Submitted to:

Sri Subbaraya And NarayanaCollege,

Dept., of Computer Science,


Submitted by:

K. Lakshmi Narayana Gupta,


Regd No: y8mc04021.


1) Introduction

2) What is Nano Technology

3) How the idea took up

4) Nano Materials: Strcuctures and Properties

5) Molecular Assembly

6) Super Computing

7) Nano Computer Dream Team(NCDT)

8) Environment

9) Nano Technology MEMS

10)Nano technology in India

11)Nano technology Applications

12)Nano technology Advantages



(1) Introduction:

From converting sunlight into power to clean oceans, to monitor thermal environment, and to sensors in the form of biochips built into the human body performing as lifesavers by self-monitoring and guarding, nanotechnology assures us a lot more.

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Silicon Age, and next what? Never the less to say, we are well in to the Nanotech Age, where materials are just getting smarter day by day. There would be sensors embedded in almost all walks of life.

Scientific discoveries and inventions have in fact propelled man to challenge new frontiers. And with his superior brain, man has been able to deliver most of these goodies. In such research they have been trying to understand the nature and in various disciplines such as physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, etc. The goal has been to simplify our understanding of matter by breaking it into its basic building blocks ranging from atoms, nuclei, and beyond.

Scientists will now like to understand how simple atoms and molecules come together and arrange themselves to form complex systems, such as living cells that make life possible on earth. Scientists and engineers are working round the clock to achieve breakthroughs that could possibly be the answer to human misery. Researches all over the world are busy in exploring these and other possibilities of nanotechnology.

Manufactured products are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange the atoms in coal we can make diamond,insand we can make computer chips &in dirt, water and air we can make potatoes.Almost any manufactured product could be improved, often by several orders of magnitude, if we could precisely control its structure at the molecular level.

Strength-to-weight ratio of diamond is over 50 times that of steel. Yet we do not today have diamond spars in neither airplanes nor diamond hulls for rockets. Today we can't economically make diamond. Even if we could, simple diamond crystals can shatter. We'd have to modify the structure to make it tough and shatter proof: perhaps diamond fibers. While easily done in principle, we can't do this in practice today. Whether it is unclear that the term nanotechnology is also used as “molecular manufacturing.”

(2) What is Nano Technology?

Nanoscience is concerned with nonmaterials that have atleast one of three dimensions of about 1 to 10 nanometers. The word ‘nano’ comes from the Greek word "nanos" meaning ‘dwarf’. The term nano is the factor 10-9 or one billionth. The nano world can be considered as a borderland between the femto world (10-15 m) of nuclie and Pico world (10-12m) of atoms and molecules.

Nanotechnology is that area of science and technology where dimensions and tolerances in the range of 0.1nm to 100 nm play a critical role'. Nanotechnology can best be considered as a 'catch-all' description of activities at the level of atoms and molecules that have applications in the real world. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter that is about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a human hair, or 10 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.Nanotechnology is an anticipated manufacturing technology giving through, inexpensive control of the structure of matter.


Greek philosophers, 2500 years ago were first to worry about divisibility of matter. They enquired whether one can go on dividing material into smaller and smaller parts and reached to a conclusion that there is no limit beyond which one can go. The atoms were assumed to be indivisible particles. It was found out that the properties of materials made of clusters of a few tens to a few thousand atoms are drastically different than normal materials. This conclusion resulted in evolution of Nanoworld.

Nanotechnology was conceived in southern California in 1959, when Nobel Laureate physicist Richard P.Feynman gave a famous lecture at the California Institute of technology in Pasadena. The talk was titled “There’s plenty of room at the bottom” and it outlined the theoretical concept of manipulating atoms to build molecules. At that time, people were quite apprehensive about such a phenomenon, and termed it as near impossible.

To substantiate his claims, Dr Feynman explained that the principles of physics don’t deny the possibility of manipulating things atom by atom-the idea of using small machines to make even tinier machines, and so on down to the atomic level itself. Dr Feynman is therefore credited with being the first person to advance the possibility of molecular assembly, several decades before the invention of atomic force microscopes that would prove his concept possible.

In 1986, Mr. Drexler published engines of creation, which proposed the building of molecular machines, atom by atom, through the use of ‘assemblers’. He also noted the virtually unlimited potential of nanotechnology to construct almost anything.


The Units of Nanotech:

1 millimeter = 1/1000th of a meter

1 micron = 1/1000th of a millimeter

1 nanometer = 1/1000th of a micron.


Properties of materials depend critically on the size of atoms constituting the material. The constituents, nanoparticles can vary from few tens of atom clusters to hundreds to thousands of atoms. The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed, to produce the desired structure. It is challenge for scientists to understand the size, shape, strength, force, motion and other properties while designing nanomachines. The idea of nanotechnology is therefore to master over the characteristics of matter in an intelligent manner to develop highly efficient systems.

