Office / Addl. Suptt. Engineer/DS, Division PSPCL Goraya
Tender Specification No. / 01/2015-16
Issuing Authority / Addl. Suptt. Engineer/DS, Division PSPCL Goraya
Address / Addl. S.E./DS, Division PSPCL Goraya
Place / Goraya
Short Description / Hiring of One No. Diesel Single cabin pick up-Balero, Tata 207 or equivalent, Two nos. Diesel double cabin pick up-Balero, Tata 207 or equivalent (Model should not be older than 03 years).
Tender Publication
Eligibility Criteria / As per term & conditions attach
Starting Date of Sale of Tender
Last Date of Sale of Tender / Date Time / 10/09/2015 01:00 P.M.
Last Date for bid submission / Date Time / 10/09/2015 01:00 P.M.
Pre Bid Meet Date
Bid Opening / Date Time / 11/09/2015 03:00 P.M.
Document Cost / Rs. 500/-
Payment Mode / Demand Draft or Cash / BA 16 Receipt
Payment in favour of / Addl. S.E. (op) PSPCL Goraya
EMD / Demand Draft or Cash or Bank Guarantee / Rs. 24000/- BA 16 Receipt
Contact / Mob.: 9646116033
URL for Additional Information /
Addl. Suptt.Engineer/DS,
Division, P.S.P.C.L. Goraya.
Sealed quotations (In duplicate) are invited for hiring of two no.s double doors (for Sub-Urban Goraya and Phillaur Sub Division), one no. Single door (for City Goraya Sub Division) to be used for various works related with distribution organization in Punjab as per following schedule:-
· For double door, Monthly fixed charges for first 2000 KMs of run per month (maximum admissible rate being Rs. 26400/- per month) and above 2000 KMs admissible rate being Rs. 4.90/- per KMs.
· For single door, Monthly fixed charges for first 1000 KMs of run per month (maximum admissible rate being Rs. 19300/- per month) and above 1000 KMs admissible rate being Rs. 4.90/- per KMs.
The bidder can offer rebate on above said maximum admissible rates.
Tender documents containing required terms and conditions are available with this officer and the same can be obtained against the payment of Rs. 500/- on any working days as given below:-
1. Last date and time for issue of tender documents 10/09/2015 upto 1:00 P.M.
2. Last date and time for receipt of quotations 10/09/2015 upto 1:00 P.M.
3. Date and time of opening of quotations 11/09/2015 upto 3:00 P.M.
Addl. Suptt.Engineer/DS,
Division, P.S.P.C.L. Goraya.
1. Only light commercial vehicle (LCV) should be used with yellow name plate entry of the same must be in R.C.
2. The vehicle can be hired for maximum period of 05 years or upto the age of 05 years from the date of purchase of vehicle.
3. At the time of hiring, vehicle should not be more than 02 years old.
4. Tool tax wherever paid shall be reimbursed as per actual.
5. Rate may be changed by five paisa per KM run for ever increase or decreased, as the case may be, in the rate of diesel by rupee one taking Rs. 40.77 per meter as the base price.
6. It is compulsory one notice if the vehicle may be withdrawn and vice versa.
Addl. Suptt.Engineer/DS,
Division, P.S.P.C.L. Goraya.