Regular City Council Meeting 7.17.17

The regular city council meeting for the City of Neola opened at 5:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Pro Tem Joe Munchwas present along with city council membersEthan Matthews and Karla Pogge. Clint Fichter,Greg Heine, Jeremy Vanarsdol, Paul Ward, Eric Wingertand Heidi Erwinwere also in attendance.

Motion to approve the agenda made by Matthews and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Motion to approve the consent agenda including minutes from regular 5/15/17council meeting, Fire Department meeting minutes from 6/5/17, claims and payroll, financials,Pott. Co. Sherriff’s monthly report, Erwin attending Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference 9/27/17-9/29/17 in Davenport, housing application for John & Amanda Williams for 307 5th St and building permit for Cook Bros LLC at Lot 20 Mulberry Circle made by Munch and seconded by Matthews. All in favor.

Motion to approve first reading of Ordinance 2017-2 on Randy Rings property boundary issue made by Pogge and seconded by Matthews. Roll call vote: Matthews’s ayes, Munch ayes and Pogge ayes. Second reading of Ordinance 2017-2 will be 8/21/17.

Motion to approve Resolution# 17-0717 Accepting the Work for Alley Improvements made by Pogge and seconded by Matthews. All in favor.

Motion to approve to have Fichter draw up a total easement for Brett Susie on Parcel# 774224401003 for a $50.00 fee approved by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Motion to approve electric report from P&E Engineering with addendum to Al Powers getting information that IA West needs approved by Munch and seconded by Matthews. All in favor. Discussion on the electric rates, no motion made will further discuss on 8/21/17.

Motion to approve Feedlot Service Company’s bid to remove a tree at 110 4th St. for $1,000.00 made by Pogge and seconded by Matthews. All in favor.

Motion to approve Fichter getting a scope of work and send out to an engineer for the water drainage and irrigation for the park made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All approved.

Motion to approve authorization for Fichter to apply for REAP grant for the park trails and the City will contribute matching funds made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Motion to approve getting two scopes of work one for the approach and one for the curve for the entrance at Mulberry Circle made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor. Frank Cook also commented on how the entrance damages vehicles.

Motion to approve running an ad in the Gazette to fill vacancy by appointment for the Mayor position and accept applications until August 16, 2017 made by Pogge and seconded by Matthews. All in favor.

No public comments.

Employee Reports: Ward reported that there are 11 EMT’s and 2 that are thinking about going to school to be paramedics. Heine reported that there were some bumps in town that were milled off. Wingert reported that he just has 5th St left to replace the lights. Vanarsdol reported that the water tower is shut down until the painting is completed and Neola is running off of well water until then and on July 26thSUEZ will start cleaning the inside of the tower. Erwin presented a report on utilities from last month. There were 98 delinquent letters, 31 red tags and one shut off.

Elected Official Comments: Pogge suggested trimming the bushes by the Neola sign. Munch asked about available lots for possible new construction homes.

Motion to adjourn made by Matthews and seconded by Pogge. All in favor. Meeting officially adjourned at 6:46 pm.

Heidi Erwin