Impact of switching from Busilvex® 4 daily infusions

to once daily administration scheme

Clinician interview guide

Hospital: ______

Hospital status:  Public Private

Hospital type:  University hospital

 Other please specify: ______

Location: ______

Activity overview

Q1- How many adultpatients receive an allo HSCT in the department (yearly*)?

|___|___|___| Patients per year

* 2010 data

What proportion of this population receives a conditioning therapy with Busilvex®?

|___|___| %

What proportion of this population receives BuFlu once daily administration scheme protocol?

|___|___| %

Do you use a BuFlu protocol as:

 Myelo Ablasive Chemotherapy /  Reduced Intensity Chemotherapy

You can tick both boxes

When did you switch from Busilvex®4 daily infusions scheme to once daily scheme?

|___|___| / |___|___|___|___|


Could you describe current and previous* administration schemes with Busilvex® in adult patients receiving an allo HSCT?

* before switching to Busilvex® once daily administration scheme

Fill table 1 and 2with current and previous protocols used for MAC and RIC respectively. In case Busilvex® should be used in your centre for only MAC or RIC, fill the appropriate table.

Table 1

Drugs / Daily dose / Number of administrations per day / Duration of treatment / % of patients
Current protocol (1 infusion daily) /  MAC
 RIC / Busilvex® / |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days / |___|___|%
______/ |___|___| mg/m² / |___| per day / |___| days
Protocol (4 infusions daily) /  MAC
 RIC / Busilvex® / |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days / |___|___|%
______/ |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days

Table 2

Drugs / Daily dose / Number of administrations per day / Duration of treatment / % of patients
Current protocol (1 infusion daily) /  MAC
 RIC / Busilvex® / |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days / |___|___|%
______/ |___|___| mg/m² / |___| per day / |___| days
Protocol (4 infusions daily) /  MAC
 RIC / Busilvex® / |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days / |___|___|%
______/ |___|___| mg/kg / |___| per day / |___| days

Does the population of patients receiving Busilvex®once daily differs from the population who was receiving Busilvex® 4 daily infusions scheme?

Note: investigate patient’s profile, main diagnosis, age…




Could you estimatethe average length of stay associated with the conditioning therapy, prior to the allo HSCT?

Fill appropriate boxesaccording to current and previous protocols used for MAC and RIC respectively. In case Busilvex® should be used in your centre for only MAC or RIC, fill the appropriate box.

protocol / Current
MAC / |___|___| days / |___|___| days
RIC / |___|___| days / |___|___| days

* before switching to Busilvex® once daily administration scheme

Do you use other conditioning therapy prior to allo-HSCT?

 Yes No

If yes, specify :

Population / Reasons to choose this alternative
 Other chemo protocol please specify:
______ / ______
______/ ______
 Radiotherapy please detail protocol:
______ / ______
______/ ______

Busilvex® perception

Q2- Could you rate your overall perception of Busilvex® once daily infusion scheme compared with Busilvex®4 daily infusions scheme?


0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 10


Lower ratingHigher rating

Rating is expressed in terms of once daily infusion scheme versus a 4 daily infusion scheme


0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 10


Lower ratingHigher rating

Rating is expressed in terms of once daily infusion scheme versus a 4 daily infusion scheme


0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 10


Lower ratingHigher rating

Rating is expressed in terms of once daily infusion scheme versus a 4 daily infusion scheme

Switch from Busilvex®4 infusions daily scheme to Busilvex®once daily infusion scheme

Q3- In your organisation, who was key decision maker(s) to switch fromBusilvex® 4 daily infusions to Busilvex® once daily infusion scheme?

 Yourself

 Other please specify: ______



In your organisation, who influenced the decision maker(s) to introduceBuFlu once daily?

 Nobody else except the decision maker
 Nurses /  Pharmacists
 Other please specify: ______

Q4- What are, from your point of view, the drivers and barriers to switch from Busilvex®4 daily infusions toBusilvex®once daily infusion scheme?

Note: Completethe following table in the order of importance: 1 is the most important / 3 is the least important

Drivers / Barriers
1: / 1:
2: / 2:
3: / 3:

How did the switch impact organisation in the department?


Q5- Before switching, could you detail a ‘usual’ patient management?

Note: detail here the process to manage the 4 infusions





How many persons in the department were involved in the preparation/administration of Busilvex® and patient follow-up/supervision?

During the week
Preparation / Administration / Follow-up/supervision
 Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE

FTE: Full time equivalent

During the week-end
Preparation / Administration / Follow-up/supervision
 Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE

FTE: Full time equivalent

Q6- Before the switch, for an ‘average’ patient, could you describe the process and time spent by yourself for:

- Busilvex® administration

Note: specify the basis (per patient per day, per infusion…)

Time spent
Detail tasks / During the week / During the week-end
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Pharm.
 Nurse
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______

-Patients’ follow up and supervision

Note: specify the basis (per patient per day, per infusion…)

Time spent
Detail tasks / During the week / During the week-end
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Pharm.
 Nurse
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______

How did the switch impact organisation in the department?


Q7- After switching to the once daily infusion scheme, could you detail a ‘usual’ patient management?





How many persons in the department are involved in the preparation/administration of Busilvex® and patient follow-up/supervision?

During the week
Preparation / Administration / Follow-up/supervision
 Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE

FTE: Full time equivalent

During the week-end
Preparation / Administration / Follow-up/supervision
 Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE
______|___|___|FTE /  Yourself |___|___|FTE
/ Another physician
 Nurse |___|___|FTE
 Pharmacist |___|___|FTE
 Other please specify: ______|___|___|FTE

FTE: Full time equivalent

Q8- After the switch, for an ‘average’ patient, can you describe the process and time spent by yourself for each task for:

- Busilvex® administration

Note: specify the basis (per patient per day, per infusion…)

Time spent
Detail tasks / During the week / During the week-end
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Pharm.
 Nurse
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______

-Patients’ follow up and supervision

Note: specify the basis (per patient per day, per infusion…)

Time spent
Detail tasks / During the week / During the week-end
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Pharm.
 Nurse
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______
Who? / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion / |___|___| mns /  per patient
 per day
 per infusion
 Yourself / Another Physician
 Nurse / Pharmacist
 Other please specify: ______


Q9- Can you detail, if any, the impact on safety of useduring Busilvex® administration?(Events avoided during drug preparation and their occurrence (estimate if possible) with a once daily scheme versus 4 daily infusions)






Q10- Can you detail the impact on patient safety during Busilvex®administration?(describe events avoided if any and the difference in occurrence rates (estimate if possible))






If not mentioned, ask whether the switch from Busilvex® 4 infusion daily to once daily reduced the occurrence of :

- Transplant Reduced Mortality (TRM)

- Venous Occlusive Disease (VOD)

- Infections


Q11- How do you perceive the impact of the switch on patients’ comfort?

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 10


Lower Quality of lifeBetter Quality of life

Rating is expressed in terms of once daily infusion scheme versus a 4 daily infusion scheme


Q12- Could you detail, if any, other impacts generated by the switch from Busilvex®4 daily infusions to Busilvex®once daily infusion scheme?

Note: Investigate Medical Resources Used (MRU), …





Thank you for your time.
