Robert Cassidy President

Victor Tom President

Margarita Kaliviotis President

Kevin Sullivan Pres. Elect

Diana Jarvis Secretary

Joel Berenson Treasurer

Melinda Nicholson Treasurer

Our sponsors who are so generously helping us do what we do

Calendar: August 27 Margarita, MaliHealth Grant


September 3 EVENING MEETING at Flatbread Pizza, 5:00 pm

Guests: The lovely Carolyn Cassidy and our speaker Erica Noyes

Member Milestones: Impossibly youthful Art Smith celebrates his 75th birthday on the 25th!

Flatbread Pizza evening: Flyers for our Flatbread meeting on September 3 are available – that means we want you to spread the word for a successful evening. There will be a “Golden Ticket” hidden with one large pizza and the prize is a Kindle Fire. That’s incentive to eat a LOT of pizza. Raffle prizes include an iPad mini and much more. (The men and women’s raffle teams are certainly raising the ante.) Our Flatbread evening is billed as “Celebrate Back to School” and will be from 5-9 pm on Tuesday, September 3. A portion of each pizza sold will benefit Mali Health.

And segueing right to Mali Health…. Margarita gave us a preview of her talk next week with the great news that the Mali Health Maternity Clinic has opened and the first birth at the clinic has already happened! The grant application is moving along, with just one more signature needed to complete the application.

Bedford Day: Bill couldn’t be here today but that didn’t mean we were off the hook for being reminded that we are all needed on Bedford Day, September 21. As president Bob said, “If you’re somewhere in the United States, you should be there.” Some of us will be elsewhere (like kayaking competitively or being off in England on the Bandey Heffler program…) but we get the point. The truly all hands on deck moments will come between around 11:00 and 1:00 when the orders are fast and furious, but all time slots need good coverage, including the day before, when it would be greatly helpful if those with time can do some of the picking up and purchasing of needed items. Thank you all!

Breakfast with Santa: Christine and Melinda reported that Mark is working on sponsorship levels; Jacqueline Pinney and Interact have done a walk-through of the space and have suggestions; Devon is working on a promotional video to show sponsors.

Thank you from the DG: District Governor Doug Detweiler sent us a letter, post-visit, expressing his pleasure at visiting with the club.

Program: Erica Noyes of Helping Hands, Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, has a history with Rotary – her grandfather was a very active Rotarian in Vermont, and her sister went to New Zealand on a Rotary student exchange program. Now she’s helping people with mobility impairments live fuller lives with the help of specially trained Capuchin monkeys. Since 1979, when Helping Hands was founded, 165 monkeys have been placed; currently there are about 50 active placements, with 8-12 additional monkeys being placed each year with recipients eager to live more independently. Monkeys are raised in “socialization homes” for the first 11-12 years of their lives and then they go to “monkey college” for 3-5 years of training. There is no cost to recipients, despite the $40,000 cost to raise and train each monkey. Helping Hands is supported entirely by donations from foundations and individuals. On September 28 there will be a fundraiser, the “Monkey Helpers’ Annual Food Festivale” at WGBH Studios, One Guest Street, Boston, MA, from 6-9 pm. For more information, visit

Raffles and Happy Dollars: Art won the door prize (happy birthday) and Devon won the ticket for the 50/50 but not the winning card.

Diana is happy to be back from two weeks of vacation and was happy/sad that her daughter is starting school; Devon was celebrating her mom’s birthday (today) and their round-trip kayak adventure between Watertown and Boston AND the fact that her article about Title 9, featuring our own Maureen Sullivan, was printed by the Hanscom Print News Today (to see the story, you can visit ); Kevin was happy to have visited his brother-in-law who was complaining about his golf score but should take a pass because he’s 89; Victor went to New Jersey to help his Rotarian dad celebrate his 91st birthday; Britton was happy to be in Texas last weekend to help celebrate his Rotarian mom’s 75th birthday and was also happy that his daughter has been accepted into a private school; Terry was happy/sad to have dropped off his oldest daughter at college; Andy put in for missing a few meetings and for summer still being here; Patsy was back from vacation and was happy that she spent some time in England with some of the English Rotarians who visited last year on the Bandey-Heffler program. She was even happier that in one week she sold her house and bought a new one! Bob C. was happy his wife was here and very happy that Kevin got here in time for our presentation today (Kevin had to deal with the surprise of equipment being in the wrong place at the wrong time); our AV man Ralph was happy for Kevin’s being there too; Susanna was glad she’ll be seeing Roger Corbin and Larry Carlton (two of our club stalwarts in years past) this Saturday; Art was quite happy to see 75 coming at him; Melinda was happy for our guest Carolyn and for Erica and the Helping Hands program; Christine was happy to have had a great RYLA meeting in Marlborough; Jim put in an extra dollar for Carolyn Cassidy; Bob M. was happy to be a Rotarian, and Debi was happy to fill in for Bill.

