Present : John Mayne [Chair], Paul Bullivant, Elaine Hicks, Mary Welsh [Minutes], Sarah Cemlyn, Alex Mills, Fi Hance, Dennis Broe, Jenny Broe, Sarah McMurchie, Martin Weitz, Jon Gulson, Doug Reid, Maija Lawrence

  1. CHAIRS WELCOME: welcome to new member Maija Lawrence
  1. APOLOGIES: Sarah Tyler, Steve Perry, David Cemlyn, Kerry McCleod, Jenny Morris, Kevin Coughlan
  1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING on 7.7.15: Dennis Broe (DB) noted that his wife, Jenny Broe (JB) ’s apology for absence at that meeting hadn’t been recorded, otherwise minutes approved.

It was suggested by Paul Bullivant (PB) and agreed by the committee that items shouldn’t remain on the Matters Arising list if they are inactive or of low priority. By omitting such items in future, unless they become active again, this should avoid an agenda that just repeats an old checklist.

4.1 Planting on Melita Road ongoing- Fi Hance (FH) has been chasing but nothing definite yet from Helen Humphries, TreeBristol Officer, re pupils from Sefton Park School planting trees.

4.2 Update on Bye Laws- FH reported that the update is due out on 7th September and will forward on to us. (take off future matters arising)

4.3 Upgrade to gates/fences in dog free area – still no action yet on replacing gates with self-closing ones and ensuring no gaps under which dogs could get. Mary Welsh (MWel) will write to Sarah Tyler again to ask if she can chase this up. (take off future matters arising)

4.4 Proposed application to fund signs re control of dogs – FH’s name was by this agenda item but looking at previous minutes it was signs to the toilets that she was looking into, not signs re dogs; Martin Weitz (MW) wasn’t present at this point to comment if he’d taken this any further.

(there wasn’t a 4.5 on the agenda)

4.6 RHS Park Award Scheme and recent inspections: park was inspected on 20/07/15 by Ian Murphy from It’s Your Neighbourhood (part of South West in Bloom award scheme) and on 21.7.15 by RHS judges. JM, Sarah Tyler, Alex Mills [AM] and Alison Griffies attended. No decision for some time yet as judging doesn’t finish until December though very favourable remarks from the RHS judges. (take off future matters arising)

4.7 Use of BBQs and correspondence with the Co-op – buying dept have replied that they can no longer stock BBQs with built in stands as they were deemed “not fit for purpose” – they claim them to be unstable and say they wouldn’t prevent scorching of the grass as they only sit 1-1.5 inches above the grass…the committee felt that these 2 claims were dubious and agreed that JM and PB should have a test BBQ on the one with stands that JM had purchased and take photos of the results, then to write back to Co-op.

4.8 Redland/Cotham/Bishopston Neighbour Partnership Green Treasure Hunt – on-going until 13th September; the ‘treasure’ in the park is a mosaic in the tree by the pond and stamps for the trail are available at the café and hanging off the bicycle-in-bloom. (take off future matters arising)

4.9 Melita/Effingham Rds street party – 12th September; Jenny Morris (JMor) setting up info table re park in the afternoon; MW has newspaper cuttings and photos that he’ll get laminated and pass to JB, DB has some photos; all this info re park to be kept in one place at end of the day for future use, request that Jenny keep hold of it all if happy to do so.

  1. REPORT FROM SARAH TYLER [ST] BCC- this report was passed around those present at the meeting. It included items on paddling pool, damaged post and gate by pool, stone wall repairs Melita Rd boundary, park repairs, H &S training, grounds maintenance, toilets & netball post, relocation of notice board and directional sign for toilets.

See FOSAP website for further information.

Items that generated discussion:

- paddling pool – was due to be closed from 1st September but as this month is predicted to have good weather Mickey is seeing if this date can be extended; Fi will also email the council.

- notice board a main park entrance on Effingham Rd is right behind the hedge and difficult to get to; committee agreed to relocate a little further back into the park in the clear concreted area behind it, but not too close to the other notice board that already exists there. MW decide on exact site and report back to JM who will let Sarah Tyler know to go ahead.

- directional sign for toilets to be placed at Leopold Rd end of park – Sarah’s costing was £710; MW will get another quote before we say yes to that; could the money come from Neighbourhood Partnership but if so may not be available until next year.

