Classification, keys and adaptation
Levels 3 - 6
1. The five main groups of vertebrate animals are:fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
(a)Which sentence is true? Tick the correct box.
1 mark
(b)Megatherium was a large mammal. It is now extinct.The drawing shows what scientists think Megatherium looked like.
(i)How can you tell, from the drawing, that Megatherium was a mammal?
...... 1 mark
(ii)Give one other way that mammals are different from other vertebrate animals.
...... 1 mark
(c)(i)To which group of vertebrates does the frog belong?
...... 1 mark
(ii)Give one way the frog is adapted for jumping.
...... 1 mark
(iii)Give one way the frog is adapted for moving about in water.
...... 1 mark
(d)The drawing to the right shows some frog’s eggs. The female frog lays her eggs in water.
Give one reason why the eggs must be laid in water......
...... 1 mark
2. The drawings show five different lichens which grow on rocks or trees.
Identify lichens A, C and D using the key below.
1.The lichens grow on tree bark...... Go to 2
The lichens grow on rocks ...... Go to 4
2.They grow flat against the surface ...... Parmelia subrudecta
They have branches which
grow away from the surface...... Go to 3
3.They have long dangling branches ...... Usnea
They have short branches ...... Evernia
4.They are bright orange ...... Xanthoria
They are pale grey-green ...... Parmelia saxatilis
The name of Lichen A is ......
The name of Lichen C is ......
The name of Lichen D is ...... Maximum 3 marks
3. Head lice are insects which cling onto a person’s hair.
(a)The drawing below shows a head louse.
20 × actual size
Which part, labelled on he drawing, does the head louse use to cling onto a hair?
…………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………1 mark
(b)Head lice lay eggs and stick them to hairs. Each egg has an egg case around it.
case with head louse egg insideempty egg case20 × actual size
(i)Why must the egg cases be stuck firmly to the hairs?
...... 1 mark
(ii)Special shampoos kill head lice after they hatch out.
Why is it difficult to kill head lice before they hatch out?
...... 1 mark
(c)Cat fleas are insects that live on the skin of a cat and suck the cat’s blood.
The drawing below shows a cat flea.
20 × actual size
Draw a line from each fact about the cat flea to the way it helps the flea to survive. Draw only three lines.
fact about the cat fleaway it helps the flea to survive
•so that it can suck a cat’s blood
It has long legs. ••so that it can jump from one cat to another
It has a narrow body. ••so that it can move easily through a cat’s fur
It has a pointed mouth. ••so that it can keep warm 3 marks
(d)Many insects have parts of the body which cat fleas do not have. What are these parts called?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 mark
4. Codling moths lay eggs on apple trees. The caterpillars of the codling moth feed on apples.
The diagram below shows the life cycle of codling moths.
not to scale
Apple growers use special traps to catch male codling moths.
The traps contain a chemical which female moths produce to attract male moths.
(a)(i)Explain why trapping male moths may result in fewer caterpillars the next year.
...... 1 mark
(ii)Some apple growers spray their trees with insecticide to kill moths. Other apple growers disagree with this method of control. Suggest two reasons for not using insecticides.
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2 marks
(b)The female moth lays large numbers of eggs. Suggest why this is necessary.
...... 1 mark
(c)When the caterpillars are fully grown, they crawl into tiny spaces under the bark of the trees. The caterpillars stay under the bark during the winter and then change into pupae.
(i)Suggest why more caterpillars and pupae survive when they are under the bark.
...... 1 mark
(ii)Some apple growers wrap bands of folded cardboard around the trunks of appletrees, as shown below. Caterpillars crawl into the folds. The cardboard is removedduring the winter and destroyed.
Suggest one way in which this helps to protect the next year’s apples from damageby caterpillars of codling moths.
...... 1 mark