The Four Way Test / Let’s Make Up!
1.  Is it the TRUTH?
2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? / Mon
Tues / Chelmsford 12:15 p.m. Radison Hotel; Maynard 6:15 p.m. Payton’s River’s Edge; Reading 12:15 p.m. Peter Sanborn Place; Lexington 12:15 p.m. Waxy O’Connors
Clinton 12:15 p.m. The old Timers Restaurant; Hudson 6:00 p.m. Hudson Portuguese Club; Wellesley 6:30 p.m. Wellesley Community Center; Woburn 12:15 Holiday Inn Select Hotel; Billerica 7:30 a.m. Billerica Marriott Courtyard
Locations verified 12/6/10 / Wed
Fri / Acton-Boxborough 12:15 p.m. Holiday Inn, Boxborough; Restaurant; N. Reading 12:15 Hillview Country Club; Waltham 12:15 p.m. The Chateau Restaurant; Wilmington 12:15 p.m.
Ayer 6:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant; Brookline 12:00 Holiday Inn; Burlington 7:30 a.m. Bickfords; Concord 12:15 p.m. Colonial Inn; Marlboro 12:15 p.m. Coral Seafood; Westford 12:15 p.m. Mangia Mangia; Nashoba Valley 7:15 a.m. Great Brook Farm
Burlington 12:15 p.m. American Legion Hall; Littleton 7:30 a.m. Ken’s Cafe


1956‐57 Glenn Sims

1957‐58 E. Gottschalk

1958‐59 Ron Davis

1959‐60 John Bowen

1960‐61 George Doherty

1961‐62 Frank Hennessey

1962‐63 Robert Mead

1963‐64 Clifford Hughes

1964‐65 Fred Olson

1965‐66 J. Clive Enos

1966‐67 Nathaniel Brown

1967‐68 Donald Drew

1968‐69 Joseph Bruno

1969‐70 Ralph Collins

1970‐71 John Whalen

1971‐72 George Benson

1972‐73 Maurice Nolan

1973‐74 Pat Sciaraffa

1974‐75 Ed Moore

1975‐76 Ed Moore

1976‐77 Winston Bridge

1977‐78 “Syke” Bumann

1978‐79 Matt Tomassian

1979‐80 Peter Kilmartin

1980‐81 Lawrence Carlton

1981‐82 Paul C. Dick

1982‐83 David Valdina

1983‐84 Jack Wilson

1984‐85 Peter Corea

1985‐86 Robert A. Cassidy

1986‐87 Ottfried Weisz

1987‐88 Kenneth W. Luther

1988‐89 John B. Debaun

1989‐90 Kenneth R. Walcott

1990‐91 David J. Rossi

1991‐92 James W. Harrill

1992‐93 Peter Light

1993‐94 Norma A. Barton

1994‐95 Ralph M. Hammond

1995‐96 Holly A. Chaney

1996‐97 Milan W. Jackson

1997‐98 Gregory S. Symko

1998‐99 Florence A. Rossi

1999‐00 Robert M. Kennedy

2000‐01 Heidi A. Pusatere

2001‐02 David R. Hannum

2002‐03 Joel Berenson

2003‐04 William Waite

2004‐05 Meg Packenham

2005‐06 Susanna Natti

2006‐07 Terrence Parker

2007‐08 Lea Ann Knight

2008‐09 Virginia Clerkin

2009‐10 Victor Tom

2010‐11 Cliff Rober

2011-12 Christine Pinney

2012-13 Peter Colgan