the attached programs are in compliance with State travel guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and within the guidelines established by the federal Office of Management and Budget; except as superseded by conflicting provision of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes and in compliance with the district policy on travel; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the attendance of the listed number of school board members and district employees at the attached training and informational programs, and the costs of attendance including all registration fees, and statutorily authorized travel expenditures, provided that such expenditures are within the annual maximum travel expenditure amount.
Mr. Chin introduced and moved the adoption of the resolution; Mr. Cornell seconded.
Upon call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Cornell YES Sadin YES
Garot YES Sergile YES
Kerestes YES Chin YES
Prudente YES Olson YES
Puntillo YES *Rehe YES
PERSONNEL / RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve and/or accept the Superintendent’s Recommendations as follows:
(All appointments and salaries subject to verification of documentation.)
Motion by Mr. Kerestes, seconded by Mr. Sergile that K-8 items 1 through 7 be moved, upon recommendation of the Superintendent.
1. ADRIANA WHITE / APPROVE a paid maternity disability leave of absence for Adriana White, teacher at Van Derveer School, effective January 20, 2015 to January 30, 2015 and an unpaid child care leave of absence in accordance with the New Jersey Family Leave Act effective February 2, 2015 to May 1, 2015.