on TUESDAY 16th JUNE 2009 at 7.00pm
PresentCllr T Batchelder Deputy Mayor of Wilton in the chair
Cllr T Abbott
Cllr Mrs B Belk
Cllr Mrs J Griffin
Cllr I Seviour
In AttendanceMrs A C PurvesTown Clerk
Mrs C MatthewsLocum Minute Secretary
Also Present3 members of the public (Mr P Edge, Mr I Lindsay, Mr D McLean)
ApologiesCllr A Kinsey, Mayor of Wilton
51 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2009 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record. (prop Cllr T Batchelder, sec Cllr I Seviour, all in favour)
52To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001
None were declared.
53Matters Arising from the Full Council meeting
The Police Report was circulated. Items discussed were:
The report on speeding only included average speeds, not highest and lowest speeds. The Clerk was asked to obtain the information from the police.
Cllr Beattie (Wiltshire Council) should be copied in on correspondence regarding the requests for double yellow lines, where they might be most effective and where the restrictions are being flouted after 8pm.
The old school notification signs along Wishford Road should be removed and replaced with priority signs, giving priority to northward bound traffic at the railway bridge in Wishford Road.
The sequencing of the traffic lights has been unsatisfactory since damage to one light was repaired.
Cllr J Griffin volunteered to oversee the CRB checks issue regarding volunteers for leading sporting activities in the summer. Clerk to advise PCSO Lydia Waterman and Jenni Bertram of Wiltshire Youth.
Neighbourhood Watch has been set up on the Bulbridge estate following antisocial behaviour by minors.
Standing orders were suspended
Copy of a letter from Mr D McLean had been previously circulated.
Mr D McLean (resident of Shaftesbury Road) spoke to raise his concerns about speeding along the A30 Ugford approach to Wilton, an area not covered by recent speed checks.
Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting - Tuesday 16th June 2009
He also inquired about weight restrictions on HGVs. (Cllr Seviour noted there had been a decrease since last year of HGVs using the A30 through Wilton).
He wished to see a footpath that followed the hedgeline by the road rather than the present diagonal route in the field to link Wilton to Ugford. (Cllr Abbott said if this field were considered for future expansion of the cemetery, the plan could include such a path.)
He also spoke of the hazards caused by the traffic island on the A30 between the Shortlands and Victoria Road junctions.
Standing Orders resumed
Members resolved to ask the Clerk to contact the Burcombe Parish Clerk and organise a meeting comprising of local Highways officials, the police, the two Clerks and if possible, Cllr. Beattie and one or two Parish and Town councillors to see what was feasible. It was thought that a speed check outside the 30mph limit should be undertaken in the first instance to establish the extent of the problem, if any.
a)A schedule of accounts dated 16th June 2007 in the sum of £1988.59 was approved forpayment (prop Cllr T Batchelder, sec Cllr T Abbott, unanimous)
b)The Town Clerk advised members of the bank balances as at the end of May.
The valuations by Woolley and Wallis of the Council buildings and contents were near the figure for the insurance valuation, so the insurance premiums are realistic, and do not need to be reviewed for the next five years.Cllr T Abbott expressed the view that the value of the Cemetery buildings did seem high in comparison to other buildings.
55To review other ongoing matters:-
- Creation of a website– This is now live, and the Clerk will be uploading information as soon as possible. Mrs Purves was also able to advise that the manual updating of the cemetery records will be undertaken by Mr and Mrs John Harris of the Wiltshire Family History Society.
- Parish Stewards - Cllr I Seviour asked members to notify him of items to go on the Parish Stewards’ worksheet.
- Parish Council Newsletter - this was being held back until news about the planning permission for the new pavilion had been received.
Standing Orders were suspended
- Use of Castle Meadow by the football clubs –
Mr P Edge and Mr I Lindsay representing Wilton Town Football Club circulated the club’s current programme showing good support from local businesses. Mr Lindsay spoke of the club’s future prospects and hopes for expansion. Mr Edge said the club currently uses the pitch on Saturdays and Sundays during the football season. Mr Lindsay reported ongoing problems with dog fouling and pavilion maintenance. He was given permission to try methods to improve the cleanliness and status of the pitch. He also wishes to have summer football coaching sessions for children on the Castle Meadow pitch, subject to availability. The Town Clerk and Cllr T Batchelder will investigate his complaints regarding the pavilion.
Standing orders resumed
Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting - Tuesday 16th June 2009
56To review the Town Council’s risk assessment and management criteria
There has been no update to the risk assessment for five years. The Town Clerk will include a section marked Personnel under which arrangements for the temporary replacement for Town Clerk will be drawn up. Other updates will also be added.
57Chairman’s Report
Cllr T Batchelder reported that the ash tree in Castle Lane had been lopped down to the root and enquired whether members knew of any Tree Preservation Order on it. On investigating the plans, no TPO could be identified.
58Town Clerk’s Report
Nothing to report.
59To confirm the date of the next F&GPC meeting
Tuesday 21st July 2009 at 7.00pm at the Council Chamber.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.
Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting - Tuesday 16th June 2009