For a layman it can be described as follows: if we properly arrange the atoms in coal we can make diamond. If we rearrange the atoms in sand and add a few trace elements we can make silicon chip. However, this is a big challenge to technology as to how to build material in bulk form this way. It will be easy if one can learn through bioscience how the nature does it. Proteins are molecular machines that routinely manipulate individual atoms. Synthesis of building blocks of proteins can provide us an appropriate technology for making nanomaterials in bulk form. Molecular nanotechnology draws on cutting-edge advances in physics, chemistry and biology and computer science to build structures measured in nanometers.

(5) The Molecular Assembly:

The goal of nanotechnology was to produce the first nano size robotic arm capable of manipulating atoms and molecules either into a useful product or copies into itself. One nano –assembler working atom by atom would rather slow because most desirable products are made uptrillions of atoms. This would soon result in a situation where objects would be assembled quickly by trillions of such nano supercomputer controlled assemblers working in parallel.

Why focus on manufacturing from the molecular dimensions? This is because manufacturing is basically a method for arranging atoms. Most methods arrange atoms crudely-even the finest commercial microchips are grossly irregular at the atomic scale, and much of today’s nanotechnology faces the same challenge. The molecular assembly is the answer to this challenge. Once perfected, it will position the molecules, bringing them together to the specific location and at the desired time.Computation is becoming ubiquitous, and advanced nanotechnologies will continue this trend.

Inexpensive:Molecular manufacturing will be inexpensive because it uses small amounts of material and energy, and its costs of capital, land and labour will be low. Capital will be inexpensive because molecular manufacturing systems can be quickly used to build additional molecular manufacturing systems. Land and labour will add little to costs because little of either will be needed.

Energy – efficient: Molecular manufacturing can be energy–efficient because the key feature of its basic productive–mechanisms guiding the motion of molecules using mechanical–systems–imposes no great energy cost. All molecular processes whether in biological systems or chemical processing plants, move molecules to bring them together in new patterns, and molecular machine systems can move molecules more effectively than systems that subject them to fluid drag.

Dream or reality:Whether the concept of molecular assembling is a distant dream or not, only time can say. Development of the ability to design protein molecules will open a path to fabrification of devices to complex atomic specifications, thus overcoming the obstacles facing conventional micro technology. This path will involve construction molecule machinery able to position reactive groups to atomic precision. It could lead to great advances in computational devices and in the ability to manipulate biological materials.

Biologists are a good audience to present molecular nanotechnology (MNT) as they are familiar with the analogues proposed MNT programmable self–replicating machinery tools, possible with atomic precision construction. Chemists and biologists together are in a better position to produce even more complicated self–assembling molecular structures.

(6) Super Computing:

Molecular technology has obvious application to storage and processing of information. In the computer industry, the ability to shrink the size of transistors on silicon microprocessors is already reaching the limits. Nanotechnology will be needed to create a new generation of computer components. Molecular computers could contain storage of devices capable of storing trillions bytes of information in a structure the size of sugar cube.

Moore’s law: Holding ground:

Gordon Moore made a prediction in 1965 that computer processing power or the number of transistors on an integrated chip would double every 18 months. WillMoore’s Law continue to valid? Experts and Moore himself believe that technological breakthroughs are needed if this trend is to continue. To sustain Moore’s Law, transistors must be scaled down to atleast 9 nanometers by around 2016, according to the consortium of International Semiconductor Companies. If this is achieved, future chips will have billions of transistors.

Faster computers and new devices like microscopic sensors. One long–term approach to finding ways to make electronic components smaller is to make them from single molecules. Components made from molecules are likely to be smaller than those made using today’s Integrated Chip(IC) fabrication methods, and they can potentially self-assemble, which would allow for inexpensive manufacturing.

A step forward. Researchers at Purdue University (USA) have taken a step toward molecular components with a method for evaluating room –temperature efficiency of transistors made from molecules. When electronic devices are scaled down to the dimensions of molecules, their behavior often differs radically from their larger counterparts. The researcher’s method makes it possible to understand exactly how a transistor may function and what its limitation are in order to figure out ways around those limitations.

Their method provides a consistent way to evaluate the conductance of different mechanisms in molecular transistors. A single module can be used as semi conductor channel in a field–effect transistor (FET) in three ways;

1). Using an electric field to change the molecule’s conductance, which is how silicon transistors work

2). reversibly changing the molecule’s shape to break contact with electrodes.

3). Changing the molecule’s shape to alter its internal conductance.

All these approaches, however, involve certain trade –offs and are still limited to laboratories.

(7) Nano–computer dream team:

A nanocomputer is a computer whose fundamental components measure only a few nanometers (less than 100 nm). A nanometer is billionth of a meter and spans approximately 10 atomic diameters. Today over 10,000 nanocomputer components can fit in the area of single modern microcomputer component, thereby offering tremendous speed and density.