(there wasn’t an item 6 on the agenda)


7.1 Our new MP Thangham Debonnaire expressed interest in attending one of our meetings – PB emailed her to say she’s welcome but no response as yet; no further action for now in view of her current health issues.

7.2 Parks Ground Maintenance: PB, Kevin Coughlan and Steve Perry conducted their Monday morning monitoring of the park and report “pretty reasonable standards”. Paul has written a report summarising which will go to ST at the council. We are to retain Mickey and he is apparently to take over the grass cutting again.

At this point the chair’s report was paused so that Sarah Cemlyn could deliver her Play Area Convenor’s report as she had to leave early – she reported there are drainage issues at the lower end and is liaising with the Parks team re this; she also wondered if the play area could be extended a little toward the paddling pool but noted that parents should be consulted if any changes are proposed. She also noted there is no provision for disabled children and wonders if we should be addressing this, as in Canford Park North. SC thanked us for accommodating her discussing her report out of sequence.

7.3 UWE/Bristol Parkhive project offering training in social media to local groups: Sarah McMurchie, AM and Kerry McCleod are still interested but no training has happened yet, should be in autumn. Jon Gulson (JG) also expressed interest. AM will chase and report back at our next meeting. SC has decided not to get involved at this stage.

7.4 Proposed works at Effingham Rd/Grenville Rd junction: FH reports this is going ahead.

8. TREASURER’S REPORT – Nothing to report.

9. SECRETARY’S REPORT –Nothing to report.


  • Antisocial behaviour (SM): been relatively quiet
  • Appearance (JMor): JMor not present; Martin reported a general feeling that the flowering meadows have seemed less colourful, less varied and less long-lasting, also more weeds. Discussed whether a different seed mix was used or whether the ground needs feeding –MW will discuss with the horticulturalist at the council, Teija Ahjokoski.
  • Bristol Parks Forum (JM) – meeting to be held 10th October, JM to attend with Jo Corke
  • Dog Issues (MWel) - signs and extra dog poo bags have been located around the Park, 2 of the 4 signs have disappeared but the other 2 remain on 2 poo bins; MWel has supplied the poo bags up to now and reported quite frequent replacement of the bags. General sense that dog poo seems less of a problem lately so committee agreed to fund bulk buy of bio-degradable bags – MWel will order and send invoice for £45 (for 1200 bags on rolls) to treasurer and will monitor how often the bags need replacing and how long this stock lasts.
  • Graffiti (DR) – 2 pieces of graffiti noted, one on a tree and one on back of a bench which PB has reported to ST.
  • Play area (SC) - see above
  • Publicity (MW) - Nothing to report
  • Recycling and litter (JG) - Nothing to report
  • Social and Arts (AM) – annual ceilidh at St Barts likely to be Jan/Feb 2016.

Neighbourhood Partnership Community Fair will be held 19th September at St Michael & All Angels, Pigsty Hill; AM unable to attend, JB offered to help do a stall if another person could do it with her.

  • Wildlife (JC/SR) – No report

11. NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNERSHIPS – currently we’re in the Bishopston, Cotham and Redland Neighbourhood Partnership, but this will change next April following the Boundary changes. The park will then be in the new Ashley Ward, which will include parts of St Paul, St Andrews, Montpelier and St Werburghs, and this may affect future bids from the Wellbeing Fund.

12. AOB –

12.1 - PB suggested it’s time we produced another newsletter, reporting on the past year and looking to the year ahead. For discussion at October meeting, could go on website and be e-sent to FoSAP members, could go into Bishopston Matters and could also consider a leaflet drop to the streets near the park.

12.2 – some young trees are outgrowing their metal constraints which will need removing – JM will notify ST.

12.3 – Vince from Ashley Down Brewery introduced himself and invited members to tasting on 19th September from 5.00 pm – 9.30 pm in Wathen Rd and mentioned plans for expansion of the brewery.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING 13th October 2015, 7.30pm at Derby Road Bowling Club.

Future Meetings with minute takers. Please note dates in your diaries and calendars .

Tues 13.10.15 – Jo Corke

Wed 02.12.15 – short committee meeting and Xmas social – Paul Bullivant

Tue 12.01.16 – Sarah Cemlyn

Wed 24.02.16 – Simon Randolph

Tue 12.04.16 – AGM & Committee meeting – Steve Perry

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