Information Technology (IT) Leadership Award
Process and Criteria
The IT Leadership Award is part of a continuing effort to develop, encourage, and support IT Leadership at The University of Iowa. This annual award is co-sponsored by The University of Iowa CIO and the UI IT Leadership Development Team (LDT). Nominations will be accepted annually during the spring semester and awarded by the Chief Information Officer during the Tech Forum.
The objectives of the award are to:
· Provide public recognition to an IT staff member who exhibits IT leadership as defined by the criteria outlined below.
· Highlight the importance of IT leadership to the University of Iowa community.
Nominees for this award must have IT responsibilities and exhibit exemplary performance that has delivered measurable results in one or more of the following four areas:
ü Engagement
o How engaged was the nominee in the IT community?
o How does the individual promote and leverage working relationships with peers?
o What was the level of engagement and impact to projects and individual work?
ü Impact
o How has the nominee impacted:
§ other individuals through mentoring, coaching or other activities?
§ community-wide IT projects?
§ their work unit?
§ their department?
§ the campus as a whole?
o Has the nominee shown leadership through external groups? (Examples: CIC, EDUCAUSE, user groups, etc.) If so, how?
o How has the nominee used leadership influence to improve processes, initiatives or services?
ü Initiative
o Was the individual assigned this leadership role or did they voluntarily assume it?
o How did the nominee build buy-in for an idea or project?
ü Professional growth through individual leadership development
o How has the nominee grown as a leader?
o How has the nominee’s leadership attributes, such as influence and presence, improved?
IT Leadership Award Nomination Form
Nominee Name:____________________________________ Title:_______________________________
Department:_______________________________________ UI Address: _________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Supervisor: __________________________________________________________________
Nominator Name:___________________________________ Title:______________________________
Department:_______________________________________ UI Address: ________________________
Email address: ________________________________________________________________________
Campus phone number:______________________________
Provide a brief (1-2 paragraphs) description of the nominee’s current position:
Nomination Proposal (Provide a brief description, 500 words or less, of why the nominee should win the IT Leadership Award as demonstrated by: Engagement, Impact, Initiative and Professional Growth; links to supporting web site examples may be provided):
Supervisor Support
By my signature below, I support the nomination of the above named staff member.
Supervisor Signature:________________________________________________________