The nano–computer dream team (NCDT) is a non–profit international organization, utilizing the “WWW”, with the objective of fostering a collaborative environment for the creative development of nanotechnology. The prime objective of the NCDT is to provide a neutral ground on which the evolution of nanotechnology can occur without the obstacle of proprietary and other vested interests.Simulation of nano devices will require an astonishing number of calculations, and as the scale of the devices modeled increase and the precision of the physics calculations improve, the need for computing power is only going to increase. Because of their expense and high demand, supercomputer is a valuable commodity and generally in short supply.

Given this fact, it seems odd that the majority of the world’s computer power sits idle the majority of the time. This is because the vast majority of existing computers are personal computers. A personal computer is only in use when its owner needs it. An office computer may sit completely inactive fro 16 hours a day in the absence of its owner, and the same goes for home computers. Even when it is being used, many computerized tasks such as word processing only take up a fraction of the CPU cycles, so a typical personal computer may use 10 to 15 per cent of its potential power. Such inefficiency deserves to be corrected. The NCDT is currently developing software to create a massive parallel supercomputer based on personal computer linked via the internet.

(8) Environment:

Nanotechnology has the potential to substantially benefit the environment through pollution prevention, treatment and remediation. This would include improved detection and sensing, removal of the finest containments from air, water and soil, and creation of new industrial processes that reduce waste products and are ‘green’. Manufacturing materials using the bottom up method nanotechnology also creates less pollution than conventional manufacturing process.

Clean energy: Global industrialization requires the rapid development of clean energy in order to preserve the clean air we all breathe. And the global energy catalyst markets are huge. For instance, consider Nanostellar, a US–based company that is currently tapping nanotechnology to develop highly efficient platinum nano–composite catalyst solutions to increase the efficiency of automobile catalytic converters and dramatically reduce their cost. This, according to them, in first in a series of nano–composite catalyst products to address the energy catalyst, hydrogen fuel cell, solar power and battery markets.

The flipside:Nanotechnology could also lead to serious environmental problems. It is largely unknown how nanostructure materials, nanoparticles and other related nanotechnologies would interact with other entities already present in the environment. As the use of nanotechnology is scaled up, emissions to the environment may also increase, and perhaps a whole class of toxins or other environmental problems may be created.


Micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) combines computers with tiny mechanical devices such as sensors, valves, gears, and actuators embedded in semiconductor chips. These elements are embedded in the mainframe of the system for carrying out the bigger tasks; they are usually referred to as ‘smart matter’.This smart matter is used as micro information seekers (MIS). Since micro information seekers are minute and are termed as ‘motes’, motes are wireless computers small enough to be integrated into anything to create robust wireless networks.

(10) Nano technology in India:

India Nano is a global forum for academic, corporate, government and private labs, entrepreneurs, investors, Ips, joint ventures, service providers and start–up ventures. This initiative will support long term nano–scale research and development leading to potential breakthroughs in such areas as materials and manufacturing, nanoelectronics, medicine and healthcare, environment, energy, chemicals, biotechnology, agriculture, information technology and national security. The effect of nanotechnology on the health, wealth and lives of people could be at least as significant as the combined influences of microelectronics, medical imaging, computer–aided engineering and man –made polymers developed in the previous century.



Tiny, molecular computers are becoming more and more feasible, and may do to silicon what transistors did to vacuum tubes. Across the world, universities and institutions are making advances in nano-technology that could shatter today's concept of electronics. Most computer-chip manufacturers are trying to build processors and other components at 100-billionths of a meter, or 100 nanometers i.e. 100 nanometers being the distance between each transistor.

One such rumor is of a molecular device capable of functioning as RAM in a nano-computer. A near-term application in 2-5 years might be a DVD-like movie stored in a space half the size of today's semiconductor chips.

Nanotech's goal is a device called a Universal Assembler that takes raw atoms in one side and delivers consumer goods out the other. In 10-20 years, however, supercomputers might be the size of calculators and modern mainframe computer could fit into a cubic micron, a volume far smaller than that of a single human cell as assembler-based manufacturing will enable the construction of extremely small computers.


Patients in the future may drink fluids containing nanorobots, which directly attack the location to be cured. There are some nonmaterials whose molecular structure changes sharply with temperatures. They can be heated to form one shape and then cooled to form a second shape. Before surgery these stents are cooled and compressed and after insertion into the body expand under body heat.

Nanomedicine can be defined as monitoring, control, construction, repair, defense and improvement of human biological systems, working from the molecular level, using nanodevices and nanostructures. It is now possible to tag drugs with nanoparticles and arrange the delivery of drug to the desired location.Onthe medical front, doctors claim that around the year 2020 there would be no unanticipated illness.


In a few decades from now, your car will know the freeway conditions on your favorite route to home. The GPS installed would take the easiest route possible and the computer system would calculate the instantaneous speed and history of every vehicle between you and your destination, as well as the ones that are likely to get on the freeway. The car could be set on auto mode, allowing you to read your favorite novel. On the auto mode, the car would be smart enough to avoid any collision with other vehicles and take safety measures if you happen to doze off.